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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语考试模拟通关训练营43

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  训练内容:阅读判断# P+ y  G& e) v+ L' n
  训练要求:下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A ;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C.
" u! |; O) X8 q: c' F/ A. q' h3 i4 H  Why not eat breakfast3 G# ?4 B; ?& i% R* p4 c7 ~6 {  T
  Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, but also the most neglected or skipped . common reasons for not eating breakfast include lack of time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike for breakfast , and dieting.' y3 c+ ~0 e: W/ S  b  [

6 k  h; A- u5 ]2 W/ _  Breakfast simply means the fast. Your body spends at least six to twelve hours each night in a fasting state. In the morning your body needs energy to rev up(转动起来)into high gear for the day’s work ahead.! ]: J/ _* y1 d/ o: R$ I5 \
  If you skip breakfast , you are likely to concentrate less effectively in the late morning ,feel irritable(易怒的),short-tempered ,tired ,or weak.
+ A: k0 K; x8 c" w3 h; {* t. u  When you choose not to eat breakfast, your body stays in slow gear. Also , people who skip breakfast often binge(无节制的吃)later in the day at other meals or eat a high-calorie snack in the morning .breakfast eaters tend to eat less fat during the day, have more strength and endurance and better concentration and problem solving ability.
' q% a" {& R0 s3 g, y) I  Not hungry in the morning ? well , what time was dinner? Did you have a large evening snack? A large dinner or a large bedtime snack can cause you to not feel hungry in the morning. It makes sense to eat more in the morning when there is a full day of activity ahead of you. Instead we, tend to have our largest meal in the evening when we are gearing down for sleep." |4 B: Z$ }0 p8 U7 t6 ]. N
  A good breakfast should provide up 1/3 of your total calorie needs for the day. On the average we eat 400 less calories for breakfast then for dinner. If breakfast doesn’t appeal to you in the morning, try eating a lighter diner earlier in the evening or save half your dinner for breakfast in the morning.
6 Y# O1 z( H2 W  1. the writer thinks breakfast can be neglected or skipped in the day.
1 z2 x( `8 F! F# [+ L( w2 z( e  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned6 ]3 x# S* f# x+ i  [' b
  2. some people do not eat breakfast because they want to lose weight.  g+ p% A6 I) {8 j* b- j
  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned
0 t+ u/ A. w$ V8 ^: V: K  3.   if a person does not have breakfast , he would likely find it hard to pay close attention to what he is doing.
- Y3 d- c) ]5 o1 B  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned
& V+ V4 d3 R8 k! w' ^  4.  a good breakfast should provide up half of your total calorie needs for the day.
9 a) f& x2 ~: _) o" k( X5 U5 B) n  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned! U: |: C0 N1 ?) l
  5.   the best breakfast foods are fruits, juice, lean meat, and grain products such as breads, rice, noodles, and cereals.
" u5 ~; `0 |& }  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned
9 H0 m0 T/ |0 ]  6.  eating breakfast regularly can help you lose weight.
8 Q# z1 k5 t* K' P! E  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned
' Z8 ?6 U1 _( ]4 I8 B% O  7.  to make a breakfast more attractive , we can eat lighter dinner early in the evening.* t+ a. m: d6 U0 a
  A Right           B Wrong          C Not mentioned6 R( X& q/ T: L" x$ N1 j8 ^
  参考答案: B A A B C C A+ C5 g' I/ p, M' c& R, }) c
& _3 Q6 i3 ?: O( {* H+ w6 z  1 B 该题说的是:作者认为早餐在一天中可以被忽略。第一段第一句话:Breakfast is not only the most important meal of the day, but also the most neglected or skipped. 似乎和题干一致,但浏览全文,能看出作者的意图是告诉大家早餐的重要性,所以是错的。
3 E: a9 S/ J, k. w- X) s% O  2 A 该题说的是:一些人不吃早餐是因为他们想减肥。从第一段的第二句common reasons for not eating breakfast include lack of time, not feeling hungry, traditional dislike for breakfast , and dieting.可以得出题干的表述是正确的。注意lose weight和diet是同义表达。
3 H* W' f# h0 h. K2 [8 Y  3   A  该题说的是:如果一个人不吃早饭,他很可能发现很难集中精神做事情。文章第三段提到If you skip breakfast , you are likely to concentrate less effectively in the late morning ,feel irritable(易怒的),short-tempered ,tired ,or weak.题干是对这句话的同义改写。- ^" s5 m' [2 V
  4   B 该题说得是:一顿好的早餐可以提供你一天所需卡路里的一半。根据文章最后一段:A good breakfast should provide up 1/3 of your total calorie needs for the day.应当是提供三分之一的卡路里,而不是一半。所以是错的。& K& t, ]% U* w* i) G, M5 g
  5   C 该题说的是:最好的早餐应该是水果、果汁、瘦肉以及面包、米饭和面条这样的谷类。通览全文没有提到一顿好的早餐应当吃些什么。
5 K9 h  d; V* m  j, R  6   C  该题说的是:有规律的吃早餐可以帮助你减肥。文章中只提到了also, people who skip breakfast often binge later in the day at other meals or eat a high-calorie snack in the morning.那些不吃早饭的人很有可能在午餐或是晚餐时暴饮暴食,或在上午吃一些高热量的零食,并没有提到减肥的问题。
, {5 B7 h) `. {8 X* ^2 Z  7   A  该题说的是:为了使早餐对我们更加有吸引力, 我们可以早点进食清淡的晚餐,全文最后一句提到了使早餐对我们更加有吸引力的方法,即,早点进食清淡的晚餐,或者将晚餐的一半份额留给早餐。

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