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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《词汇选项》精选题(10)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)+ I8 G8 |+ w# ~6 O% W% {! \3 w
  下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。答案一律涂在答题卡相应的位置上。8 R' x0 l8 ~0 F3 B: n
  1 It is obvious that he will win the game.
+ G( |7 B9 i1 Q. l) y% r  P+ l  A likely2 p1 V- h% S) [
  B possible1 w' Z* T. g: t$ F1 ^& \, R7 D
  C clear
, d1 p: U" B# ~9 b  D strange) F7 q6 E3 G  ^; o
  2 There is no risk to public health.
$ i7 g4 v' o% u  A point
& n6 k& d2 `4 O( S: [% w  B danger- t% A% h. }3 m
  C chance   
: \* B( _% D1 V; a  D hope 6 m8 H8 n5 y, D, d3 {

: F2 R( \0 _6 W) d  3 Did anyone call me when was out?
0 l9 f0 j, G+ d+ N' \/ g  A invite
  J$ s  [' l* X0 K1 j  C answer: Q, Q  x4 k5 L2 z
  B name
) i3 O7 B4 w; G; _& {; Z& h6 O( o" V; H  D phone5 L, f3 F# I- Z3 J$ r9 c" ~
  4 It took us along time to mend the house
7 u" o9 N' {+ `4 D$ G9 M' }2 P9 D* G  A build
0 o1 s" k% \& B  B destroy
% K, W' S1 F" P- M  C design 3 n2 A( e* Z1 l5 J; e
  D repair
1 l2 ^6 C5 `2 \2 ]4 W* D" e  5 I don’t quite follow what she is saying.
7 X3 I/ H2 _/ ~: b' c8 C: v  A believe
( a" P. b( J7 B9 I% g  B understand
6 L! H$ e4 N" L/ `  C explain
! M* G1 t% `' o  u8 Z5 w+ R$ F  D accept
! v5 c/ \8 ]9 k4 I5 ^  6 Please put up your bands if you have any questions1 l8 C; ^' }/ y2 x$ ~1 P
  A raise    5 O* X( U+ O$ E0 q
  B reach
3 @- [0 w/ L9 }2 e; _$ V3 Q  C wave
# {  Q, v+ e7 B: F/ O  D fold
6 v; _  U: i# x$ w% x8 b" i. z  7 Man cannot exit without water5 z2 A- @% \% K! G2 G5 O' {0 Q0 Y
  A expand   
# E/ G: b1 ?8 C0 w- Q) W, @  B rise6 s$ Y. }; r) L
  C live ; x- K; N: P2 p! L  }
  D quit 1 m+ ]' b  o: t. I9 t( |

9 K: _% Y9 c: p/ ]2 q( f' L' k  8 Jean has made up her mind not to go to the meeting1 M/ f$ U# k0 `
  A tried   
; x$ i7 z2 Y. \; S  B promised
; ]$ B& d1 o2 L/ H8 F, R  C decided  
8 Y, [2 M( T6 h3 n& X  D attempted, I4 n2 K8 y! M+ g; `9 T
  9 This reminds me of lots of things
2 [6 C5 ]/ @: U+ z. C/ P: V2 a  A much    - U/ ^$ v; W; D$ G9 ~' P
  B some7 n! e% \( J- W" @% R; m! ^/ P
  C big
) b; i! n* e! d! b. [7 f" [  D many+ O! W! A5 z5 M# f. `
  10 She will be very pleased to meet you.
+ a7 e% G; I: {2 r1 I  A angry   
, r/ b- ~* ]- M, D5 h! }. a! A  B happy
- ?  K  j6 \, w$ n2 `  C sad
* a: d$ R# j2 y- E( z  D unwilling* O+ x  M' @4 R0 M( b
  11 It is obvious that he will win the game.8 ^4 X% K" @/ H
  A likely    " s! p; \: w5 b0 V' t8 T3 T
  B possible
2 N, J4 \+ M5 N- c  C clear  : f, X5 _) f( |5 @8 V$ ^4 x
  D unwilling
; o, D8 `3 d' c0 c6 t1 P) Y  12 There is no risk to public health.
; j" g- D7 ]$ X: C  G  A point   
; d3 i& c" V: l( E' Z  B danger
7 e( _. ^" L/ C  N  C chance
9 T& k" D" P6 k5 o  D hope
7 W2 ~& N( Y1 _4 s, x- s* \& }1 i( T
  13 Did anyone call me when I was out?
3 C/ O! L% G/ x1 I. G  H( A8 [  A invite   
5 L  L9 C; w" e" T4 M2 z/ T  B name0 b7 K& e/ B# p  f
  C answer
  L. H' `: b0 N3 y# w  D phone9 `6 k/ c$ F& g7 A# F/ `4 [- Y
  14 It took US a long time to mend the house.
% R: B4 P' N5 M: b  A build. {7 H$ `, q! ?; ]  _8 [
  C design+ J/ g3 d! z- \" }$ G1 V
  B repair5 j9 Q- L' Q8 j1 P
  D repair
" n' _4 ~. ^" f! L  15 I don't quite follow what she is saying% O2 y( U1 V8 ]  I2 }2 U
  A believe   
5 e% h9 R+ T  q+ x: o* _  B understand
: Y7 f! x* O* `; R- _  C explain
; t3 W' \+ u& J& l) G! w" `$ h8 U  D accept

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  答案解析1 s1 h! z+ E* X+ n9 F+ v- r
  1 C obvious:显而易见的。clear:清楚的。It is not clear whether the incident was an accident deliberate还不清楚这一事件是意外的还是故意的。Likely,possible都有“可能”的意思。strange:奇怪。
' g! P, l* R7 s0 j9 x1 S  2 B risk:危险。danger也是这个意思。point:某一想法。chance:机会:hope:希望。0 @  A2 \' @) X5 w7 x
  3 D call:打电话。phone也是这个意思。invite:邀请;answer:回答,回电。
1 W" K, ~8 D8 D+ H: O  4 D mend和repair都有“修理”的意思。Zhangsan repaired the roof to ensure the house is windproof.张三修理了一下房顶,使得房子不进风。build:建设;destroy:破坏;design:设计。
: P( t: u' b  {/ o- t9 |* f0 Q8 P  5 B follow此处有“理解”的意思。understand:懂,理解。This book is difficult to understand.此书难懂。believe:相信;explain解释;accept:接受。6 Q9 y8 J( t( v
  6 A put up:举起。raise也有这个意思。reach:伸(手等)。wave:挥手;fold:合拢。
. |1 r7 ^- `9 a+ S6 g4 U, h, {- g  7 C exist:存在。live:生活,即活下来的意思。expand:拓展:rise:升起:quit:退出,放弃。$ Y2 h( d: O: a3 j6 B
  8 C make up one’s mind:下决心。decide也有这个意思。Mary has decided not to go with us.玛丽已经决定不跟我们去。try:试图。Mary will try to work harder.玛丽会试图更努力。attempt:试图。This paper attempts to solve the problem from adifferent perspective此论文试图从一个不同的角度解决这个问题。Promise:许诺www.Examw.com
) ~! m$ B* {, @% K; N  9 D lots of:许多。many:许多。much:许多(修饰不可数名词)。Her hairstyle hasn’t changed much她的发型没有太大变化。big是“大的”意思。some是一些的意思。* P8 B% D2 o; a
  10 B pleased:高兴的。happy也是“高兴的”。She had a happy childhood她的童年很幸福。sad:痛苦的。unwilling:不愿意的。
+ u, n; |5 z/ f' n  11 C obvious:显而易见的。clear:清楚的。It is not clear whether the incident was an accident or deliberate还不清楚这一事件是意外的还是故意的。Likely,possible都有“可能的”意思。strange:奇怪的。
. z+ k& X. `( d  12 B risk:危险的。danger也是这个意思。point:某一想法;chance:机会:hope:希望。
" d; ~' U; w3 k4 P* p9 k* R+ ~  13 D call:打电话。phone也是这个意思。invite:邀请;answer:回答,回电。
- @$ `2 X2 ?$ d  k" @( T. \  14 D mend和.repair都有“修理”的意思。Zhang san repaired the roof to ensure thehouse is windproof张三修理了一下房顶,使得房子不进风。Build:建设:destroy:破坏:design:设计。
+ I* N$ v: m/ T* D  15 B follow此处有“理解”的意思。understand:懂,理解。This book is difficult to understand此书难懂。believe:相信;explain:解释;accept:接受。
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