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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《补全短文》精选题(7)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ p& {" D1 k: O2 W  阅读下面的短文,文章中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。
( }' M7 C3 t4 c; r- h! u, F  The Story of Lani
  [8 j3 z9 u5 i* Y7 f$ U$ l  Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning。“She’s very good about it ”says her father David.Lani is alive today because of her father David,in more than one way;when she was one year old she received part of her father’s liver in a liver—transplant operation.Lani was born with a liver illness . __________ (46) Doctors advised that a transplant was the only way in which she would live.6 r. W! S$ m0 j2 e. u
  The operation lasted 12 hours and needed two teams,one for the father and one for thedaughter __________ (47)In these cases,the donor’s liver grows to normal size in about eight weeks。and t11e child’s liver becomes smaller., q: n( R' h6 V. ~0 u) f
  Lani spent three weeks in hospital after the operation.Because the receiver’s body tries to reject the new organ,the patient has to be given special drugs __________ (48)+ D( F) ]% `# I" b
  Although David left hospital after 10 days,he didn’t return to work until after three months.In order to reach the liver, the doctors have to cut through the stomach wall,which is strong and full of muscle.It therefore takes a long time to recover after this operation. __________ (49)So far,only 16 of these liver—transplant operations have been carried out in Britain. __________ (50)Doctors say,“If possible,we prefer to take a liver from a dead don not, usually a parent.”
' E, V& p! y- V! t' d: B$ f  Lani still has to look after her health,and she gets more tired than other children of the same age,but doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.& v+ U6 x/ z1 M  }3 x! E" K  l. A
  A She had one operation when she was six weeks old,which was not successful.外语学习网: ]9 i- K) F# e' g8 f
  B While these drugs are given,it is important that the patient does not catch any illness,not even a cold.
1 ], p$ H( @; K, m8 Q- e4 n  C In this operation a piece of liver, weighing about 250--300 grams,was removed from the father and transplanted into the daughter.) R3 C; W% T; G8 ]. I
  D David quickly recovered from the operation.
; Q- w& a; ?7 M  E However, they are more common in North America and Japan.
& q, S$ P# n9 G  F David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.
. n+ k1 J  ~  L9 {! W  答案解析
" Z$ C) Y$ E) m, J  46 A 文章第一段介绍说,如今五岁的Iani在一岁的时候做了肝移植手术,父亲将自己的肝的一部分给了女儿。为什么要做这个手术呢?这是因为Lani生下来便有肝病。根据上下文,空格处应填出生后至手术前曾采取过的措施,即六周大的时候,她曾做过手术,但是不成功。 ,% ]: I. J5 R' O5 s& f8 d. |
  47 C 文章第二段具体介绍手术情况。根据空格后句子的内容,空格处应填有关捐肝的内容。: d0 C$ X" C/ H! T1 M1 j
  48 B 有了空格前一句最后一词的提示,空格处应填的句子也就不难选择了。2 M+ z% {  l; Q& F+ R- g
  49 F 此段中i空格前的句子都在将Lani父亲手术后的恢复情况及其原因,因此空格处的句子也应与他的恢复有关。
% H; ^  Z- k9 ]( ~  50 E 空格前一句讲的是肝移植在英国的进展,空格处应首选与其进行比较的句子。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  The Dangers of Secondhand Smoke: u% i) T  e1 z2 |7 r  P
  Most people know that cigarette smoking is harmful to their health.Scientific research shows that it causes many kinds of diseases.In fact,many people who smoke get lung cancel However, Edward Gilson has lung cancer, and he has never smoked cigarettes.He lives with his wife,Evelyn,who has smoked about a pack of cigarettes a day throughout their marriage. __________.(46)( b9 c: s) Q5 E% q
  No one knows for sure why Mr. Gilson has lung cancer.Nevertheless,doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke because nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke. from other people’s cigarettes.__________ (47)The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that about 53,000 people die in the United States each year as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke.
4 V2 K: o, a5 n, c6 R  The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals.In the past.scientists did not也ink that these chemicals could harm a nonsmoker’s health. __________ (48)They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amounts of these toxic(有毒的)chemicals in their bodies.As a matter of fact,almost all of US breathe tobacco smoke at times,whether we realize it or not.For example,we cannot avoid secondhand smoke in restaurants,hotels and other public places.Even though many public places have nonsmoking areas,smoke flows in from the areas where smoking is permitted.It iS even harder for children to avoid secondhand smoke.__________ (49)Research shows that children who are exposed to secondhand smoke are sick more often than children who live in homes where no one smokes and that the children of smokers are more than twice as likely to develop lung cancer when they are adults as are children of nonsmokers.The risk is even higher for children who live in homes where both parents smoke
$ P' t9 F: D) K/ q' Z: k* h% m% q  People are becoming very aware of the dangers of secondhand smoke. __________ (50)+ ]% I# J" d6 m% m" m
  A Recently,though,scientists changed their opinion after they studied a large group of nonsmokers.8 z2 n3 u& L  v  y1 C' L
  B The Gilsons have been married for 35 years.来自www.Examw.com
4 m& p' E2 h: [% ]  C 111is smoke is called secondhand smoke.
8 R& q+ a+ V$ T  D However, secondhand smoke is dangerous to all people,old or young.
8 K% Y! Q5 b# p  e" H7 `# y$ e  E As a result,they have passed laws which prohibit people from smoking in many public places. .1 O: k9 o, A/ T, q
  F In the United States,nine million children under the age of five live in homes with at least one smoker.
% ]# j+ ?, ]0 @; ^/ o1 t4 Z- {  答案解析# h# H$ |! I8 b* Y9 B! j0 a
  46 B 前一句主要讲的是,Gilson与妻子Evelyn生活在一起,而Evelyn自打他们结婚以来一直是差不多每天一包烟。接下来显然应选表示他们结婚年限的句子。0 E6 l, H: f0 K  n2 E0 [3 ?
  47 C 前~旬提到,不吸烟者时常吸入他人香烟中冒出的烟,接下来应首选对此烟加以定义的句子。
' E8 r& b* j+ c% u! S  48 A 前一句讲的是科学家们过去对二手烟的看法,接下来应选表示他们改变观点的句子,因为下一句表明他们所持的观点已与过去截然不同。
' v0 U9 |# ~% W. }  49 F 前一句提到了儿童与二手烟的问题。接下来的句子自然仍然与儿童有关。. p. M. Y, @: U' S& Z  H# J
  50 E 前一句讲的是人们逐渐意识到二手烟的危害性,因此接下来应首选表示人们采取措施,禁止公共场所吸烟的句子。
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