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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语综合类B级完形填空模拟训练十一

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Car Thieves Could Be Stopped Remotely
- o3 N# a1 X8 g7 Y# u  Speeding off in a stolen car, the thief thinks he has got a great catch.But he is in a nasty surprise.The car is fitted with a remote immobilizer(使车辆不能调动的装置), and a radio signal from a control center miles away will ensure that once the thief switches the engine _1_ ,he will not be able to start it again.
1 B$ g# v) V' Y: v% ~; d$ a  For now, such devices _2_ only available for fleets of trucks and specialist vehicles used on construction sites.But remote immobilization technology could soon start to trickle down to ordinary cars.and _3_ be available to ordinary cars in the UK _4_ two months.
: a. ~  c; z4 k4 Q6 l! O  The idea goes like this.A control box fitted to the car incorporates _5_ miniature cellphone,a microprocessor and memory, and a GPS satellite positioning receiver. _6_ the car is stolen, a coded cellphone signal will tell the unit to block the vehicle’s engine management system and prevent the engine _7_ restarted.
7 u/ G& W- c: S; N! [6 ^  There are even plans for immobilizers _8_ shut down vehicles on the move,though there are fears over the safety implications of such a system.
! }3 B/ J8 G8 z* {1 P  In the UK.an array of technical fixes is already making _9_ harder for car thieves.“The pattern of vehicles crime has changed,”says Martyn Randall of Thatcham.a security research organization based in Berkshire that is funded in part _10_ the motor insurance industry.
) O+ ]) ]% A# y8 I  He says it would only take him a few minutes to _11_ a novice how to steal a car, using a bare minimum of tools.But only if the cal-is more than 10 years old.) x% u/ I! h5 j. `1 e
  Modern cars are a far tougher proposition,as their engine management computer will not _12_ them to start unless they receive a unique ID code beamed out by the ignition key.In the UK,technologies like this _13_ achieve a 31 per cent drop in vehicle-related crime since 1997.
  e5 e( r( J/ z* i. b- i* l, ^& Z  But determined criminals ore still managing to find other ways to steal cars.Often by getting hold of the owner’s keys in a burglary.In 2000,12 per cent of vehicles stolen in the UK were taken using the owner’s keys double the previous year’s figure.: W- Z2 V2 Z, @" T; m9 \
  Remote-controlled immobilization system would _14_ a major new obstacle in the criminal’s way by making such thefts pointless.A group that includes Thatcham,the police,insurance companies and security technology firms have developed standards for a system that could go on the market sooner than the _15_ expects.2 C, _0 @) t/ D. C, p$ G: Y0 a
! k8 `" t+ @! L0 [6 F4 J

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


 词汇:</p>  immobilizer/n.使车辆不能调动的装置
9 I% ]1 H' I1 }  trickle/v.慢慢移动
6 X  A$ H  u& |  cellphone/n.移动电话,手机+ q: E! X& W8 R3 k  V4 |# q
! x& u" Z1 r  s4 M3 K. X% w  ignition/n.点火* O' X* r3 b7 `0 R5 @
! n; t0 u. T; `  1. A) off B)on C)at D)of# Z+ u: y* z1 n8 Z+ x
  2. A) is B)was C)were D)are
- |8 T. }: Y+ }% I  3. A) can B)have to C)need to D)should
, \: F( A' w, S" o  4. A) after B)for C)in D)at  ^- s* m2 d+ g6 @4 L, n' u
  5. A) the B)/ C)a D)an
" L; P1 P7 L  R# U  6. A) With B)If C)But D)And  b8 g% r# j" ^4 o+ `
  7. A) helping B)being C)get D)be
0 z$ k" i1 [6 r. _& G  8. A) whose B)who C)that D)when
6 A8 W5 L" ^/ [' Z  9. A) life B)Cars C)warning D)problem
' v2 u3 ~7 |9 n( H4 Z; z  10. A) about B)to C)by D)on3 T6 q: |/ L- L2 N' r
  11. A) use B)inform C)ask D)teach
9 G! W& s  Z) X. }0 A0 Q) X; p/ Y  12. A) let B)allow C)make D)give
0 K3 N1 [6 @" i, k' \# A. O  13. A) have helped B)helped C)had helped D)was helped* w* Y+ t7 m: J( K
  14. A) speak B)have C)link D)put& d' I; _. C3 j
  15. A) lawyer B)doctor C)customer D)specialist
  E; H4 Y5 G- \1 ~6 G4 G, }! p; z$ t" |1 ?9 _  o/ X( ]
/ m, M% S4 ]2 P! u8 V  1. A。分析:能与switch搭配的只有A和B, 而空格后面说“不能再启动它(引擎)”,因此判断A(关掉)合适。
9 R% i+ P. y+ j  2.D. 分析:空格前面是复数名词,而且句子中出现了表示“现在”的时间状语(For now)因此判断D是答案。  L+ _/ C% u  }7 q; Q
  3.D. 分析:空格处所在的结构与前面的谓语(could soon start) 并列,soon 的出现暗示could是一种委婉的用法(而被选项中能表示委婉说法的只有D,而且前面的谓语部分说“可能很快开始逐渐在普通车辆上使用”,空格后的结构说“..两个月..能在英国的普通车辆上使用”, 因此确定空格处还是进行委婉的推断,因此判断D是答案。
  ]+ L  s! `$ J: P9 F0 O
( W. A2 T7 P9 j( { 
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:28 | 显示全部楼层


 4.C. 分析:跟句前面问题的分析,空格处应该需要表示将来时间的介词,所以C合适。</p>  5.C. 分析:后面与空格处并列的结构有表示数量的不定冠词,因此判断C是答案(一个微小的移动电话)。
0 ~* R0 U) K3 c+ G8 F  j" r, B7 H  6. B。分析:因为空格后出现的句子结构,所以排除A; 空格后句子的大意是“..汽车被偷, 经过编码处理的移动电话信号将告诉..”,因此判断B(如果)合适。7 J" T6 u' G9 i( P. Q+ Z6 L; `3 R- q
  7.B. 分析:根据前面看到的结构“经过编码处理的移动电话信号将告诉..”推测空格处很可能表达“防止汽车被启动”,因此判断B正确。prevent sb./sth. (from) doing../防止某人/某物..
) g8 _, N3 s$ S! S# |  8.C.分析:空格前是名词(使车辆不能调动的装置),因此判断空格后是定语从句,因为空格前的词语是“非人”,而且在从句中作主语,所以答案是C。
7 o$ j! ?8 u; w/ ~0 a3 [  9. A. 分析: 根据空格所在的结构的含义“已经使.. 对盗窃的汽车的人来说更难”判断A(生活)是答案
: f* T- g  ]& a4 L; ^  10. C。分析:空格前面出现了被动语态的结构(被提供资金),而且空格后出现的一个组织(汽车保险工业),因此判断空格处应该出现介词by。& P/ G- W3 m9 Z8 P
  11. D。 分析:空格后面说“..新手怎样盗窃汽车”有,因此判断D(教)合适。: T. T( n* x4 q7 o- I8 }( [
  12. B。分析:空格后面出现的带to的不定式结构,因此排除A,C和D;所以答案是B。
$ E  V6 _4 c! R: v1 a4 S2 Y  s  13. A。 分析:被选项表示考点是时态,因此注意句子中的时间状语(since 1997),该时间状语表明应该用现在完成时态,因此答案是A。6 v7 Z* b* v: y  R' R/ F8 _; D
  14.D.分析:空格后面的结构含义是“在罪犯的盗窃过程中..一个新的大障碍”,因此判断D(放置)合适。+ @* m9 F- H' L) Z7 `) k6 r
  15. C。分析:空格所在的从句结构说“系统上市会比..的期望快”,比较被选项判断C(顾客)最合适。
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