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[职称英语综合] 2012年职称英语阅读理解题常用词组(二)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
* C# k$ k! [4 a$ C" o7 V41.I'm busy with (doing)…… 我正忙于……: O" w) m6 L( c# {
Don't bother me — I'm busy with (doing) my project right now.( ~9 E. g& E/ J1 O  y2 V3 R' c: b
! k8 C" z! S$ \42.In conclusion, …… 最后……,总之……' O3 @/ Y) d' m8 E
In conclusion, I find mutual understanding plays a key role in building a friendly relationship.
  G+ h0 k9 p6 q/ n; S. v总之,我发现相互理解对建立友好关系至关重要; h- T& }+ G  K2 {% a4 a8 i
43.In order to……, you should…… 为了…你应该…
2 b% H/ s" t9 OIn order to understand this essay fully, you should read more about its author.
  a& N- q: ^  I# }) U/ W为了更充分地理解这篇文章,你应该多看一些关于作者的介绍
, l0 @7 I' K. X; ]' e) ]44.In other words, …… 换句话说……( F( h1 Y# S/ g' |' h
In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day.- J3 [# s' O% a+ V+ V$ m% B
换句话说,你应该每天疯狂读英语,说英语4 h* [' N0 \' P4 b$ R& e2 l
45.In that case,… 既然那样……
: Q/ K9 L( j1 [% HIn that case, I have no more to say.
4 D/ ^2 n' W& {& L! n3 m6 v8 }$ c既然那样,我没什么好说的了) Q2 E  F( o% W. U( ~1 u7 ~
46…… ……is of great importance. ……很重要
3 Z- z9 e1 j$ \% M3 uIf you want to succeed in life, I think to set a goal for yourself is of great importance.
3 q% k3 c* Z) p0 U( _. ^$ T& ?* R  D# ]如果你想在生活中成功,我觉得为自己确立一个目标是非常重要的。
, M* a! t( a6 R1 y9 |47. Is it convenient for you to…… 你是否方便……' [" B* T3 B/ K5 @1 g+ y9 M0 V; J/ o
Is it convenient for you to post this letter for me when you go out
+ G5 Q2 d; g* K1 G你出去的时候是否方便帮我寄这封信# p( l. a0 Q+ r# ~9 \" W& i9 ~
48.It depends on whether…… 这取决于……是否……/ B0 D) e4 y3 y. |# F9 V
It depends on whether you are determined to do it or not.
7 W3 h3 T& o" u  b这取决于你是否决心要做这件事情) i5 F5 [8 }( R
49.It doesn't make sense to………没有任何意义
0 x6 Y% w5 ~0 |$ X1 FIt doesn't make sense to argue with him.4 r2 V9 M" x% O0 I
和他争论没有任何意义$ H. z3 E, }2 N; u1 ]- H) I; ^
50.It is/was……that/who…… [强调句句型]
2 N5 |% F1 w& S2 q- I& h: ^" bIt was Edward who told me about it.
5 C) W* C# p7 F告诉我这件事的是爱德华

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:11 | 显示全部楼层


51.It is believed that………人们认为……</p>It is believed that what she said is true.
. `& L9 t; {: O, T大家相信她的话是真的
3 X+ j4 i) B# K) p6 F52.It is easy enough to…………相当容易
/ ~4 a1 E: A2 t2 H! }It is easy enough to copy and paste; but you should write something by yourself.
; Y. `' i9 V" N/ O, g! Q抄袭(复制十粘贴)非常容易,但是你应该自己写一些东西+ E9 K% b( p6 V3 P, H
53.It is high time …… 现在是……的时候了/早就应该……了 [从句使用虚拟语气]2 M; q; h' S6 ?9 U$ F/ b8 u
It is high time we stopped talking about this silly question.
0 @0 u. ~3 C  g2 |; a) G- G我们早就该结束讨论这个愚蠢的问题了' f: @. ]! Q* G$ M+ M5 O5 R( N& l
54.It is no use doing sth. 做某事是毫无用处的) G! K, \( s+ j" |' J8 B! x
It is no use talking without doing.
6 _# |  x' \1 o$ X: ]光说不做是没有用的" \+ U* J; `& |: d5 y" m3 K4 \. t3 Z
55.It is (very) difficult to…………(非常)困难
  c5 O2 `$ e, n! hIt is very difficult to foretell what the world will be like in the future.* L+ C& N/ ], `; B1 n; T
很难预测将来的世界会怎样 [ foretell v. 预言;预测]; y# B  r; \7 r; F5 z$ g( L+ I5 R
56.It sounds like ………听起来好像……。; K9 T4 e9 z. P" E6 H
It sounds like a good idea. 听起来这主意不错
- C( C1 F1 ^; a2 ~: {57.It takes / took / will take sb. some time / money to do sth.- q  b2 @8 l8 B1 C
- j5 v# P6 Q; t" g" l6 z/ a# v6 pIt took me years of hard work to speak good English.( C5 l7 X" E2 a6 u  C2 H
. \! h: h7 C+ A' _7 g# Z. _+ A# `58.It wasn't until…that…… 直到……才……  c# R: Z" g8 T5 M- _
It wasn't until yesterday that I got your letter.
' w" e+ C$ ]9 A我直到昨天才收到你的来信. u+ e9 p6 j* \( C- ?1 b4 g
59.It's a great pleasure to…………(感到)非常愉快$ z4 n' [6 Q7 f0 n5 Q
It's a great pleasure to do business with you.
% z  S* e' W# s跟你做生意我感到非常愉快。
( P% v% _+ e" t6 d60. Make sure to do sth.—定要做某事1 n& ]% w: m3 R
Make sure to leave a note if you go out.
& X! |) {7 f& ]6 k你出去的话一定要留个条  Q; Z8 I- k$ Z) c/ |. V$ w
61.no matter what…… …无论什么……
1 K6 f. I; E% P7 G$ zNo matter what happens, I'll always stand by you.
+ K( N' C% Y) C1 {1 W不论发生什么事,我都永远支持你3 R! J7 _, }( f- o* \" \* y/ M
62. Not until……did…… 直到……才…… [倒装句型]( M' Z. t4 u/ Y
Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted.
0 n9 f, n. [& `% M' t  H直到我开始工作,我才意识到我已蹉跎了很多岁月8 D0 R: e  _6 Z' x( |( Z
63. Now that……,…既然/由于……,……。
6 m/ C% U2 v( X  B1 aNow that we are alone, we can talk freely.
5 s4 t0 t4 x: b  E+ Y& H# h: K既然我们单独在一起,就无拘束地聊聊吧
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:12 | 显示全部楼层


64.On the condition that…… …条件是……</p>You can leave school early, on the condition that you finish your assignment first.
7 \: g% t5 h$ K6 U) o你可以早点离校,条件是你得先做完作业
; f; N0 p) `8 J9 s1 l7 `& R65.On the contrary, …… 正好相反,……。4 H5 E% h1 F, K5 R, K
Their criticism did not discourage me. On the contrary, I worked even harder.4 t, M9 b' }' T! d2 L5 }
他们的批评并没有使我感到气馁,相反,我比以前更加努力了) S, d( S3 N" ~# }2 v9 ~
66.On (the) one hand……, on the other (hand), …… 一方面……,另一方面……。
' m. s) p! K9 }' }& x; b" GOn (the) one hand I admire your ability, but on the other (hand) I distrust your judgment.
. {" h' h2 `, w6 |0 N2 E8 T一方面我钦佩你的才能,但另一方面我不相信你的判断力
( g$ C, d. j$ I67.One of the +形容词最高级+名词+is… 最……之一的就是……. m! T* j+ t0 Z" A) l' r3 f
One of the most impressive pieces of writing is Hamlet.& |' u  s- q' a; j; h0 Q! B
给人印象最深的着作之一就是《哈姆雷特》' k7 K# h5 @' d( W$ {
68.Something must be done to………必须采取措施……7 H# x7 w7 ?5 E% w1 W6 J) a
Something must be done to change our current examination system.
( |! r& D" w) _1 W. {6 R必须采取措施来改革我们现行的考试制度0 f" p7 d$ W, i5 w& J
69.Thanks to…… 由于…/多亏…。" s9 ~! f0 o; D. j) q
Thanks to his parents' encouragement and support, he finally realized his dream.
9 L" F' v( x6 A; Z0 M- k% F多亏了他父母的鼓励与支持,他终于实现了他的梦想2 S( ]  [( u8 w0 f7 }5 G9 U
70.The reason why…… is………的原因就是……
! }8 H9 Q- A0 iThe reason why he made such a great achievement is his perseverance./ G! l( _, G: a# t2 j* k
4 D4 S5 Z3 \/ C$ |9 n& a: X71.That reminds me, …… 那提醒了我……/那让我想起了……; J) O* ~# r# d9 P
That reminds me, I must get some cash.; |4 N: |* P9 r3 F+ A
这倒提醒了我,我得取一些现金。. D' `7 |9 s3 U: ^* q( b6 a
72.There is no doubt that…… 毫无疑问……
6 ?" x  R0 y& V. y% n7 OThere is no doubt that health is better than wealth.* C& ~! I( B3 y. E* W* ~
毫无疑问,健康胜于财富" E" U5 t5 ~+ H
73. There seems to be…… …看起来好像……- b* E& w. u* k7 u
There seems to be a little misunderstanding between them.
- @, C5 T7 E& n3 U6 B9 a+ y看起来他们之间好像有点小误会! b# P0 T1 H' w$ R* R5 E5 G
74.There used to be…… …过去曾有……。/曾经有过……  @9 g: s$ G( ]9 R: J9 C: o% W
There used to be many forests in our country.
" a5 [, w9 P  a) C/ Y% c以前我们国家有很多森林
' g" X: L# B- V2 G75.There's no way…… ……绝不可能: R3 s# W) D' l* D9 ^2 [
There's no way one could succeed without hard work.% D& @! Y% T7 o
一个人不努力绝不可能成功8 U& W% [- y* [/ ~; k8 l
76.To be frank / honest, ……老实说……,说实话……5 L7 p3 l1 ]% d: ]* Z) o
To be honest, I don't think we have a chance of winning.2 l! i/ h7 g/ u3 {' \1 K9 W
: r( B* y. p  O9 ]" k77.To one's delight / joy / surprise,…… 让某人高兴/惊奇的是……
3 a. C. {- D" ]  u; G0 |; dTo my delight, there's a sale on clothes on Beijing Road) g( G6 w9 c5 Z# ~  J( T& }
让我高兴的是,北京路的衣服正在大减价& J, Y, A3 o! ?1 \6 r
To my surprise, I got a new computer for my birthday.
1 n) d. Z$ \* q; S令我惊奇的是,我得到一台电脑作为生日礼物
% G+ O. q1 d$ h78. To start with ………首先……
8 h/ B+ U, u/ g+ q1 jTo start with, let's talk about how much money we need.& D+ K' b7 @. o' M5 R2 q& D
首先,让我们讨论一下我们需要多少资金3 _: Q/ z! x7 L: m1 V. U
79.To sum up…… 总之……,总而言之……3 R5 z8 z0 K9 u2 Y
To sum up, life in the future will certainly be very different from that of today.! h+ W- I$ R0 ?# W+ g
: Z% i$ m3 I& l" Z& R0 w80.We must take action / measures to…… 我们必须采取行动/措施以……
( {; K% c+ ~: a& B- H; E6 z- f% ^We must take action to keep up with new developments.
) W4 D; J* v1 D! G+ J* i我们必须采取行动跟上新的发展形势
! M8 m& J3 \' V5 M4 ?$ L2 a6 e! OWe must take measures to better the traffic.1 T, ]* s$ X( T% J6 S( W
, x0 F! e9 N6 [81. What do you think of…… 你认为……怎么样
5 `* e/ i* O3 j5 b8 ZWhat do you think of the relationship between China and America
/ w2 o+ N. I) o( }你认为中美关系如何
) w# j  u% O) h9 v+ y" B82.What would you say /think of…… 你认为……怎么样
5 A& P7 U& C4 w8 o1 a, I% I1 XWhat would you say if the project will have to be postponed  t( ~% W! M" O% \" h7 z$ i1 `6 {
6 @+ H# ]# K7 l' P. w/ z83.When it comes to…… 谈到……/涉及到……* _6 u& e3 V+ \# m
When it comes to English, he's an expert.
* s1 w: ^, H! i9 U1 L# }$ ~) X- u+ G在英语方面,他是个专家
& M# s, A" @3 V! V* A( h. X84.You are expected to…… 你要/应该……6 F$ l9 K/ f# P, F1 g" X
You are expected to work late tonight.
, w; C9 I* Q/ g: F! q1 X8 T  H你今晚要加班
- H7 j6 F7 h+ M) k# B! D2 q9 m) F. l85.You are supposed to…… 你应该……
8 n- |8 i! f" O0 p. _' B) YYou are supposed to have finished reading this novel by now.
' V" _! C& \; _9 O到现在你应该看完这本小说了
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