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[职称英语综合] 2012职称英语考试必备词汇(二十)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
121.notably, particularly, remarkably, especially显而易见地; 明显地  3 U* j" h8 d4 n" Z8 b2 O; }+ p
  122.  now and then, occasionally, sometimes, on some occasions, infrequently, not always有时, 时而, 不时  
& k0 U9 t0 g6 n: }% \+ I  123.   occupant, resident, inhabitant (房屋等的)居住者, 占有人  
5 Z8 \; d1 E( k- U  124.  
9 R# q6 O. Q7 c/ `# }( |8 b2 }# t0 M  w  outcome, result, effect, consequence结果  
# P. k! @( ?- T& I  K  125.   outrageous, unacceptable, unbearable, unstandable, intolerable, unendurable, impossible, insufferable骇人的; 残暴的; 无耻的; 不道德的  
& K! h7 j" n) s# F9 G" \" r- Y  126.    phase, stage, step, part阶段, 时期  ) J1 H5 C+ n% R0 F/ ~4 q; r
  127.   planner, principal organizer, schemer, plotter规划者, 策划人  / ]0 f4 @1 V" f7 k) n' m
  128.    polish, shine, brighten, clean, enrich, fatten up(使)光滑, 擦亮  & A& W8 z3 i) R4 }0 [; z
  129.    pressing, urgent, hot, vital, critical, main, imperative紧迫的; 迫切的  
  `7 l# N/ n& [& a  130.   propose, suggest, recommend, advocate, put forward提议; 建议  
) I. N. d5 o6 r. {8 d  131.   put up with, tolerate, bear, stand, endure, suffer忍受, 容忍  
! n( y8 _" W, C8 ]  132.    rarely, seldom, barely, little, hardly, infrequently不常, 很少地, 难得地  ! r3 ^. Q; r$ \  T, R* N7 ^
  133.   readily, willingly, eagerly, happily, gladly, with pleasure, enthusiastically乐意地,欣然,容易地  2 [) K, Y; u( E" l+ }1 X# S8 ~  T
  134.   regardless of, whatever, no matter what, whatsoever不管, 不顾  # X) @! z# B; ?  |
  135.   regret, sorry, pity, disappointed, unhappy, apologetic 懊悔, 惋惜, 遗憾的  
) V/ ^# v# O- l  g8 A$ o  136.   remainder, rest, leftover, what’s left剩余物; 残余部分  0 ?: m( I7 ~. N
  137.    remove, take off, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, eradicate, confiscate, take away, dispose of移走; 排除  
1 z' j2 ~; q' x9 z/ n  138.   safe, secure, harmless, protected安全的; 不会有危险的; 不受威胁的; 受保护的  ; j2 L2 q" |0 n5 C! P
  139.  settle, solve, handle, deal with, treat, resolve, clear up安排; 安放; 安家, 定居  
" E! b. Q! e' @* M  140.   shake, tremble, shiver, quiver, vibrate, quake摇动, 震动, 颠簸;  $ d+ R6 R& _: A( |
  141.   shock, surprise, amaze, astonish, startle, astound震动; v激动, 震惊  
$ G$ W( F2 Q; k2 f, {0 A6 z) r5 z  142.   speed, velocity, pace, race, rapidness, tempo, rate速度, 速率  
% a6 @# i% c3 G  143.   summit, top of the mountain, peak, high point (山等的)最高点; 峰顶  
7 t* n% `( {% P  ?  144.  test, try, attempt, endeavor, evaluate, experiment测验, 考查, 检查, 检验  8 O9 h7 m) ~" E; F
  145.  stationary, not moving, still, motionless, immobile, stable, fixed不动的; 静止的  
3 Z" ^; ]3 B, ~" Q0 z! s  146.   account for, explain, interpret, define, make clear, clarify, give details说明〔解释〕…原因  , A3 \7 \3 P  i: `
  147.  minute, slight, minor, small, tiny, undersized, miniature, unimportant较小的, 较少的  
, }9 z. A  R. f* g0 E+ j" K) O  148.   disorder, confusion, mess, chaos, turmoil困惑, 糊涂  
9 n& V8 H& {8 [2 N! E: A  s. o  149.   accuse of, charge with, blame, lay blame on指责, 控告  
1 m! z( |* U; u0 D  150.   investigate, look into, probe, make clear, explore, survey调查; 审查  ( A. O1 _7 R# X- W* T( n
  151.   numerous, many, a great number of, plentiful, plenty of, lots of 很多的, 许多的  % W7 M/ G- o8 L! X. f
  152.  obvious, clear, seen easily, evident, noticeable, apparent, understandable, observable明显的; 显而易见的  
; f* M% n+ w( J  153.   odd, strange, peculiar, extraordinary奇怪的; 古怪的/单的/奇数的/临时的/余下的; 零头的  
6 V' ^+ G3 I7 }. K2 Y  154.   participate in, take part in, join in, involve oneself in参加  $ I+ R! t/ S. d3 Q  p3 K0 _
  155.   preserve, keep, sustain, maintain, retain, save保护/维持  : ~' _  p0 E7 d& x2 i) A  `
  156.   previously, before, in the past, earlier, formerly先前,以前  
* K4 e5 W- k% ^! y  157.    pull up, stop, discontinue, bring to an end, cease(使)停下(住)  
% _4 ~9 s5 D4 d2 i& s4 v  158.  perceive, notice, observe, detect, feel, sense感觉, 察觉, 理解  5 _9 s+ D* n$ @; ?
  159.  possess, own, have 具有  
1 s2 [& U$ |% x6 v  160.  substantial, significant, important, vital, critical, key, major, main, striking重要的, 重大的, 可观的

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