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[职称英语综合] 2013年职称英语考试常考词汇(07)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:36:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013职称英语考试虽然还未来临,但是词汇却是考试的一个重大关卡,小编特意整理了一些考试当中的常用词汇,希望对大家有所帮助! 1 N% W6 {+ q1 Q- k
1.scrape through (in) 勉强通过 % T5 s7 ?3 s" L2 `
2.from scratch (=from the beginning) 从头开始 ' f; p0 ~. Q$ a1 d! b$ X* l9 t
3.in search of 寻找;in honor of 为了……表示敬意;in memory of 为纪念……;in hopes of 为期待……;in pursuit of 为追求……;in behalf of 为……的利益;in favor of 为赞成……;in support of 为支持……
* O7 k5 i3 X/ Q; c% l1 y4.in season 旺季 # g( r: u$ P( ]* j% d# K
5.in secret 秘密地;in private 私下
1 B$ M4 C" ]( G- ~2 S6 }6.senior to 比……年长;junior to 比……轻;superior to 比……更好;inferior to 比……差
. l1 R6 N, m: r/ G1 f7.in a sense 在某种意义上
% _) z2 R+ e: O8 P8.sensitive to 对……敏感;sensible (of) 觉察到的;sensational 耸人听闻的 考试用书
& I& K8 \( D+ d( L9.get rid of 摆脱,去掉,除去 6 W) M4 K# Y$ [
10.be in the right 正确的;in the wrong 错误的 $ L: O5 r9 C' y& g& e
11.be with in one’s rights (to do) 有权(做) 7 q1 W9 [# p; e, m9 L, z% n
12.give rise to (=lead to) 引起,导致 7 o6 R+ H6 ?" |% `6 p# o5 s
13.at the risk of (=with danger of ) 冒……的风险
& ?7 p- B! `+ k9 K14.run (take) risk of (=do sth dangerous) 的风险
6 E2 M1 E# y+ w: `15.rule out (=exclude, eliminate) 排除
4 `# N. d! v6 H6 s# r7 c+ G16.in safety 安全地
+ g# _& j/ }! n7 L: ^17.for the sake of (=for the good or advantage of ) 为了……起见
7 m8 W% r; a% {) i18.be for sale 待售 8 t. \8 d0 ~$ \$ s. F. k
19.on sale (=offered to be sold) 出售,上市 ! `  w( T5 ]( c: `
20.be satisfied with 满意
9 Z9 y! {- L0 @' n; `3 t21.on a large scale 大规模地 $ J/ k6 y3 z$ Z4 O5 D- q
22.on schedule (=at the planned or exacted time) 按时,准时;ahead of schedule 提前;in advance 预先;behind schedule 落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间
3 F8 _/ w0 p+ A; k% n  K$ C  X5 U23.be schedule for 定在某时(进行) " S$ m  h* [5 a$ k- E7 R
24.in sequence 按顺序,按先后次序
. j# V; o0 \5 W5 ~' i/ f25.share in (=have a share in) 分摊,分担

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