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[职称英语模拟] 职称英语模拟题:2011职称英语考试临考《补全短文》精选题(10)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! k+ W3 E' W5 W+ D6 |5 r6 z  阅读下面的短文,文章中有5处空白,文章后面有6组文字,请根据文章的内容选择5组文字,将其分别放回文章原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。/ ]# V' z2 U" D7 E6 c' Z3 _
  Caribbean Islands
, K5 T6 ]3 b- v) J* x+ h. R  What would you see if you took a cruise to the Caribbean Islands? Palm trees and coconuts (椰子)? White beaches and clear, blue ocean? Colorful corals (珊瑚) and even more colorful fishes and birds?
! C8 L6 ^. B+ u2 ~2 `2 E  You bet. There are thousands of islands in the Caribbean Sea. They are famous for their warm, tropical climate and great natural beauty.: B. z( u+ X' b- c# a; d- m
  The Caribbean Islands form a chain that separates the Caribbean Sea from the rest of the Atlantic Ocean.       (1) Many of the islands were formed by the eruption (爆发) of ancient volcanoes (火山). Others are low-lying coral islands that gradually rose from the ocean.* e. E8 {# f( }8 {( p1 ?
  The Caribbean Islands are known by several names.       (2) The explorer7 j, ^/ W4 G" U# D& I6 t4 D, M! S
  Christopher Columbus called the islands the Indies in 1492 because he thought he was near the coast of India. Later, Spain and France called the islands the Antilles.
* d' e) t$ R8 P4 p5 g  There are four large islands in the Caribbean Sea.       (3) These four islands are often called the Greater Antilles. Together, they account for about 90 percent of the land area of the Caribbean Islands.
5 R- n* ?) X' l* S4 O2 c8 j  The rest of the Caribbean Islands are much smaller.       (4) You can see why pirates such as the famous Blackbeard sailed these waters. There are countless small islands to bury treasure or hide on.* h& n& W; P- n5 O
  The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beaches line the coasts of many islands.      (5) Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.
& D( B4 N- q1 m  A But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.+ G) I( z  E! n5 S( ^
  B The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.6 I3 y0 H' d# K1 C* E2 j
  C They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America& i( M8 e( P; l
  D They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
4 m+ H- f  S+ y- Q% U  E This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.
+ r+ N7 N9 q! W5 h0 w- K& ~  F Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers (小片) of exposed coral+ [; H9 m4 H1 o0 s
- l  L) I0 g4 p  _7 m0 T( A8 e  1. C  2. B  3. E  4. D  5. F3 ?, r, E6 `4 U1 |
  解析:5 k* r8 }0 p& l" ^, U$ n
  1. C 这里讲的是加勒比群岛的形态及组成,其中的“chain 链子”一词很形象地勾画出了加勒比群岛将加勒比海和大西洋隔开,选项C有个necklace 项链一词和Chain形态差不多,而且这里的they恰好就是指加勒比群岛,所以C为正确答案,进一步说明了加勒比群岛的形态。
; Y1 R& C9 Q4 G& |  2. B 这里提到加勒比群岛有several names,空句后面是Indies这个名字,那么空句应该是和Indies名字有关,所以很容易就选出了正确答案为B) B. l9 L& ^7 C' G
  3. D 这道题非常简单,空句前面是There are four large islands in the Caribbean Sea,选项D就直接列出了这四个岛屿的名字。
# v- W4 z% b& G3 j  4. F The rest of the Caribbean Islands就是除了四个大岛屿以外的其他小岛屿,选项F的Some of these islands...中的these就是指the rest of Caribbean Islands.这里进一步说明了一些小岛屿和一些暴露在外面的珊瑚一样大。符合句子的连贯性。1 c2 Z5 E4 L" |+ d* f6 p; {
  5. E 这是文章的最后一段话,这段话主要是讲了加勒比海群岛的气候以及旅游的相关情况,选项只剩下A和E,A是说加勒比群岛上的生活不总是天堂。这很显然是错误的,因为空句后面讲的是游客们乘船来旅行,所以选项更符合语境。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Einstein Named “Person of the Century”* _1 v$ b8 c# r! Y  s) @
  Albert Einstein, whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe, was chosen as “Person of the Century” by Time magazine on Sunday.
7 g6 j* [( V4 n2 o  A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius, Einstein has come to represent more than any other person the flowering of 20th century scientific though that set the stage for the age of technology.
7 ^* B$ d7 j2 R+ i  “The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic, but technological—technologies that flowed directly from advances in basic science,” wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking in a Time essay explaining Einstein’s significance. _____ (1) _____.6 U- \& e4 Q) c5 Z  w( }
  Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism, and Mahatma Gandhi as an icon for a century when civil and human rights became crucial factors in global politics.- E+ g+ P! f1 {8 j
  “What we saw was Franklin Roosevelt embodying the great theme of freedom’s fight against totalitarianism, Gandhi personifying the great theme of individuals struggling for their rights, and Einstein being both a great genius and a great symbol of a scientific revolution that brought with it amazing technological advances that helped expand the growth of freedom, ”said Time Magazine Editor Walter Isaacson.: N/ g: j, ^: n4 o% P7 Y. V6 w
  Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. _____ (2) _____. He was slow to learn to speak and did not do well in elementary school. He could not stomach organized learning and loathed taking exams.
: z- N0 x- K& b  Y+ m: l2 A% d  In 1905, however, he was to publish a theory which stands as one of the most intricate examples of human imagination in history. _____ (3) _____. Everything else—mass, weight, space, even time itself—is a variable. And he offered the world his now-famous equation: energy equals mass times the speed of light squared—E=mc2.
2 L# Y9 Z% T$ ?. N+ t  _____ (4) _____. “There was less faith in absolutes, not only of time and space but also of truth and morality. ”7 f; p5 Y3 L- V' p! p) S2 V
  Einstein’s famous equation was also the seed that led to the development of atomic energy and weapons. In 1939, six years after he fled European fascism and settled at Princeton University, Einstein, an avowed pacifist, signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the United States to develop an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did. _____ (5) _____. Einstein did not work on the project.8 [. r  V7 |3 _1 r. r
  Einstein died in Princeton, New Jersey in 1955.1 V- |6 P. [* x6 ~. [
  A. “Indirectly, relativity paved the way for a new relativism in morality, art and politics,” Isaacson wrote in an essay explaining Time’s choices.
9 q9 j" }' K# W- G, {. J  g( R8 ]  B. How he thought of the relativity theory influenced the general public's view about Albert Einstein.
/ g) ]3 d$ Z9 \8 y: V  C. “Clearly, no scientist better represents those advances than Albert Einstein.”中华考试网(www.Examw。com)- X( {% e% O( f8 V( k
  D. Roosevelt heeded the advice and formed the “Manhattan Project” that secretly developed the first atomic weapon.6 E1 j& L8 E5 Q7 P' m5 H
  E. In his early years, Einstein did not show the promise of what he was to become.
( S0 ?* [) n% R+ B; ]; s8 }  F. In his “Special Theory of Relativity,” Einstein described how the only constant in the universe is the speed of light.8 v7 c$ r) H' |* V6 ~
. m) K! v( O& [- C% w5 I' A  1. C  2. E  3. F  4. A  5. D  v# W, S! X' f  V' u+ k
  解析:6 N1 H* {$ k+ B. b0 Y+ y
  1. C 本文主要讲爱因斯坦为20世纪人类科学作出的重大贡献。本段是理论物理学家史蒂芬·霍金在《时代》杂志上发表的一片评价爱因斯坦所做贡献的文章中的几句话,他说世界在过去的100年发生的变化比以往任何一个世纪都大得多,其原因不在于政治或经济,而在于技术----由于基础科学的进步而直接造就的新技术者两句话并未提及爱因斯坦,因此此处选C最合适:“显然,没有一位科学家能比爱因斯坦更好地代表这些科学进步。”those 在此发挥了衔接作用。
6 {& ]5 e; P) g5 W  2. E 本段简要介绍爱因斯坦早年生平。E说:“爱因斯坦在小时候并未显示日后会成为大科学家的任何天赋。”后一句话实际上是对E的详细解释。2 u* o3 p. _) M# `1 T, l* G: `
  3. F 本段主要介绍爱因斯坦提出的相对论。第一句话告诉我们1905年的时候爱因斯坦发表一个人类历史上展现出最具奇巧想象力的理论,第三、四句话是具体解释相对论,F说:“在‘特殊相对论‘中,爱因斯坦描述了宇宙中为什么唯一恒定的是光速。”由此看来F放在此处最合适,其中constant 和variable意思相反,构成词汇衔接(lexical cohesion)。
* T1 n0 ~  q. }- ]  f& ^5 t  4. A 本段是伊萨克森在《时代》杂志上的一篇文章中对相对论的深远意义所做的评述,他说:“相对论间接地位道德、艺术和政治领域中新相对主义的出现铺平了道路。”后一句是对此的进一步解释。/ e9 m/ q6 O( q
  5. D 本段主要讲爱因斯坦与原子能和原子武器发展的关系。前一句告诉我们爱因斯坦1939年在一封信给罗斯福总统的敦促美国抢在纳粹德国之前研制原子弹的信上签了名。D说:“罗斯福对这项建议十分关注,遂制定了秘密制造第一颗原子弹的‘曼哈顿计划’。”后一句说爱因斯坦未参与这项计划,其中 the project 指的就是 the “Manhattan Project”。
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