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[职称英语综合] 职称英语考试750个常考短语30

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 551.beyond (all) question (=without question) 毫无疑问4 ^6 F8 |7 c& m7 B3 U( ], P- v
 552.out of the question (=impossible) 不可能的# P: V8 }+ n9 S6 q
  553.in question (=under discussion) 所谈及的
9 I0 N+ s) ?% V  Q6 T7 @5 P" ?  [  554.without question 毫无疑问
: e0 ?6 X* `+ n, i  j  555.be caught in the rain 被雨淋了7 v7 A8 }2 U9 C3 r( l* k: F, h
  556.at random (=without aim or purpose) 随便地,任意地,胡乱地
% K. \& U* o$ k" p2 z. W  557.range over (=cove,include) 范围包括
( P4 B% M- |0 p8 l7 ~% F& B  558.range between 范围在……与……之间不等/ a: y( n; f  Z& _- \& Q
  559.at any rate (=at all events) 无论如何,总之3 e1 j) n2 n. `5 a3 u
  560.beyond the reach of 无法达到 (得到,理解)
+ `2 V7 F2 P, G+ X' V  E  561.out of reach of 无法够到within reach of (or within one’s reach) 够得到,能拿到) u7 w  a& f! X6 e$ w) R7 n+ ^
  562.react to 对……作出反应
+ W2 v5 G* h. K! o2 g& O  563.react on /upon 对……产生影响8 B8 J+ V- |5 I- y' @4 S; `! _: t
  564.react against 作出反抗或反对反应* |2 [+ {5 k6 _
  565.(be) ready for准备好做……
# c% S6 I: H; D! i! w+ R  566.in reality (=in fact,really) 事实上- u! E. |/ s7 d; [
  567.beyond all reason 没有道理的! o8 e: K' r) W! l0 L
  568.by reason of (=because of) 由于,因为
6 T9 M6 y5 r6 y# J3 E/ S5 i  569.it stands to reason that... 理所当然1 C) }- u; E* y2 F0 k0 b1 C
  570.reason with (=argue) 劝说

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