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[职称英语综合] 2013职称英语考试阅读理解题常用词组记忆24

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.in fashion (=stylish,most modern) 时兴,流行 0 f5 B3 g2 O) u

! ?6 b% J+ ?2 b& D# ]2.after the fashion (of)依照……
. {4 C' _9 P/ c! T& r5 }" }
+ w# U1 y! l+ @; s3.find fault with (=complain about;criticize)找毛病,对……吹毛求疵
; {0 s( [- `  [/ n
) b+ J- I* X/ ]4.at fault (=in the wrong, blamable)有错
5 |. r/ V1 `, h9 B考试用书% i1 i+ Q: L8 `/ u. l
5.in favour of赞成 9 N) z: @  z. Y5 v1 \
& R2 [$ ~* p! j& P' W1 W& u
6.on faith毫无怀疑地,依赖地
, a0 l! P; b6 Y' I2 ^7.faithful to (=loyal to)对……忠诚 7 N3 R* n' K* X: C7 G9 o+ a
8.fall into the habit (of)养成……习惯 & y, {8 a* W, H9 V  _9 c- p- W
9.fall short of (=fail to reach a desired result, standard, etc.)没达到,低于
  b3 l- ]& p2 ^( r5 w- o10.familiar with熟悉,了解
4 X1 C; T! C( w) X: X- r11.have a fancy for (=like sth. without the help of reason)(没有道理地)喜欢,想要
; _( r9 C: `, ]1 E12.take a fancy to (=become fond of)喜欢
: S$ e& x$ v5 V5 F( y% r/ S: R+ t13.by far远,非常(与比较级或最高级连用) $ Q8 g* Y$ G7 a. ~! c6 m. D1 T' P2 O
14.far from远远不是 * }7 q  Q1 f, _6 J
15.far from非但不……(而且)

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