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[职称英语综合] 职称英语常考从句解析:定语从句

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  ^5 q$ l% G& N; U2 r  1、功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语
+ q2 B# u2 G2 _  2、位置:定语从句置于被修饰词之后
8 w3 p5 W7 M2 H$ \/ }" _  Those who are willing to attend the party, sign here please.
5 D# w4 B! P4 ]$ c& J9 [! x  3、先行词:被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词
9 M- z1 R, Z0 F  (1)先行词一般是名词和不定代词,如:some-, any-, every-和no与-boy, -thing的合成词;或all、none、any、some、that、those等代词。数词也可以作先行词,人称代词也同样可作先行词。/ J1 f' e6 i/ P# Q& c" T( o
' b  @% }% Y3 l9 J  ①先行词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的数由先行词而定。
' ^2 {! M" @! h& D( T  This is the place which is worth visiting.
0 F& ?2 K  R) M) |& q  ②关系词在从句句子中充当了成分,其意思就是先行词的意义,所以在从句中不能重复其意。
) @$ l3 |# F* a, b  There are many places we can visit(them)in China.
; K3 C/ C1 g) n3 u! Z+ G  4、关系词:引导定语从句的都称关系词! f2 C: N% I1 T; H1 L, s& }
  关系代词:who, whom, which, that, whose, as。
; s7 _1 X8 P+ s9 e  关系副词:when, where, why。that偶尔也作关系副词。
$ i# V* e0 n4 A# I. o0 S  5、确定关系词的步骤; S9 S# r% h  B. j+ ~3 q
  (1)先找关系词,看先行词指的是什么。$ |$ |! V" I+ ]
5 D( T# U* q" `3 C; R( C9 o  6、在定语从句中,当先行词指物时,下列情况的关系词宜用that而不用which) _7 ]8 w5 ^0 K' t3 G! z) a8 K5 ?0 C
  (1)先行词被①形容词最高级 ②序数词 ③数词几种词修饰或被 ④only、any、few、little、  no、all、one of等修饰时。
: n4 n( Y/ K- [+ G7 y" U3 A  (2)先行词为all、much、little、none、few、one、something、anything等不定代词时。* l. q3 ^1 A+ {( J( Y* w1 _/ x
2 e8 r$ p: C* j6 y/ c2 ?7 w  He was looking pleasantly at te children and parcels that filled his bus.# X) L* b' g2 \/ t
  (4)先行词在主句中作表语关系词在从句中作表语时。. W3 m1 H5 r# }/ @4 L  d
  The village is no longer the one that was 5 years ago.
1 G* T" t, ]( R2 ~  (5)当主句中含有疑问词which时。- ?, j$ X/ n# X8 P+ M0 H
  Which are the books that you bought for me ?
; u6 F0 n. k: E  e! @5 H$ z  7、宜用which而不用that的情况
  U( C! s4 W* }  (1)在非限制性定语从句中
$ e( M1 ]: X" c+ F  (2)在关系词前有介词时
" o6 `( d! i* S( {9 d: D- b, ^$ C  (3)当先行词本身是that时0 Z( X* m" d& y$ e5 r: c- L9 F& P+ e$ j
# b' \1 p% q2 I  w6 m  8、关系词who与that指人时,也有不同情况分别用不同的关系词  W  N; u0 z5 Q
  (1)当主句是there be句型时,关系词用who。
4 B" q& F$ z1 j. @: o9 C: u! I) x  (2)先行词是为anyone、those、someone、everyone、one等词时,关系词用who。
- _& m1 M  O5 y' f  (3)当主句是who作疑问词时,关系词用that。' p! t* v; v/ _( X
  Who is that girl that is standing by the window?
' J* a6 a0 o5 B2 s1 R  (4)whom在从句中只作宾语,可被who取代。* r. L3 o$ w; _) i
% W5 j; p: P' `+ M0 S+ n6 z7 o  Do you know Mr.Smith whose story is very moving ?6 O* ]/ n0 P6 Y1 H
  There is a room, whose window faces the river.  R- v) U( b( |) w3 {
  There is a room, the window of which faces the river.
9 u; y! t6 Z0 u. x( b- }  10、关系代词as,在从句中作主语、宾语和表语。
6 k& j5 h9 x4 N& _  (1)先行词被such和the same修饰,或句型as many(much)中,从句都用as 引导。
% c/ G9 x& j' K, L( M  Such books as you bought are useful.
( n* ]8 O4 j* o! H' G+ ]4 Z# p  The school is just the same as it was 10 years age.
( _% J1 I7 F! B# N& V  注意:区别①such … that … 引导的结果状语从句。They are such
6 u" K' ?! g+ {( W/ e  lovely children that we love them much.②the same … that … 引导定语从句。I want to use the same tool that you used just now.
0 D( m$ ^' }9 a  (2)无先行词的定语从句用as和which引导。
7 s: c: g# U4 |8 y0 b) s  区别:①意义上:as 含有“这点正如……一样”。②位置上:as 从句可置句首,也可在另处。
: B+ y4 E5 p  o0 e% t! o( m4 c# ~  He didn’t pass the exam, as we had expected.
6 |3 V8 j3 c8 c4 Y" v  There is lots of air in loose snow, which can keep the cold out.4 u  ~) |' j6 S( g
  As is known, the earth is round, not flat.
, c3 t" f' `! T/ q1 V  11、关系副词when与where、why、that" |5 t' f" D# D' u3 N6 a$ H
  when 指时间 = in / at / on / during which  j( u4 p4 i2 Z9 G& H; ]
  where指地点 = in / at / from / which7 x; H! v* R: e; Q  `" P6 M. n
  why指原因 = for which0 ]8 S# h8 q, G
  当先行词为way、day、reason、time时,可用that作关系副词。(非正式场合)1 A; _: A% r/ m( T: ]0 M% Y
  I don’t like the way that / in which / he talks.
/ }& G* w) @3 G1 k1 k* O  当time作先行词时,关系词可以省掉。2 K  H, n6 ~& Y# D( r6 F, k
  This is the first time I have given you a lesson in French.
- ~& \& Y5 j$ k+ w  12、必须注意的问题8 V+ G# p' `! T6 T! v
  (1)关系词作主语时,从句中谓语的数。' C1 p' ^$ `% z0 a
  (2)注意区别定语从句与强调句。& y+ |- |/ ]' I8 ?
( X& R; A- B- w- ~- r; q8 _  U% U  ②强调it无意义,that / who不是引导词。
% C; i  e: w+ h% i! D  ③强调it is / was和that / who后如果句子意思讲得通则是强调句,讲不通则不是。& `1 V! j+ v. J6 j3 k  O0 W
  It is the museum that / which we visited last year.(定语从句)
' X5 n" b3 b0 I3 S  It was in the hotel that we stayed last night.(强调句), f: Z, I+ m! S* J; U
3 v9 L. ^6 X6 b) A7 P$ [1 g  ①定语从句引导词被称为关系词,that充当主语、宾语、表语。有时可省略。8 R. x+ {* E" M" @, p- L/ f
  ②同位语从句引导词被叫做连词,that不能充当任何成分,不可省。4 f, L# f6 _* |8 q4 J9 E  j
  Word came that their army was defeated.(同位语)2 C5 l/ D' `/ F" V+ z& h' L' u
  We expressed to them our wish that was the same as their.(定语)* l& Z# P* t+ j
  (4)关系词在从句中省略的情况。, Z+ `6 R: |3 a/ x! |9 Y" `
) F+ x8 x9 R/ r" H2 g0 m8 D  ②关系词作表语。
* o$ m" D1 Z- W: {  (5)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的翻译。
4 M$ M6 I: [+ k  E2 Z" z  (6)关系词前有介词或复杂介词,关系词只能是which和whom。
# o- C/ g& M& s% ?- B3 M: S) S  (7)几个特殊的定语从句句型:3 T' u% c* D! F. v8 w9 O
  ①He is the only one of the students who has got very good marks in the match.(句中one为先行词)
: f2 ~5 b( m3 |  He is one of the students who have got good marks in the match.(句中students为先行词)
  l* W' ~$ y4 P" W3 K; B  D  ②Is this place the one (that) we visited yesterday?
7 X( E( L6 b4 |! O: }- V& K! W  Is this the place(that / which)we visited yesterday ?( B" Z) A! X# L* M4 I( n* U8 d
  ③He stood at the window, from where he could see what was happening.4 W4 G5 A" B# n2 |  H) b  \
  ④It may rain, in which case the match will be put off.
# C  g- w7 t+ k* Y3 G( F9 F  二、精典名题导解
% o* g* M$ f6 K3 _& {- t0 `  选择填空:$ U9 l8 ]$ {" p2 b6 {1 ~
  1. The film brought the hours back to me _________ I was taken good care of in that faraway village.  W! n6 S+ \9 [: b/ G* q
4 A* L: R6 a( J$ v1 k; e$ a  S  B.that! Z; g+ W" s# p- Z  _$ ], e+ L: k
  C.when1 u7 K! L& ?6 ?& u
  D.where* z9 G7 ^1 `8 V
  解析:答案为C。本题考查分隔定语从句的关系词的选择。作好本题的关键是要能辨认出该定语从句的先行词the hours和关系词被介词短语to me所分隔。定语从句的先行词是表时间的名词hours, 并且关系词在从句中用作状语,故应选择表示时间的关系副词when。6 g. O7 |3 k* V$ Y! g# K, z
  2. ___________ is known to everybody, the noon travels around the earth once every month.
7 O+ i+ A4 B' a) z" a% C  A.It
1 b2 C% V6 a" P) F3 h2 _/ O  B.As7 }) E3 `0 |" d
" O- g3 O: [% k) c, v  ~, D0 K! q  D.What0 t$ X  W7 N( L+ G4 d5 C  G
  解析:答案为B。本题考查as引导的非限制定语从句。as作“正如……”解释,引导的非限制性定语从句来修饰整个句子。当as在从句中作主语时,常用于下列短语:as is known、as is said、as is reported、as is announced等。要注意掌握作关系代词引导定语从句的用法。' U- [# r% F: j6 U2 r4 y0 J7 x% `
  3. After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ___________ he grew up as a child.
* F* M' s% J: X0 S5 a; @* c  A.which3 Z6 ?, ?7 s1 H( C% C4 T: \
  B.where: P0 B- _4 b1 k$ z
  V  B; u& x( x, J) \- k/ B& }7 [  D.when
3 W& V$ g, o7 [. c  解析:答案为B。本题考查限制性定语从句中关系词的选择。定语从句的先行词是表示地点的名词短语the small town, 且关系词不作定语从句中的主语和宾语而作地点状语,因此定语从句必须用关系副词where引导。要注意分清先行词在从句中充当的成分,然后选择适当的关系词。

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