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[职称英语模拟] 2012职称英语理工类B级模拟练习(16)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 According to some observers, television has acquired a disquieting monopoly over people’s leisure time.   # Y, z3 ?& @" y. ?- m
  A recent B business C noisy D troubling
: H' _' J* U3 r) j  2 Professor Smith continued his research work and disregarded his colleague’s advice. 
+ ], \" w1 ?( J  A ignored B deplored C explored D implored
0 b" n/ Q% p/ }: g  3 Before the development of movable metal type in the mid-fifteenth century, news was disseminated by word of mouth, by letter, or by public notice.  2 J% V+ l! e4 X/ h+ w. q8 ~
  A organized B requested C distributed D limited
8 F% d3 ]% Q# ]9 N  V( d8 D2 K( }  4 Corn, domesticated by the American Indians, was brought to Europe by Columbus. 
5 R; g9 s# P+ E5 ^5 A3 x  A trained B cultivated C implanted D reared 6 Y- X5 v/ q% q7 Y: m# B
  5 Of all the wild dogs, none is more closely related to the domesticated dog than the wolf.  2 v' X3 z: D! D5 R! U6 D
  A ordinary B tame C faithful D hunting
+ B+ s6 C) o) O  6 The dominant theme in the music is of tranquility and peacefulness.  " |6 }9 [  _, j9 |1 Q6 Y
  A major B final C copious D sluggish ; E/ f- a/ M9 U4 e+ J
  7 During their winter hibernation period, bears doze.  ( W  ~- p( g8 }+ }+ ^4 o, X* A
  A sleep lightly B lose fur C go hungry D have babies
% k! K# V, G/ a' K  8 The municipal home-rule system used in many United States cities gives a city the right to draft its own charter. " z3 ?! }. ?8 ?; p, k( z4 Y) o
  A enforce B make revisions in C draw up D have  8 a# n4 n6 p. l9 }
  9 The Little Foxes, a drama by Lillian Hellman, was first produced in New York in 1939. 
8 w% C! W0 r' A. V" t  A play B novel C musical D dance 9 j9 @7 |9 [* _0 f  v+ t! `
  10 The new wing of the National Art Gallery in Washington D. C. , drew twenty-two thousand visitors on its opening day. 
9 U% _8 Y! u# e3 H  A captivated B attracted C entertained D fascinated / D) Q; Y. `  T# V' U
  11 Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other drawback. 
6 m, l& v6 m9 J' f  z  A property B additive C disadvantage D disparity 9 ^0 ~6 ~) [( j  `+ n( Z1 h, z8 m
  12 A long journey in cold weather is dreadfully tiring.  9 ]/ Z2 K9 W% q, N0 G
  A unfortunately B terribly C noticeably D predictably : u/ ~8 }3 b2 w; F7 w4 T
  13 The manchineel tree has smooth, pale brown bark and long, drooping branches. 
0 c7 ^. |' w- p% V) Z  A spindly B prickly C sagging D blossoming 6 v) Q# @  v; n1 e* C
  14 A drop in the overall price of goods and services may signal a period of deflation. 
. m: x8 |* B: p1 q  A A freeze B A pattern C A fall D An interest
% k; e1 h5 I4 }8 k7 |8 u+ E5 J( [- a  15 The drought destroyed the crops in the Southwest of the United States. 
2 [4 R- T' I0 I& }  A dry period B precipitation C locusts D temperature extreme 8 O& Z* F! Z( |( J. N

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