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[职称英语模拟] 2013年职称英语理工类阅读判断精选练习题(14)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013年职称英语理工类阅读判断精选练习题(14); J  i3 _; I& Z1 j- {  a
Often speakers at a meeting experience dry mouths and ask for a glass of water. You can solve the problem by activating the saliva in your mouth. First gently bite the edges of your tongue with your teeth. Or, press your entire tongue to the bottom of your mouth and hold it there until the saliva flow. Or you can imagine that you are slicing a big juicy lemon and sucking the juice.   Before you begin your talk, be kind to your voice. Avoid milk or creamy drinks which coat your throat. Keep your throat wet by drinking a little sweetened warm tea or diluted fruit juice. 中华考试网
9 b# ]  ^( z& u6 l* |& X  l  If you sense that you are losing your voice, stop talking completely. Save your voice for your speech. You may feel foolish using paper to write notes, but the best thing you can do is to rest your voice. If you need to see a doctor, perhaps you can get some advice from a professional singer. In the meantime, do not even talk in a low voice.
) X% b  C/ g, L8 i( V, C5 e  What about drinking alcohol to wet your throat? I advice you not to touch alcohol before speaking. The problem with alcohol is that one drink gives you a little confidence. The second drink gives you even more confidence. Finally you will feel all-powerful and you will feel you can do everything, but in fact your brain and your mouth do not work together properly. Save the alcohol until after you finish speaking. : @0 @- D" J' x) D3 ~
  Perhaps you want to accept the advice, but you may wonder if you can ever change the habits of a lifetime. Of course you can. Goethe, who lived before indoor skating sinks or swimming pools, said, "We learn to skate in the summer and swim in the winter." Take this message to heart and give yourself time to develop your new habits. If you are willing to change, you will soon be able to say that you will never forget these techniques because they became a part of your body.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:30:27 | 显示全部楼层


 16 To solve the problem of dry mouths, one is advised to take cool milk. </p>  A Right
: v) Z3 l* `  N; N5 O. w2 b  B Wrong / O+ G6 ^4 q3 U: _
  C Not mentioned + ^7 R+ o3 b! z2 P0 ?" D8 d
  17 The first paragraph mentions three ways of activating the saliva in the mouth. ; ?  Y) `: j+ p  j5 `
  A Right ; o$ k" |: t# f
  B Wrong $ U- z. u* b1 q; `
  C Not mentioned
7 r% |% b3 B, q) R  18 The writer suggests that you go to see a doctor when you feel you are losing your voice.
5 f( O/ d, q. l5 I. f) `, R  A Right ! s: U3 X" V5 Z# F2 H& @3 c# A
  B Wrong
; m6 c# L9 \* K; d# L  C Not mentioned www.examw.com
- D8 `4 U1 N, S" ^. J( r1 c8 |$ K  16 B这句句子与第二段第二句的忠告(avoid milk)正好相反,因此选择B。
, U2 e; z8 e. l3 Z, k. C; P  17 A第一段中由First,Or,Or引导的三个句子是activating the saliva in your mouth的三种方法。
8 g  L. i* P2 z( e* K1 J+ |( D4 i* a  18 B作者说,如果你感到要失声了,就stop talking completely,最好rest your voice。
/ X0 B  S4 n" p2 u  19 B在第四段,作者告诫人们演讲之前,千万别沾酒:not to touch alcohol before speaking。 0 s- H8 g1 Z$ i
  20 A第四段的最后两个句子的意思是:(喝了一、两杯酒以后)你会感到自己无所不能,但事实上你的脑子和嘴巴已不能正常地协调工作了:your brain and your mouth do not work together properly。 8 |$ [. i0 ~; N* d) R  v& f
  21 C最后一段只提到Goethe生活的时代还没有室内溜冰场和游泳池,但没有提到他是否经常在室外溜冰和游泳。 * L8 p  G* `% K0 s* z! J
  22 A只要愿意,就能改变习惯。这是最后一段的主题,例如,夏天溜冰,冬天游泳。
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