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[职称英语模拟] 2012职称英语综合类B级模拟练习07

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Broadly speaking , the Englishman is a quiet, shy , reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of _________(51) or foreigners he often seems inhibited(抑制) ,___________(52) embarrassed . you have only to take a commuter train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious –looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or dozing in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. Practically, there is here an _____________(53) but clearly understood code of behavior which, if broken ,makes the person immediately the object of ______________(54)  1 I" n$ l, y1 o
  It is a well-known fact that the English weather defies forecast and hence is a source of interest______________-(57)everyone. This may be so. Fundamentally Englishmen cannot have much____________(58) in the weathermen , who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong___________(59) cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate-or as inaccurate –as the ___________(60) in his predictions.
* d/ }7 \( @8 r6 q6 ]& n8 B  The overseas visitors may be excused for showing surprised at the number of references_________(61) weather that English make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are conducted by comments on the weather. “Nice day,isn’t it ?” “beautiful !” may well be heard instead of “good morning , how are you ?”___________(62) the foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. If he wants to ___________(63) a conversation with an Englishman but is __________(64) to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the _______(65). It is a safe subject which will stimulate an answer from even the most reserved of Englishmen.
; b; @2 Z$ \$ O+ V# q  51 A friends B strangers C workmates D schoolmate
. o! J3 t: j: @6 q9 g% ]5 ~  52 A yet B otherwise C even D though ; L- F+ o& D  _: j$ N, J& _
  53 A unwritten B written C unknown D apparent
* @; j0 ^: r. P; A  54 A suspicion B opposition C attack D attention
! i; j# A9 k0 d: V4 T. w# \3 F3 s* B  55 A passion B interest C will D ability
0 J8 Y1 L9 b9 W" ]# m: t& j  56 A at length B to a great extent C from their heart D by all means
+ ?+ z1 U* |4 A. [: ^+ H  57 A for B to C in D with : D# e9 X4 i1 X6 O9 K. I8 z
  58 A faith B reliance C honor D credit
6 K2 \1 I  i4 a/ a  59 A if B once C when D whereas 9 X4 k6 C: \& p8 r) w
  60 A spokesmen B addressors C weathermen D announcers
1 d. P. e* o) K$ `3 ^  61 A about B on C as to D to 0 Q3 c9 _1 |( r
  62 A since B although C however D before % o6 A, M- Y6 r  X5 i
  63 A end B start C skip D stop & t( Z5 j! ]3 b) |
  64 A at a loss B at last C in fact D on the occasion
/ S( d* G1 h5 [. n6 ~+ D  65 A weather B climate C football D basketball

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


答案解析:  % K8 z. u) W; R! o
  51 B 这句话是说,当英国人面对什么人和外国人时,会感到压抑。根据句意,应该填B陌生人。
) }5 B) ?8 i, }6 W# w  52 C 逗号后面的短语和前半句的关系应该是递进的,所以选C even甚至。全句的意思是:当英国人面对陌生人和外国人时,会感到压抑,甚至尴尬。 2 F" H% ~* X, t* D7 [7 z: R1 e
  53 A 空后面是but,所以这里应该填一个与but后相反意思的词,所以选A: unwritten没有写出来、没有说明。
2 r% {  t$ Z$ J) _5 i, |$ n2 |  54 D object of attention 注意的目标。这句话的意思是:如果这种行为准则被打破,那么,这个人就会成为别人注意的目标了。
2 B% O7 k$ e3 p4 @; z$ z1 i  55 A 这句话说得是:众所周知,英国人有谈论天气的激情。
- s8 J$ o! `+ G8 P1 S5 e& l% n  56 A at length 是详尽的、详细的意思。这句话是说,英国人只要给半点机会就会详细地谈论天气。To a great extent很大程度、非常,from their heart 从心里,by all means尽一切办法,都不是很符合句意。
7 q+ b0 Y! j9 s% M) x2 G  57 B to在这里的意思是对于,to everyone对于每一个人的意思。 9 A2 N! i5 H) x8 l; o$ Z+ X8 j* y
  58 A have a faith in 是相信、信任的意思。这句话是说:从根本上说:英国人不信任他们的天气预报员。
* \0 ]' S; ]5 t7 _; d" s5 |  59 C 在这里when 引导时间状语从句。
! Q$ b( e" q$ B  60 C 这段主要讲的是人们对于天气预报员的不信任,所以很明显根据上下文,应该选weathermen .
5 o4 Q4 h% q. X  61 D reference to 是一个固定搭配的词组,意思是提及、涉及。 1 a2 E* t! F' ]) F- K
  62 B although 尽管,这句话说得是: 尽管外国人认为这有些夸张或滑稽。 9 }) B6 L' [% K6 T& `: ?6 L
  63 B 这句话说的是:如果他想和一位英国人开始谈话,又不知道从哪儿开始,从上下文可以看出是开始谈话,而不是停止、中断或跳过谈话,所以选B.
; Q& U8 C; o& x  64 A at a loss困惑,at last最后,in fact 事实上,on the occasion有时。
4 V# O% C, m3 V$ g  65 A 整篇文章都在讲英国人和天气的关系,所以很容易判断选A .
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