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[职称英语模拟] 2012年职称英语考试(理工类B级)全真模拟试卷(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。 / t! Z( m: f- m2 W- g
1. He was a very cute boy hut now he seems to have no interest in anything.
- O; \0 \% e/ s5 VA. clever
* W+ s6 x) @: j/ Z5 J; Y* w! e% w% {B. honest' b8 A9 s* r' B
C. brave " h) K8 G  d! s: @: q" J/ X
D. dull
, G! o7 O: b. F4 Q- v2. Data from Voyager Ⅱ have presented astronomers with a puzzle about why our outermost planet exists.2 Y7 f! v6 g- U6 O
A. problem
- O- L7 ~* Q$ T+ a0 e7 D7 gB. mystery
$ j& d! b4 w/ t& e0 B8 u: XC. question5 E/ p4 R- `1 g7 p" ^! G/ w
D. point
+ L# t& a, V8 G7 F" [# \9 A3. The film originated from a short story.
* E0 f3 L. L" k- eA, resulted
1 \9 [4 p8 ?/ [3 ^B. derived
- M+ b$ D& V# G2 Q: SC. heard
2 I* n( C  l3 d% z5 R; p- K( kD. made
& D- X/ H% c  s: `% S" c- _; H4. After supper we usually take a stroll around the park for about an hour.  P( V% B+ ]. u/ k, ^
A. walk
6 x* M0 [+ ?, b0 v( cB. rest
, A! u2 x5 h0 h3 `) _' J0 I+ l& UC. bath
$ @2 D! [1 X* S5 D( l+ `; LD. breath
0 [% ~) D$ N5 o2 X8 W! _5. This is a subject that has now moved into the political domain.: d/ K( n. [3 w! }8 Y. }
A. extent
$ R2 q! q$ Z+ W; B0 EB. zone ) W4 G& Q3 g+ h, H' F
C. area : ?1 @8 p9 U# C% N) ?2 f
D. competition
% R2 u/ Z; p! h( a6. She is noted for her generous contribution for the relief of the poor.
0 E) A" j1 n$ I( U# ?A. charged ' j/ w2 a  x: B) ~' L) W1 @
B. accused 0 a: j! R4 t$ Q: z" g7 b
C. famous 6 p- r% _: ^+ R( q9 q) P# c, Z
D. responsible
3 v2 R# Y7 Y; g' d- u+ b7. He rolled up his trouser leg to exhibit his wounded knee.- n4 m/ J* `8 ]' A. F! T8 r
A. spread
5 Q  H% x& B6 KB. open
/ Z2 D5 }# X4 e$ y$ m/ QC. show * k. e: q6 S; j
D. examine
1 Y0 ~" e6 w& D9 s4 N' g8. You startled me when you shouted.
4 I# @; ]  d6 GA. threatened
* G. ^2 k; t7 R) @( ?8 B' vB. frightened ( F6 X: k1 ]5 O4 c5 v: H1 _0 Q( c
C. interrupted* F3 i2 [& D5 X8 M' x: n7 @8 X
D. troubled; L8 {3 B0 Y) @# u
9. It is said the houses along this street will soon be demolished.
( m9 ]; k3 I' @8 hA. pulled down
: W  @6 B* ^& c+ \- ?+ dB. pulled up$ Z4 r5 s; S# Y! q+ L0 z& J- B
C. pulled off0 M1 J% W' i3 l! V) {1 Z$ X
D. pulled in
6 \' G& C: y3 i8 k  f" W/ O10. She tried to probe my mind and discover what I was thinking.3 L  p( _- t) }; Z5 l  r, c
A. solved
4 c7 {% l& w- O* AB. explored- m3 e8 ?- N9 I, |3 H# q" c/ X2 x
C. involved6 ~( |/ s% d4 g7 I% ~1 l$ M; q' i
D. exploded
0 a" v* d* K( F11. The parents? have to restrain their daughter from running out into the street.% o9 g% q! X! u( B: t8 b
A. disallow
. A& A/ [3 S* I2 @3 oB. reduce ' G" O. s3 g8 j8 E& m1 G
C. prevent  N5 n$ P5 P* n8 |
D. confine. u3 z2 U) p6 G3 c$ ]$ b( O. a0 k
12. He expressed concern that the ship might be in distress.
; ~2 u7 Y& |- r/ |; dA. despair
, l1 p% t! |7 r; u+ gB. difficulties + B- j8 S! w$ {
C. need1 I) N$ g* ?5 g* y* D
D. danger! [3 L  n7 b# l6 K- @
13. Hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake.
9 w6 i" r9 _+ o, VA. shaken
0 _! w; y: x: eB. fallen
0 y2 |! W- ^) W. h: F/ WC. damaged - P$ E; T2 y8 p; p4 u* D
D. trembled, X2 ~% y2 O, L$ j% ^* O
14. Thick clouds obscured the stars from view.
$ _6 w: T" v5 K1 S* k' a- uA. darkened
2 x) ?" j0 L5 ]$ Q" `2 q2 M/ [B. held 8 U8 [4 }4 v! O- E
C. blackened
! M3 h$ Y$ u2 qD. prevent
) r: j- l* K/ l; ~+ }2 U* o8 s# i. ]15. The river was contaminated with waste.
& t" ~3 w& K! P" ~; EA. blackened
* y( e9 d$ c, ?B. polluted+ n0 h# C2 K1 E* c/ Y/ W1 u
C. widened
# r7 t* r/ ?) t% rD. mixed

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)3 }& X7 Y9 r+ \5 i
下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。# H1 Y3 W$ F, k4 `7 i7 t& ]
6 N& a/ J0 t; m, _. c6 I

; {4 u' w0 q- `! c6 ^* j( x, @
, {6 L) S8 c/ J2 V  d& N* S16. The basic model of A3XX can carry more than 500 passengers. ; v6 k# \6 @; p: I. W7 `
A. Right5 r* [  p: E: e- Q5 w' O- d
B. Wrong
* t. H! V, p! ~C. Not mentioned ( A( r) H6 ?5 V3 D1 ?# e4 g
17. A3XX will fly faster while consuming less oil.
- j1 B! Y* l, _A. Right
' A5 g' t& j- m( P+ w! a9 EB. Wrong   M& ]: ~5 m6 o
C. Not mentioned
5 X) n1 d: ?6 B6 S9 c7 |% @1 A' M18. A3XX will be bigger than the B-2 stealth bomber.
* w/ O/ X  U8 k' QA. Right2 U3 \9 ^1 ?5 P
B. Wrong ; q8 ^9 |1 e9 l( e8 L
C. Not mentioned, I6 V' |$ r# r. _  A
19. No fasteners will be used in building A3XX because all components will be welded together.
4 G- [) l& t# MA. Right& Y2 j% U. B( @5 w& B, ]) c
B. Wrong
, k/ X; g6 [1 c% O6 l- N8 KC. Not mentioned
. A* X" {3 N8 y20. The wing of A3XX will not be spoiled when it is stricken by a strong wind because its surface are designed to be movable.
0 L7 B2 Y7 Q$ ^5 o  ?$ N2 f% BA. Right- U8 ?9 H/ S( U6 A
B. Wrong   J$ D- O6 w* L& R2 n
C. Not mentioned1 @( H) H7 k9 t
21. Airbus plans to build a mini-restaurant in the lower hold of A3XX. . i3 G) E% ?# d
A. Right
0 `, m$ a3 V& C; t( FB. Wrong
0 _! n; E( [$ ?( Q0 f6 PC. Not mentioned
( U% `; E( i6 q% V: `2 ?22. The first A3XX will be available in 2003.
- |$ q- }/ Q1 i, d/ JA. Right. G7 p6 ^; h3 [) u
B. Wrong
3 N& N. o* a( m0 ^5 g6 tC. Not mentioned
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:28 | 显示全部楼层


, a& A' d8 j; G- @, [$ H下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第2~6段其中4段名选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。8 d/ _( u' R+ t" q9 l$ E

0 Q! a5 Z2 B9 K. L" Y; U
5 _! [$ L2 M# x3 k& W* ?7 ], Z7 Z% F23. Paragraph 2 __________/ _% w: D% u  x9 P" J0 }
24. Paragraph 3 __________
$ m/ p! Y' H3 i& b25. Paragraph 5 __________* d1 \# e9 C6 G# s' ]+ v6 Y
26. Paragraph 6 __________
/ G/ x6 }; e0 z6 ~. `% K" H/ n% x  ?) U2 j& ~

: T) n3 j( m- @1 e1 J8 \1 HA.Reasons for Excluding Masks from the Self-protection List) M0 _9 k" S3 K1 s) T
B.Effort to Stop Flu Spreading! v* v* E, S1 g8 n
C.When to Use Face Masks2 Z" g9 `* k: N# y6 `( A
D.Guidelines on Mask Use% r( i9 }, Z6 Q$ |" J
E.Warnings from the CDC
6 s' Q" I0 R- {+ ]/ `: CF.Danger of Infection through Germy Hands and Masks$ I6 M" V/ W$ w9 B, f7 I! G
3 F* g, \, d) l( \
27. The scientists are trying to find out if masks may or may not __________. # Y" S& V2 w+ [2 N4 z) G# b( C0 }4 J
28. The CDC is afraid that the public may? __________.
, C4 q& z+ V) K29. The public will not know the answer about masks until scientists __________.
9 ^7 j: e9 U  [; ?30. We can infer from the passage that the US authorities __________.6 W( C' x9 X: L
8 w" ~/ L+ q& ]7 Q; G1 M/ o

0 J- }9 Y, A# D9 FA.overuse face masks
( Y- A& A) ~3 JB.deal with the mask problem seriously
. P% g* |4 H( S! A8 rC.rub their faces and noses in the subway
: X, x" I2 o, a6 UD.protest against the mask guidelines% @( o* }4 q( S* U
E.help protect people from being attacked by a flu' `' t! j4 H) H- z7 n9 S  W4 z% E
F.announce the results of their mask research
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:29 | 显示全部楼层


</p>第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。2 b6 y& V. r. Q! o- G) r
) K' ^& S( O" d, N2 i+ w! z- b4 E

5 z8 e* E/ y9 S' }4 O; P. l  A31. What determines your weight?  z$ W6 F2 f9 A9 d9 t
A. Your working manner. ) ?" v! }# M2 x* q
B. Your eating habit.
& t4 H! X. E8 ^$ N( uC. Your life style.6 V/ s; `% X, C+ j
D. Your genes.
" a. _$ Q. m- X1 U$ a+ V& Z32. What did Jules Hirsch do in his study?
( K( _3 q$ t/ t- K5 DA. He let the eight fat people skip supper. , G4 k: \0 t! h9 {$ z
B. He let the eight fat people skip breakfast./ U  {  B- a. g% W8 ~
C. He let the eight fat people run every morning and evening.
$ H5 E. o2 j; o$ s( C: G2 yD. He gave the eight fat people a liquid formula providing 600 calories a day.! z7 n1 P5 T6 c
33. What happened to the eight fat people after they left the hospital?
; C8 I- r" p7 n. H$ Q4 wA. They went mad.
( ~& l0 L* x! b1 u! o; w$ F" qB. They killed themselves.
; U& [+ S9 G( T$ A1 ?C. They were back to normal weight.
: s- B) `2 H6 H1 TD. They attempted suicide# |8 |; o9 f% n1 V
34. What did Ethan Sims make his subjects do?
- W5 E6 x, e+ O: j3 t- r1 Z$ j  ]# MA. Battle their genetic inheritance.
) q* E6 V+ {; O8 k6 q& |B. Increase their weight. & ~. y: T2 K4 i4 t
C. Stay at home./ W7 G6 Q0 T0 ]
D. Lower their weight.9 x- p: B* }# \" `! G$ C
35. What did scientists think was true?
6 l0 z. H- F% `/ ~$ h8 nA. Each person has a fixed weight range./ f3 N( K# Y* P' C" ~
B. Each person has a weight range of 9 kg. % C. S* N/ F# _& l8 u2 h" D
C. Each person wants to control his weight.
, r# j/ ?4 q& U  I8 iD. Each person wants to eat to his heart's content.! e, P" Y0 S3 L
9 J: G% k6 `  h- d: c/ s
36. Something destructive could happen to a star that gets too close to a black hole. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?
/ U) s9 ?* N- n) l1 c9 o$ b, PA. The black hole could tear apart the star.
; Q+ d3 Z4 N9 [+ j# H  IB. The black hole could trigger a nuclear explosion in the star. ( l% f4 ?7 h/ r8 E
C. The black hole could dwindle its size considerably.' c% q' K4 s8 p  e: K
D. The black hole could devour the star.
8 Q$ z) a/ y" R+ B$ V8 `6 P37. According to the third paragraph, researchers differed from each other in the problem of
9 _/ s' M. [5 s( H  VA. whether nuclear reaction would occur.9 J' t6 P6 {1 i2 w0 w
B. whether the stars would increase its density and temperature. - V9 p0 S3 x4 Y- l: W, A
C. whether shock waves would occur.% O: U2 H$ e2 Y' ~
D. whether the uneven forces would flatten the stars./ Y3 `3 j( \8 A! ?  l( {
38. According to the fourth paragraph, which of the following is NOT true?
5 }; t4 k% |$ ~, K( z* ]  }; |A. No nuclear explosion would be triggered inside the star.: ?0 R2 f/ d  i
B. The star would be destroyed completely.
3 e  V2 ~4 D2 I, ZC. Much of the star's matter thrown by the explosion would be beyond the black hole's reach.
4 L; u, S  [- Y: J" G6 fD. The black hole would completely devour the star.. X* a% g1 `1 v0 i
39. What will happen several months after the explosion of the star? 9 `0 ]+ J# J! q
A. The star's matter will move further away from by the black hole. ! `( W, X/ N" M
B. The black hole's matter will heat up.3 z& H7 K1 e8 l; o1 K9 j* p1 G
C. The black hole's matter will swirl into the black hole.4 O9 i5 k4 K. H3 o$ U& A
D. The black hole's matter will release ultraviolet light and X-rays.! \% ~/ S2 y9 a( k: t7 x5 T- i8 n
40. According to the context, the word "disruption" in paragraph 6 means
6 G5 _2 x4 _$ o. n+ y" C+ ]5 CA. confusion. & h1 O9 B9 N( l+ K; `
B. tearing apart.
+ S' P- o: N! g) ]C. interruption.! }& K& Q) ?0 k$ p. L/ k
D. flattening.5 X' `1 v! \5 {

2 ^2 R% y4 t- J# @& I' A& ^8 M$ m& N) u1 N
41. What is the mystery that researchers find hard to explain? 1 V/ B$ h. q& V
A. Honeybees are flying all across the country.
/ u- D: u. n: Y2 E/ p1 O: HB. 25—40 percent of the honeybees in the US have died.
! ?2 S! j' u4 t- r! g3 {; c4 aC. Honeybees are leaving their hives and do not return.
5 r( U* u! A9 k" c3 sD. Honeybee hives are in disorder.$ Q" B$ E; H/ \4 R! j: d5 ?. [! V: }9 ]) @
42. Why are researchers seriously concerned with the phenomenon of colony-collapse disorder?0 w) \; _. Q2 u/ K. [3 M+ K
A. Because honeybees produce one-third of the foods we eat + v) `; n  M4 j9 j
B. Because honeybees feed on flowers.
" v7 e8 r2 V9 s. D. K& ?9 xC. Because honeybees eat seeds of flowers. $ _) Z  u  v/ _( [+ C+ z. r
D. Both B and C.
$ @& U6 f- n, G% O! e0 m% X43. What are the possible causes of colony-collapse disorder given by the scientists? ! D" O5 Q3 N0 i  W0 A9 U* m
A. Worsening environment.7 e0 T6 A+ R9 I3 A/ @$ e' B( M& |2 B
B. Disease and chemicals.
, V0 }) r5 q  V- D( B  hC. Dwindling number of flowers around. 3 S5 t/ o/ y4 P/ g
D. Changes in genes' structures.
: M: Y) a7 A+ D1 {. n9 e44. According to the fifth paragraph, which of the following about bees' genes is true?
0 i: `0 z/ g0 L& tA. Bees' genes allow them to expand their colonies.
7 r, i6 E! a4 f! r9 zB. Bees' genes help keep them in their hives.6 M( d+ K7 z2 E& r8 X9 E7 u4 }
C. Bees' genes make them fly from flower to flower." V% B+ {" W. [
D. Bees' genes could explain the collapse of some colonies.
2 {0 t" N* y  D5 _- y45. What explanation is given by Jerry Hayes to the phenomenon? # m) Q) A4 Y: i
A. Farmers apply certain chemicals to kill unwanted bees.4 |' h2 U/ ?; ~5 X& V7 d
B. The insecticide destroys the honeybee's nervous system.
( m) o$ m) U! I3 |$ K! j( B+ ^C. The insecticide affects the honeybee's memory." v7 i* e# D+ y5 i, ~* k
D. All of the above.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:30 | 显示全部楼层


; Q2 K9 B6 ?# K' V. S2 q; d下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。/ @; q$ w$ W% J8 J+ [/ @# q. G4 |5 h4 o

4 M7 W5 L" t/ p" z0 H- c1 U! a9 M
  `! i! P) p# x0 j( m- z2 z
9 A) k" {* }7 m4 |A. The American version of Mother's Day was thought up as early as 1905, by Anna Jarvis, as a way of recognizing the real value of motherhood.
* A: [$ L1 D- V  X, UB. But what's more, commercialism changes young people's attitude towards motherhood.
1 h' C, `& |. b/ Z+ cC. Obviously, the best gift will be a phone call or a visit.$ K% K$ C1 U& c: [: z5 N# J4 ]* b
D. According to a research by the US card company Hallmark, 96 percent of American consumers celebrate the holiday.
, X* X) t  o" qE. As a result, motherhood has suffered a huge drop in status since the 1950s., C/ r- a7 U' N( _% P2 S- c8 w
F. In addition, women are being encouraged to pursue any career they desire.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:31 | 显示全部楼层


4 c) p4 d8 U& X  V$ X* J3 w下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。
9 U& I) V6 f1 \) r . w/ `6 t: ^& A( g  z, y7 @( s

1 @: q9 f4 B" _' v* X8 f7 m& z7 \% Y& E6 a( _$ E$ v
1 l! b- o% `) R4 W/ O# |A. track
1 `$ y' h3 u4 t5 X( w1 T+ iB. path+ g& |  u# A3 o: o* X& ~2 K# t( w
C. way " g8 {4 O+ w/ L- L* W
D. road
$ t! S+ q6 u, Q% q; M& p/ ^0 {52
) j, Y1 m, R# Z: PA. harm
8 v/ w; x  J' b+ rB. help : `6 x! S! Z/ C/ X
C. keep , ]+ T0 S+ j1 a" c4 q( ~1 i& B
D. nurture
) k6 m8 ~- N: `, T2 r+ k. u0 `' T. s2 D531 w. i2 e: N% _" y5 @+ s3 o4 A
A. element
' v& l0 E4 ~1 f! r5 k3 g. iB. mixture
, h4 A1 `2 y* P1 _  L& K  z" KC. matter
7 {! `+ G. \8 u0 t  GD. material4 d& ], k1 S9 s- W  `
0 D! h  P; C8 X, W7 N& w% RA. or
2 {, d) S2 `9 p1 c3 QB. and
! }% a: ], H" Q3 OC. but
9 S, [% i6 o  Z) WD. so
! a# P* b) A0 n5 G$ D55
( M0 `, L! M- J  `+ r- `4 D/ @! OA. from
1 @, W; Z% C- xB. at $ e, G+ O" `- e3 W
C. out of   k7 s7 Q- s1 d! l- h
D. into+ W5 g/ Q& D' L" u7 z/ t6 L
& ^: V/ N' n5 m* ?  H8 `- D9 p$ |A. made out
  _# j  M) p( d; N' @& qB. made up ) E1 b; w% I  F( I8 y
C. made of
# v( S+ [) k2 e8 k6 T8 O2 pD. made into
' ?1 _' ?7 \3 N; J1 {) ]9 c57
8 a) T( ^; B% c1 ^7 }A. cloth' t1 R" @7 p9 S% F& O% V
B. paper
( E! h/ X+ K  tC. plastic6 [- Y# d" \6 V4 T% {4 m' I
D. synthetic" m) L4 k# G1 E. J  T
" p" ~' G" ~. t, QA. land 6 W  r* ?6 m0 V$ p- p( x  m
B. resources
  j! [/ W" B9 [2 E4 uC. oxygen
6 Y, n, O4 ]; hD. water5 `/ R, l" c* d0 b" F
59' Z( c/ j( u; U' t( y6 x+ H& M7 W
A. on the contrary
0 o! A/ ~/ o. k6 eB. at any rate
7 k% w# M1 K6 X" p& l7 h. T/ ]C. far from3 h9 k/ g, {+ p! A( @% j
D. by contrast6 y4 _' K# _- t- E' Y
; y; f4 j6 V6 L' Z+ `! \A. competition
  E0 I$ K+ g3 i7 T: {8 ~B. fight
) f, `& }$ F# Z4 d' |C. quarrel & J# E, y' n) c; t9 j9 `- f! ]
D. debate
2 j1 D$ Z% S8 C* \61
5 V5 u# Q( W$ L  D0 j7 uA. durable' }! I. z/ \6 D1 z& ]7 F5 x
B. useful
5 n- ^1 i% I7 z+ L& _- ], u  GC. wasteful
: c) Q' @( n& \- R# y4 ~2 S' ?/ J( jD. necessary: e/ u" i, @: e' w( |) F
62- @4 d0 j, x8 R$ {8 I7 b; i
A. alternative
# i3 g$ D# @# f/ z: a' ~8 R5 C# WB. mission
9 C, z7 D: t; a! B; i; {% Q, @C. project , u  g- _  f3 m
D. invention" e: E3 t$ }& b: U* x; X$ h
636 C& b' R& {3 {
A. when " _+ {  \4 Q: F; {" x
B. who8 Y3 C. U$ i( @* f1 o
C. whom
/ i, t: u2 i4 B# N8 a; y0 i+ x6 Q$ k0 vD. what
7 v! i7 [+ D: ~) i64/ d4 N) b1 l. \( d! i% n! S
A. effective
0 }% y0 y! i: o# l, S9 bB. disliked : u! {7 Y' L9 y- s# x8 w1 |) _- ?
C. expensive
+ I; ?- E, R; r. S6 k3 A: SD. useless7 D  n" z0 b* [/ p
/ R8 C( v0 W5 d& bA. suggestion
9 e) K* ?5 l1 v+ WB. statement
0 d: ^. |9 `0 q5 g) uC. reply
) t, c' {/ E+ h0 x9 ]  ]& jD. answer
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:32 | 显示全部楼层


</p>职称英语等级考试全真模拟试卷二参考答案$ y8 q* I' U" _$ t
(理工类B级)" B4 Z6 @+ O& H* q1 w$ T/ B- C9 |" t
1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.B 20.A 21.C 22.A 23.D 24.C 25.A 26.F 27.E 28.A 29.F 30.B 31.D 32.D 33.C 34.B 35.A 36.C 37.A 38.D 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.A 43.B 44.D 45.D 46.A 47.D 48.B 49.F 50.E 51.C 52.A 53.D 54.B 55.A 56.C 57.B 58.B 59.C 60.D 61.C 62.A 63.B 64.A 65.D
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