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[职称英语模拟] 2013年职称英语理工类考试词汇选项练习题(2)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.The staff of the company are always courteous and helpful.% f% U% @3 i# K0 _- r# {7 q
  A)efficient2 _2 r" }; B7 y
! y. C& G7 D4 H" s  C)well-informed# |, @7 V5 o# W5 v* M- J  b: K
8 W+ f( Q4 J- y- V: Y4 Q: {  2.The new job will provide you with invaluable experience.% h& c- ?5 s% ?* @' I, @9 p
  A)simply useless
  E  \+ Y$ e% v3 u1 d  B)really practical  U; E0 s6 o% x8 |/ N+ f. i
  C)very little
4 g4 X8 n* L  B, V  L* z% U  D)extremely useful.
0 `3 B' R% f9 C/ L' L# U  3.The whole idea to build a deluxe hotel here sounds insane to me.4 w* S' ]& }( M8 |  U- J' D: A
  A)reasonable/ O( ~' x" I9 [2 [
  B)sensible( A; C% P/ B. ~" |$ ~7 X* x
  C)crazy+ J* o1 K- @8 p8 [) \
( j0 ]! T0 I; ?! D: t& Y  4.In his two-hour-long lecture he made an exhaustive analysis of the issue。; ~. y( B+ I. H
  A) extremely thorough1 C: A. \2 G* R
  B) long and boring: [% Q! y8 A& K( \
) @" f% G8 p5 |5 k  D)unconvincing, B. c) I+ }7 c
  5.We all think that the new device he has proposed is ingenious8 G$ }) Q+ J3 Y" c
  A) effective
$ r& I8 A5 `7 I) t, w* l  B)clever中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
2 u; ^5 Q! o7 x  C)implausible, @# F6 L/ ]7 A# A* x+ q6 q, ^
  D)original- x5 C  F  Y3 h2 h- d
答案解析:1.D courteous是"有礼貌的,谦恭的",在四个选项中只有respectful和它意义相近。respectable和respectful的区别:前者是"可尊敬的",后者是"恭敬的,尊重别人的",a respectable gentlemen:一位值得尊敬的先生,a respectful bow:充满敬意的一鞠躬。efficient"有效率的",well-informed"有学问的"。
2 t+ w6 ]: H/ S1 `" X+ N# q( x% b  2.D invaluable这个词从形式上看似乎是valuable(贵重的,有价值的)的反义词,其实不然,它的意思恰恰是"无法估计的,十分宝贵的",故应选extremely useful。其他的搭配还有an invaluable treasure:无价之宝,invaluable advice:很有用的忠告,invaluable heritage:宝贵的遗产。选项A和invaluable反义,选项B的意思是"确实很实用",选项C的意思是"几乎没有"。
9 r( _5 F/ t4 V* ?- z# N  3.C此句的意思是"我认为在这里建一家豪华宾馆的想法简直是荒唐"。insane是sane的反义词,意思是"精神错乱的,疯狂的",故该词和mad,crazy同义。He went insane at last.他最终发疯了。reasonable和sensible的意思都是"合理的,有理的",故都和insane相反。0 ~% k$ ]/ b5 Z' Z0 }6 h1 _
  4.A exhaustive是"透彻韵,彻底的"意思。exhaustive study:透彻的研究,exhaustive investigation:深入的调查。所以extremely thorou~是正确答案。 Long and boring:长得令人厌倦,superficial:表面的,unconvincing:不能使人信服的,均不合适。6 a: g$ b( w2 }& w$ w, ~9 U3 ^
  5.B ingenious:灵巧的,巧妙的,大致上和clever同义。ingenious mind:机灵的头脑,ingenious rnachine:精巧的机器,ingenious tactics:巧妙的战术等。effective"有效的",implausible"不合情理的",original"有新意的"。

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