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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语(综合类C级)全真模拟试卷(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 s; t# L6 q8 }+ s, L7 u+ p* p下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。; Y' j) f* W( |$ h& |
1. The normal price of a ticket for an adult is $ 230.9 z# o. {* L5 C# U$ ^8 A7 F
A. ordinary1 T) X% R1 a; z, u- z0 ^1 d+ T
B. proper
1 ?! z4 Y! o7 B' i' g5 PC. fair . K- o( q  E- }: P/ M& ?
D. medium
; k" d, u7 [3 ]2. We have to ask them to quit talking in order that all people present could hear us clearly." m/ s' x3 P0 H, v) P& Y/ ?0 x
A. decrease) i9 d4 C+ I8 }5 X$ F. M  V
B. cease% I$ T5 G2 J% _  c! H9 A8 ^6 S3 G
C. continue
* d. o, \, w2 u- [9 u' D: OD. keep on( ~# p1 B  `( o9 K* U' _$ `
3. The Klondike was the scene of one of the biggest gold rushes the world has ever known.& e4 A% r2 Q% a" [
A. location& Z- e# s: A. R. G2 q4 y/ a4 {, C. |
B. view
/ r( `9 P: i9 q" AC. event6 p% T" u3 F8 }6 v% T1 M, g4 D
D. landscape6 A4 s) q5 O! r
4. Of the reptile groups, the snake group was the final one to appear.4 |4 {- q; E" c3 n7 E
A. last # G) o7 q1 I4 W
B. best" I% Y7 Q" F5 |: s* N4 ^/ B; a
C. ugliest 8 k- f+ I5 ~& y3 r! G1 \2 A4 F
D. longest, \* h- Y9 T: `
5. Colleges and universities usually give diplomas or certificates to students who complete course requirements adequately.
8 k5 m6 l) H/ d" v& TA. responsibly 1 p) f! N  O# C* l$ X' E
B. sufficiently; [, t4 P3 C! g
C. patiently $ T% u) T  A3 z# G- X
D. successfully4 o! g0 X7 Z  d7 }' ?& ~
6. A will is a document written to ensure that the wishes of the deceased are realized.
8 ?9 S5 U6 o2 h0 x8 DA. fulfilled. B+ q/ `1 N  v/ ^& ?1 _
B. accepted
9 M: {* J+ b, SC. advocated* I3 r6 T' o/ N% ]) D7 i/ k5 h
D. received2 D6 L6 J/ d8 _# `! V5 m
7. She has been the subject of massive media coverage.4 w9 X8 B) `1 t. r, g- `
A. extensive
3 g6 u4 t+ C# L  iB. negative
, O+ l1 q' U) E) b, j: HC. expensive
$ k: D' w% @0 v% {3 I0 DD. active
, o2 f" t& h* d  F% ]( s" N& j8. The conference explored the possibility of closer trade links.
4 T4 O7 c4 u" ^4 WA. rejected6 N1 d) A) L0 q" `) V$ }$ R
B. investigated
8 w8 T; Y+ b+ D- f) u# F9 {2 i/ cC. proposed 8 t5 j$ r  |: M: @
D. postponed$ Z% h% Y4 w2 @% w; j
9. What were the effects of the decision she made?% |* e3 u* ~& l5 Q
A. reasons
" G. ~' Y1 V8 M2 P+ yB. results
! q* q( {8 c& D& r) D/ r9 z9 ]C. causes1 V( p( t1 x- _2 y
D. bases4 I, e  E2 |1 m. w: S/ S
10. The sea was calm and still.
2 u- E& x$ P3 l# H7 `- [; ^+ |9 K% m: hA. quite + H4 j9 P1 e" s+ ]) h; f6 Z- _
B. quiet! i) H8 S4 H- q9 i3 J1 Z( W( t
C. yet
% e: B- n, M& @/ Q3 gD. rough+ I: h8 y$ t3 }
11. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.2 Z0 S2 l" \/ P2 u
A. confuses
' ^5 O4 r% {3 c/ v% QB. excites
+ b8 ?0 P% Y- t0 x6 Z1 v2 K* M4 lC. scares
2 m4 n0 l/ p. d# |D. diverts
3 f' I* e2 N* o: X' B/ y0 v12. Mary called me up very late last night.- x! Q3 H9 R6 R7 X6 ], w/ ~( Q
A. shouted at me
" t7 \- C+ f3 J) v* ~) G0 B3 @" k# R) j8 [B. visited me
: N* x2 q& G) ~( bC. telephoned me" u/ R- p& _8 t, c( D1 i
D. waked me
/ t1 D: g  r# @9 G5 ~6 l13. Mary gets up at the same time every morning.
4 m$ k- T0 F9 M7 r3 }' C% F  \A. arises ( n6 M8 s4 }4 G6 F  g2 Y' J
B. raises
  u& D0 m  }7 m3 k9 `; {' `C. arrives
8 S' D1 q9 ~  I+ I1 DD. stands up
9 W/ k9 B! S5 E8 w3 h2 a4 U  J14. Susan is looking for the dictionary, which she lost yesterday.
' C: c3 G; k3 B9 C( m- GA. finding' Q* b$ r5 ?9 r5 D  ~8 N# J
B. looking up
$ p* U+ n0 R. `1 M5 b# qC. looking at" J4 B6 n8 q$ ]5 G
D. trying to find
# V5 `0 [$ G6 ~# y' S15. All the people assembled at Marys house.; n! l7 D1 @. t0 U
A. collected
3 i% s% X- Y' B# X* t! lB. fixed
7 ?9 ], G: i9 g- F! E! rC. asserted ' c0 V) M% v7 h9 ]  s9 M. |
D. assist

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)% M+ ?5 ^9 u) h* Z! _
下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。 1 l! P# A# j4 R: H7 w

) f0 J7 S, n; c8 d9 _4 a1 g
5 u, V+ H3 b+ Y: Z- I8 Q3 }16. When Ruth and Eliiot Handler was young, they had a strong desire to be highly successful.
+ N! X2 \( l3 g/ l, hA. Right $ P% }6 u1 c2 o; a0 ~
B. Wrong
' y1 m* B+ r0 V  VC. Not mentioned
) q( ]9 p# b( W, g0 T) c9 R17. Harold Mattson, Ruth and Elliot Handler owned Mattel.
3 L4 l9 ?7 ?. x$ |6 q! ZA. Right ! @9 ~9 @0 D/ s1 ]9 M! E$ R  U
B. Wrong
& T1 f+ d- W) r1 E6 E! ZC. Not mentioned7 D0 i& A8 W& w
18. Lilli, who took the shape of a pretty girl, was fashioned after a German doll.
) ~) I: h0 H  T% F/ t/ A0 L2 XA. Right
; U2 o: t7 L& f1 h  e% i0 \B. Wrong
6 B+ D8 x. h4 g$ f" r* a3 c4 vC. Not mentioned$ l" J) d9 ?# O* Y3 D; Z, K+ j+ z% N
19. Ruth Handlers inspiration for the design of Barbie doll come from a fashion designer./ T, I* N( N/ J3 c  w
A. Right
2 X( w5 |' G  o, v/ hB. Wrong" {# O7 G: J9 |+ M5 N
C. Not mentioned. V* ?( r' u' G: b0 R: _
20. Since 1959 more and more people are in the market for the Barbie doll.3 f! i2 Z7 @6 S! j/ C( T7 w
A. Right
' S) O- L% z, H& K9 [) u" |# CB. Wrong
* A8 W8 Y8 G9 {- BC. Not mentioned; L2 k: v) y9 q
21. Since the birth of the Barbie doll it has served as a sign to show the tendency of the fashion.8 K9 A5 Q# I/ J+ n; L" F& d
A. Right : W, H$ V$ p! A: t) _/ f  k
B. Wrong. @- G9 j, s1 {. l" n
C. Not mentioned
+ c1 q# N+ m9 R3 i+ \  ?22. The Barbie doll has undergone many changes over the years.
' y  F8 K" n. t! ^* b9 _, gA. Right
& s% u8 A7 ^1 D( c- i0 v8 E5 b% pB. Wrong; m& h8 i& u0 o1 J
C. Not mentioned
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:28 | 显示全部楼层


第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分): V  W  D+ x* ~* l: z& L
下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~5段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。 </p>
7 W4 {) \- J3 k5 J! V
+ W: Y7 o" t, Z# C" X) A# ^8 U23. Paragraph 2__________
, s" f& D( k+ y, e4 i9 f24. Paragraph 3__________
( Z1 G' g# [, ~( T& o25. Paragraph 4__________
  X6 m6 `0 Y* S2 Q26. Paragraph 5__________ ( `) B1 R7 ]2 O: H1 U
A.Higher Living Standard
2 R) N/ A; m% [B.Importance of Transport in Trade
6 B7 J/ m1 l3 [C.Various Means of Transport! b9 y3 T% q. y: }- [- V2 L" W& I
D.Birth of Transport-related Industries and Trade
8 m! i0 t: T* M) m8 g4 ?; J! N& BE.Role of Information in Trade; k- V. F3 [+ u! h$ f! ?
F.public Transportation
  `- b5 U$ l# c* p$ M27. The development of modern means of transport__________.8 I+ L4 T" e) }0 x
28. Only when goods can be carried to all parts of the world quickly__________.4 o5 N. U5 c5 k& @0 N2 l
29. Transport has made it possible for people to eat whatever food they want__________.8 g0 ]# W# Z4 U6 t+ n1 t
30. In the trade of modern society the transmission of information plays as important a role as__________.! _" N* u+ H$ M1 p2 w9 Y

* I; }: X: c: b  U* \/ G( yA.to send goods to various parts of the world
- z) g( V; a$ sB.at any time during the year- J: g( I1 A* Z3 |% k# ?0 @) m) e' k7 f
C.has greatly promoted trade4 G( ~2 H: x# k: `- @
D.is it possible to produce on a large scale' r4 q: u8 A  s2 T4 W- W
E.the transport of goods
' ~& `1 T8 [$ a: q" j" \( L. zF.it is possible to produce on a large scale
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:29 | 显示全部楼层


第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。 </p>
  ~7 L- {" {! a- u( e/ K2 t# C8 m( |8 ?( T6 v9 V
31. It is implied in the passage that many educators and parents today feel that one-room schools __________.  o* Y+ `, J' \" d2 i
A. need to be shut down.
% |8 W3 M: v( m6 @B. are the best in Nebraska. ( j. v  c, P* ?
C. are a good example of the good old days.
2 u% F) W0 f) R, V, W1 @$ [D. provide good education.  ]8 ^4 B: Z) y
32. Why are one-room schools in danger of disappearing?4 S7 ^, I2 Q4 _) ~* z" p9 k8 Q
A. Because they all exist in one state.: T- l9 h8 `3 S& \0 N
B. Because they skip too many children ahead.. z" W  |2 ^2 J2 E& Z6 v
C. Because there is a trend toward centralization.
( X& _, v2 X7 C) f/ oD. Because there is no fourth-grade level in any of them.2 r' D( E+ `7 x% E% m  ]
33. What is mentioned as a major characteristic of the one-room school system in the second paragraph?
: k: M2 h- ]  GA. Some children have to be left back.
7 [& j' j% G/ G, b* fB. Teachers are always busy.) L  U$ z$ f  p# j, I
C. Pupils have more freedom.
$ @% B- ?4 z- s& C5 XD. Learning is not limited to one grade level at a time.6 k4 k" U+ B; B$ k3 ?
34. Which of the following can best describe the author's attitude toward one-room schools?  G$ D3 U. O' `- e& G
A. Praising. $ A1 y9 v' k4 e7 S; M
B. Angry.
6 ]$ S8 F# S$ i+ t$ SC. Critical.# Q8 W/ o' e5 \6 E) r* _
D. Humorous.4 Q0 K# a) S* k1 D7 m1 |
35. It can be inferred from the last sentence that parents living in Nebraska __________.
. h7 h/ J% Z/ l& g/ V9 eA. don't like centralized schools.) h$ s, ]5 `# j) b. ^! _
B. received education in one-room schools.
+ |! b9 l" Z: u# E- D; i1 |C. prefer rural life to urban one.
; c' P1 p" w1 F$ pD. come from other states.* B- k; J# {) t3 p: f

, J3 t  y& O* k1 E" J2 \- V  e8 c36. In a big city, cars are less important than buses because__________.
8 U- h/ F% a! _6 i+ D3 wA. cars carry far fewer people.
; E) C# z( h7 J# ~2 @8 H5 G. QB. car travel is less exciting.
2 @3 }% {6 Z, m$ y; C5 r/ g: tC. cars are more expensive.
" [! L! p( ~( nD. cars are inconvenient.
, s/ }; _9 }8 I; P  c6 r5 |  i37. In order to get off the bus, a passenger has to__________.
1 D3 t0 G& n; ^A. shout to the driver.3 u% M/ w( ^6 T6 A! s( l
B. push some buttons.) I$ P: V; ^4 l4 S, ?
C. jump off the bus.% R/ C9 x% [2 R7 N6 G5 b& E: Y
D. ring a special bell.
" ?7 K+ K4 J& T) M0 `8 T. e! ^: z, A% m) D38. Bus travel nowadays__________.
, l  w* Q7 N8 Y# E+ K" C7 n( `5 \A. is worse than before.
3 @1 X6 a2 H' s. f5 N2 V4 }B. is no better than before.6 l  r5 ]7 p  ^/ U
C. is more convenient than before.
9 M2 z- r/ U0 [% g! J; |7 yD. is the same as before.8 ]& n: }  z8 H0 d) {
39. What may happen when one is standing in a crowded bus?3 l, ^3 [. |) X$ G$ f0 i9 E" u
A. One may be forced to leave the bus.
, B& f) ^* ^) _( ]3 @B. One may not have to pay the fare.  }* b: I1 m# B
C. One may become suffocated.
% y: i/ x4 W2 q( B( R/ SD. One may lose one's balance.3 t& v- ?* M4 i& ]! y& W0 g  @
40. We can deduce from the fourth paragraph that in former times bus services were__________.
- p3 A5 R9 d' }5 BA. eventful. 3 \  F) A( i+ x4 C; _
B. irregular.& v+ ]# \! G* n' Y0 D% F8 H3 ~7 ?
C. efficient.
& b5 W! O9 J- y# B8 M- F% WD. well planned.2 ^$ A+ t6 d& |2 h: l. }# V

! A8 n" v4 a/ h- w/ B/ T5 {9 L7 p
! M# ?7 j) A0 h- x41. According to the passage, what do the passengers usually see when they are on a long bus trip?  ~- S0 e# b7 @0 d
A. Buses on the road.
2 r2 H% D3 ?& F% nB. Films on television.( a/ a) y6 B7 u9 h
C. Advertisements on the board." D  P) X, D" @. \( j. D/ }
D. Gas stations.
& ?+ V* b7 ~. J6 A5 b  g42. What is the purpose of this passage?
- O* b7 H% ]7 ^$ p# a: vA. To give the writer's opinion about long bus trips.
8 t9 n6 [4 m/ S; N( `2 ?B. To persuade you to take a long bus trip." x  a* F* Y% f2 F$ F
C. To explain how bus trips and television shows differ.) T* k1 x" A- ]2 T  O
D. To describe the billboards along the road,
1 [" P  q/ b# Q% Q) V43. The writer of this passage would probably favor__________.
) ^, c7 }2 S$ D2 vA. bus drivers who weren't reckless.
* A7 L% y) z( V8 `& vB. driving alone.
9 g' d4 g; y7 r4 O8 A' AC. a television set on the bus.
$ i$ \8 i/ s9 }* W- AD. no billboards along the road.0 J9 [+ A# ^$ M* a6 p
44. The writer feels long bus rides are like TV shows because__________.
) d$ `8 H- h! b8 D% B2 {) SA. the commercials both on TV shows and on billboards along the road are fun.' D9 V. U8 d% B' i9 W* U
B. they both have a beginning, a middle, and an end, with commercials in between.- f" |! L+ L2 A- _& D8 N
C, the drivers are always reckless on TV shows just as they are on buses.
4 l  k* e7 Y$ M' z) }# |2 @# U; {D. both traveling and watching TV are not exciting.
& D8 h; X) i: P7 k1 M1 a7 H45. The writer thinks that the end o{ the ride is somewhat like the beginning because both are__________.
& E4 M+ s& g0 I% ]) U( O. c# a" sA. exciting. / j9 j' Q7 i  c$ \- s
B. comfortable.
0 D! P7 U; K6 @0 }4 |9 ZC. tiring. / T' Q; R! o- n0 `
D. boring
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:30 | 显示全部楼层


第5部分:补全短文(第46~50题,每题2分,共10分): a' e' C& B2 L7 z& Q
下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 </p>
$ C9 \0 l* T' y- V! H, Z7 \6 S" v! b1 v1 R: ^/ w
$ J2 f; f6 Y) y( |- l6 t* c
A. that have favorable overtones for the company initiated by the public relations department
1 U! x* F6 `+ [5 E2 nB. not all publicity is initiated by the firm4 [; B& ]2 H1 L7 c6 ^6 G5 t
C. usually in the form of press releases or press conferences6 ^7 [2 _0 A3 s1 B! Z
D. such as its product quality, the servicing and handling of complaints, and the tenor of the advertising8 p2 @9 G1 O5 T9 a  u
E. what it means to the company is% N$ W6 e" U( L! O
F. Although the basic purpose of public relations is to provide positive influence on the public image
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:31 | 显示全部楼层


+ r7 l3 w* p# p% T( J. j4 [9 r下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。 </p>
: L. q  D  q0 |: A6 ^- C  g- B! }8 N) M7 C7 o* x3 C/ M

+ ]" ]; G1 u. P+ l, [- m* u1 F51. 2 ^# u- L# g, U4 Q1 Q) S
A. Consider ' N0 I0 T( z& ?+ {6 A: w. \8 j! B
B. Considering
; F9 i. k/ t8 h4 OC. Considered
8 n9 R8 `* _  Z9 Q  c& ?- A9 [3 SD. Having considered
4 Q/ m: B! j3 s$ J  V52.
$ O  u- V" Q# k* {& O2 c* |( X1 wA. totals
2 ?% j. i8 i8 N7 E( f& e- s5 p9 o/ ]B. money
9 v. `( h5 o( F0 n1 ]& m6 l" w) ?C. sums: @2 f/ e$ ^9 I6 M
D. dollars
" g7 A  _0 W9 J% X: a! U# `53. 2 b" G4 z0 h/ l) b  M( {6 p7 p
A. to
  Z( T5 l' C4 ~0 L- tB. for
1 E- a- [7 H. c) K6 \% _& U! bC. by
; ]* f# v+ t5 b( J# rD. /1 K7 E: d8 P& U, S2 \# l
54. 3 m' P9 [9 d4 e" F' P
A. various
- j  q* I/ \/ e$ EB. variable
1 W! G) F" l  c  L; v" QC. varied
. A2 m$ C9 w  R- `D. variant+ B8 e" Q2 @# r3 g9 K9 n
* x9 ^9 O/ ?7 I# K! y( G- o; }! jA. from. i0 M" M" E) O% \
B. in/ R! M1 i/ w$ V
C. out of
: h* G5 p5 [* {! ZD. by
6 B) Z5 F1 P% @4 n: Q) N; n0 m+ r. d56.
& H: B/ r- {& T1 T  M) {4 RA. has learned
+ V3 l  C4 i3 Q4 {+ D: |- _0 J4 JB. has been learned
7 E) l3 C4 V" a4 f8 W1 B' ]C. is learned
3 @* V9 a( X( \; _8 Z+ XD. can learn
+ p  @0 Q4 b* a  f* a3 D9 H, b. x57. - t7 z8 y5 c- V3 P1 G
A. is% z# m' ]4 `% s* {/ Q
B. are
; p5 D; N. L: ~/ Y/ H& i: h% ]C. has
# ?7 F5 ]4 `- y& Z: J  iD. was
! Y( @  ]  g7 `# V' N58. 0 B7 {5 U4 h: l) k7 ^$ X3 R
A. effective
! L* U  n4 Z. B/ G* @B. efficient
6 x$ A; q; t/ d! X" U9 RC. more effective
/ l' M& y. X9 Q# M* AD. effect% [! q4 g* T& e5 ]2 c0 t. ]! w) J3 T
8 N; O6 j  B  Q! u8 hA. economic ' c# I- h1 d6 [, i  E$ A2 \1 U5 c5 V
B. economical) b" I& A6 k3 Z% s9 A$ m
C. economies0 S% ]1 W# O' E) K) l# p1 @
D. economy
! h% s$ ]/ o/ }% Q60. 8 D8 F% w+ I# \. F. ~/ n
A. improve0 V# j+ c3 E# p# @* u  k' H: y- |4 i
B. improving
& \) \9 o8 p2 Q& e% yC. improved2 K  n- f* n! O( J- H( d( V
D. being improved
4 r2 }$ R! G3 R+ \' H61.
3 a: ^) {4 f) ]A. as% U# ]6 H% m( _/ h# I
B. unless
9 C" `) e$ F3 k# ]+ g* eC. although
+ U; x1 P& `+ w7 @9 W+ I5 sD. though; t3 v* i. `  d+ |+ |
62. 1 ^0 g. K% w5 S1 H7 W* ~% G
A. that. G; X9 |8 m, }( P  u, L; z. j
B. it$ A' d4 t, n7 D! {' L3 R
C. which   P$ |: I- I8 n/ Y; ^+ t
D. /
' w0 x  z: z. R/ T63. 6 E( _2 n, C5 @" K) `
A. observe
& M+ B6 Z2 p$ F" V. u* ~$ wB. observes
1 B) r* v. Q+ K9 i$ W6 N$ y3 BC. observing6 v0 c6 o9 f* f8 L7 U6 }$ S0 O
D. to observe6 R3 l4 G9 Z$ a5 ]* O
64. + H; x- Z3 s6 h6 z' _# g
A. Increasing
" Z  o! N( ~% p0 H0 a0 wB. Increased/ M# `8 ]3 L, P$ w* {
C. Increasingly0 S' Z9 w# `% }
D. To increase. E: w" c& y/ X& c2 \" M
65. - a3 [( a0 |1 r1 g% W
A. which+ v( O& {% ]- {) e
B. for which/ u- P9 ^! [: b
C. among which
1 J: U, `+ G) n. s7 Y% ZD. of which
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