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[综合类英语] 职称英语综合类C级:完型填空复习资料(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Where Have All Our Visitors Gone? * u) e7 v* S) v# R* b; C" p
  Sixty years ago, a man named Kenneth Arnold saw something that people are still __1__ today -something that changed popular culture for ever.
9 z& k+ R. @4 U+ }8 g! e  Flying his plane over mountains in the US state of Washington, he saw a line of strange objects, either crescent -shaped or disc-like, flying __2__ the motion of a saucer skimming on water.
/ y* D# ], S, D7 N/ k. {  The media soon picked up on the story-the Flying Saucers were here1! Was the earth being __3__ by creatures from another planet? Soon, so many sightings were made that the US military began to __4__. It called these strange objects UFOs -Unidentified Flying Objects, and that is how they are __5__ today.
9 J! z$ {& }6 f3 p  D7 r  Military investigations found no evidence of visitors from outer space. But that did not stop the true __6__. The military were __7__ up, they said. Or __8__ it was because the travelers from space were of such superior intelligence that they could hide from the most sophisticated military analysts.
' K/ e8 p3 a8 X. j  People have always seen strange lights in the sky. In the past these were explained in__9__ ways. In a world where religion was less influential and science fiction was popular, signs from god were replaced by visitors from other __10__.3 y4 |: u" A; y* ~  r& {
  The date of the first UFO signings was also significant. In 1947, World War II had just ended and the __11__ war was just beginning. Humanity seemed locked in endless conflicts. Like generations before them, people looked __12__ the skies for help. But instead of seeking God, they looked for help from super-intelligent aliens with __13__ technology. Belief in UFOs became the first religion of science.
8 ]+ O- S5 O7 v! U% i  However, even people who believe in UFOs are not quite sure why they visit the earth. The universe is a big place and it is __14__ to assume that there is life somewhere out there. It is possible that aliens have worked out how to travel through space. Yet some people report that they have been taken by aliens and have had experiments __15__ on them. Why would anyone travel across half the universe to conduct medical experiments on people living in small towns in the United States?7 e1 r$ e' B2 s& o2 X
* E! }% ^7 b5 A, d& I( B  crescent n.月牙,月牙形物 saucer n.碟1 j0 s+ C. Y2 m4 r
  skim v.飞速掠过 alien n.外星人
1 S9 G+ q8 [* t8 e+ W7 U8 v# X$ g8 \  练习:
) b5 ~% w2 _( m2 d0 G  1. A) looking B) seeing C) seeking D) feeling
' P: T4 R& L6 p' p: @- N" H5 [  2. A) below B) underneath C) with D) under
1 G5 Q2 @! b9 H5 n& v& Q, N  3. A) ruled B) bombarded C) captured D) visited
! H. c. i6 q0 H. x2 \# t8 c  4. A) investigate B) attack C) shoot D) confront4 m  w) k! }, B' G2 W
  5. A) named B) called C) known D) dubbed, A8 P3 n6 x& k7 R5 Y, e: |
  6. A) believers B) thinkers C) followers D) liars
, h. {2 W0 [2 e, z6 T% l  7. A) hiding B) covering C) cheating D) tricking
0 G8 I8 i9 K1 K) q& L& T/ F  8. A) definitely B) undoubtedly C) necessarily D) maybe
7 j+ Q/ {' a8 M7 J# _+ y. ^$ g$ C) f  9. A) awkward B) crude C) religious D) foolish+ W- x8 F" L' W" c2 O( |
  10. A) planets B) continents C) countries. D) regions
  L0 Z& n; b/ F) z4 Q- N: A" y0 V* `  11. A) cool B) star C) nuclear D) cold* I8 Q/ V# A" a. x8 v! W
  12. A) above B) to C) at D) up
7 M; U1 P4 S. S  13. A) traditional B) backward C) classical D) advanced
; B9 a+ T1 J! [# s% s5 t  14. A) unthinkable B) impossible C) reasonable D) insensible
) i3 ^9 z6 }8 W- X+ G  15. A) performed B) carried C) brought D) taken
" `; V( L) V6 S# x  完型填空答题思路:' ^/ v6 K! I$ x1 w! a6 W
  a) 分析文章标题, 了解文章主题, 确认文章主题词;- z% \$ z( _( F  l0 r
  b) 对比被选项, 推测答案可能出自的范围;6 B% |. L9 `/ y2 A% i
  c) 关注空格两端结构,借助空格所在的局部搭配结构及搭配语意判断答案;
/ [5 U: d# Y  \  答案与解析:
0 Y2 V6 @2 w  k5 x  1. 分析文章主题:) y3 i! q9 W% S
  Where(在哪里, 什么地方) Have All Our Visitors(来宾, 访问者) Gone?
. m, k% s+ ]6 @/ K" D3 W( `1 p  文章主题词:visitors, go(去,变成, 到达)
0 f, {+ l- r) m+ a! \  2. 直接解题:
! i" l* G0 z' \' ]; x1 s/ u  1. A) looking (看, 看起来,调查,神情, 外表) B) seeing(看见, 了解, 领会)) d3 m5 d7 A5 ]
  C) seeking(寻找, 探索) D) feeling(摸, 感觉, 感觉,激情)5 N. _6 z# Z. u
  Sixty years ago(以前), a man named(命名) Kenneth Arnold saw something that people are still(仍然,更,静止的) __1__ today –something(某物/某事) that changed(改变) popular culture(大众文化) for ever(永远).
+ X# S9 d/ g, `/ S6 P; O& q, P8 ]$ {1 }
  1.B see和look这两个词词义相关,因此首先重点关注。空格前面出现了动词saw(see的过去时态),因此 B是答案的可能性较大(提示1:上下文的用词特点(上下文常常通过使用同一词汇/近义词/词汇/反义词形成上下文意义的衔接))。look是不及物动词,而see 既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。空格处的动词是及物动词,引导定语从句的连接词充当从句中谓语动词的宾语,因此B是答案。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  考点:考察近义词的辨析5 B; g5 F8 M/ _+ C+ g
  2. A) below(在...下面) B) underneath(在...下面)
1 _  m8 ?' A# ^, w) w+ H  C) with (有,用,以, 由于,赞成)D) under(在...之下, 在...领导下, 少于)
1 u0 `% ]; w  H/ `: k4 Y2 q  Flying(驾驶飞机, 飞行, 乘飞机) his plane(飞机) over mountains(山, 山脉) in the US state of Washington(华盛顿州), he saw a line of (一队,一行)strange(奇怪的, 陌生的) objects(物体), either crescent(新月) -shaped or (或者...或者...)disc-like(像盘子形状的), flying __2__ the motion(运动) of a saucer(碟子) skimming on(轻轻掠过) water
/ T' r' F$ s5 j" a  2.C 四个词都是介词。其中below、underneath和under是方位介词,这三个介词互为近义词, 因此彼此排除掉(提示2:备选项中出现的近义词词组通常是干扰项),因此答案只能是with(with是方式介词)。With所在的句子结构说“...以碟子飞速掠过水面的移动方式飞着”。
) x# @. A1 D- I6 u$ n1 S  考点:常见介词的基本用法。
! x! G+ s0 h! f# }* `. u  3. A) ruled(规则,统治,规定, 统治) B) bombarded(炮轰, 轰击) C) captured(捕获, 夺取) D) visited(拜访,访问)
, C, ^. h' M( ?$ _8 d3 `  The media(媒体) soon picked up on (详细描述)the story(故事)-the Flying Saucers (飞碟)were here! Was the earth (地球)being __3__ by creatures(生物) from another planet(行星)?
( s: l: i! H5 J0 q9 p  3.D 选项D是文章主题词(visitors)的家族词汇,因此D可能是答案(提示3:文章主题词/文章主题词的近义词/文章主题词的家族词汇可能是答案)。第三段的第一句话(Military(军事的) investigations(调查) found(发现) no evidence(证据) of visitors(客人) from outer space(外层空间).)说“军事调查并没有发现能证明从外层空间来了客人的证据”, 由此判断空格处用visited上下文意义呼应
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