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[综合类英语] 2010年职称英语综合C类:词汇选择高分点拨(5)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.Techniques to employ the energy of the sun are being developed. 7 w: ^8 B5 M' s* z, o3 X4 x6 B
  A) convert' a1 f  N6 Z! F) R* F, m
  B) store
5 m2 A: X, t/ {2 Y+ x  C) utilize% w) E- B0 d1 W% i
  D) receive
, i: @$ ~; U6 F6 q/ B  2.Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.& ?- J; s  m2 f. w3 _  r7 u& I
  A) slight/ A' ~- C9 N( N+ [5 {% I2 Q9 A
  B) surprising
8 |" o# K. w! V+ P: S  C) sudden/ f: u* ^/ w; [1 Q  i0 W* L. ?
  D) harmful/ }4 |7 f& H0 B- ]
  3.Medicine depends on other fields for basic information, particularly some of their specialized branches./ o: ]/ Q9 B% l
  A) conventionally4 ^- t& z. ^0 ^9 k+ Q0 w6 [
  B) obviously9 k: x% i6 K1 {) K' |; W
  C) especially
6 C9 ~9 T5 R4 p- Q/ J' H3 `5 Z1 n  D) inevitably4 A6 b2 [9 {+ B) o$ Y4 {# m
  4.An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of the State.5 t% a4 E7 B  _4 a" z
  A) a unity
# H: A/ ?3 T4 w  B) a division
- A; h- X9 p: e" a; I9 m  C) an embassy
. R2 A6 e( ]8 S) |$ \  D) an invitation7 s7 o& M* Y4 C& @; S7 P
  5.We were astonished to hear that their football team had won the champion.$ J; L7 S- g/ ?/ B; `
  A) amazed
2 l7 U1 V" b+ f( a9 ], ~  B) amounted9 T* _/ e$ S5 c5 D) t0 p4 [
  C) amused
. Q, O: `$ c( c' O7 E7 r2 ~  D) approached( T5 x+ c- j# ]* r& B$ H
  6.There is an abundant supply of cheap labor in this country.: L: @* s+ n& {1 D. Q% Y5 T
  A) a steady+ y$ E$ Y. x0 \( K
  B) a plentiful
' L. L4 }$ _4 ]$ ^4 E+ N- n  C) an extra5 b5 o" _/ h2 E" r. f0 n
  D) a stable
& a4 [9 F8 o' c. Z6 R  7.All living organisms, regardless of their unique identity, have certain logical, chemical, and physical characteristics in common.+ D5 S% U' Q2 U- v. r2 {
  A) as a result of
! j+ N2 ]* c+ T& ~  B) considering
! a' ~, Z6 H9 R4 |- \  O( L" Q9 ~  C) on purpose
' ?" @0 ~% ?# u- i- w% C( d( R  D) whatever
+ o- t$ z2 ]! v  8.The most crucial problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources.
. w  E- B- M: _) L; ^  A) puzzling+ b/ \& X0 c* C7 q# V9 |
  B) difficult, k' H( K( c. V$ q. T" s8 k
  C) terrifying
" c: {4 o( r5 a' x7 `* G  D) urgent; v5 s7 l' L& Z: h
  9.Human facial expressions differ from those of animals in the degree to which they can be deliberately controlled and modified.
2 Q6 g% q& i1 J8 k) m0 q1 }  A) sufficiently
0 d& O- q7 g* |3 B: [  o0 W- f; c0 B  B) noticeably/ _6 y& V  j4 I% Y
  C) intentionally
0 r! f# s2 t7 I, H" \  ^) R; Z, X8 x  D) absolutely
- M- _6 s* T3 {/ W4 H  {  10.The Constitutions vague nature has given it the flexibility to be adapted when circumstances change.
; H2 s7 p0 \, [& ]% N1 x2 }' y# L  A) imprecise# g: G8 D0 |) Z4 u7 p5 l' M
  B) concise
: {' [9 G9 H& t4 P& F! ^+ J# G  C) unpolished
2 ^' [+ B, ~3 l" D( f% B  D) elementary$ v9 J  d! a5 q( y
  11.The expedition reached the summit at 10:30 that morning.# O) t7 w: i( `* ?# e7 e5 `
  A) top of the mountain/ ^8 ?( f$ J5 s- s% @& k  s
  B) bottom of that morning
4 j* E/ c2 l3 [, g( y  C) starting point1 `( a: X! j: P8 C9 H
  D) site# Y) }2 |$ E0 h/ \, n4 L
  12.The latest census is encouraging.- K% P" o( \: o
  A) count! V- l! m+ _7 d. ^" A
  B) statement
/ U; t  E4 o9 }9 [% q# a  C) agreement
6 \, j* q; p1 a  D) estimate& B: O% u1 t& g$ n9 j; a7 F/ k4 d
  13.Academic records from other institutions often become part of a university's official file and can neither be returned to a student nor duplicated.
8 ~1 S; H0 v, O' G9 Q- J  A) borrowed
' G  k# z3 E1 N  B) purchased, i0 B5 C/ b6 s9 Z: `" h( a( ?2 |9 K
  C) copied7 h' K' n" c6 e2 d9 J
  D) rewritten7 P) i% }& Q% O; ]) @* j: i) ^
  14.While serving in the Senate in the early 1970s Barbara Jordan supported legislation to ban discrimination and to deal with environment problems.
4 s4 W' j  q, c" H  A) list  [$ T% U- e7 y" O/ J# t  J
  B) forbid
, v( z5 H+ b. U% B1 U+ ~  C) handle
1 _, w) h- ?% `8 c3 n  z6 J4 L  D) investigate
" ~  U) N& x; @6 s! g5 _" U6 \  C% Z  15.Gambling is lawful in Nevada.$ D# d3 k4 Z- I$ _
  A) legal; k% p! D4 i# b( d) y
  B) irresistible# H- m) z" S, S* g
  C) enjoyable6 U, ]5 w( T# p5 F1 L7 @
  D) profitable

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


+ L$ K4 Z0 Y# Z$ U9 s+ k4 x1 _  「正确答案」 C
2 n" v; N9 Y3 k# J7 n  2.
) ~) p, f- ^! D2 o% N  「正确答案」 D
3 O, F: n! q* f6 _' f; p3 p  「答案解析」 依构词法:划线词的前部分是 damage(破坏),即damaging是动词damage的分词,所以推测该词义大概是“破坏的”。而备选答案都是常见词汇,其中只有harmful是“破坏的”,因此可以推断harmful是答案。$ v/ i  h) r0 r" G) ?
, C5 |$ c8 j2 y; u, ]  j# j! W  「正确答案」 C
4 B  [. {7 x& o) K6 [$ a" G  4.1 ^5 \0 e: T9 E
  「正确答案」 B3 j4 y1 V' m/ Z' s
  「答案解析」 研究画线词:branch是常见的,其语义是“分支,分部”。备选答案中invitation和 division的含义分别可依据构词法推出:invitation ——invite(邀请),division—— divide(分开),所以答案是B.另外unity是“联合”, embassy是“大使馆”。1 ^  p( {: \! e+ i2 ]
  5.8 d8 n' G8 L/ }( S
  「正确答案」 A
: G. D1 L5 m% n! N! W: k' D; M, r  「答案解析」 astonish 和amaze是近义词,表示“使惊讶”,而amount经常和介词to连用,表示“总计, 等于”, amuse是“使愉快”,approach“接近”,或作名词表示“方法,途径”。! L$ `+ ]) w  u4 u8 i1 o( }+ ^
& F! E: L: `& B0 [/ g+ M7 l  「正确答案」 B
1 e, {( U& j% X/ R' Y; q- r* S. H  「答案解析」 steady 和stable是近义词,都可表示“稳定的”。
' ^5 D  G/ o# R5 n$ x  7.
& N  V& W, j, ], M  「正确答案」 D( Y9 \( P! i; r- Q% c* s* K* Z
  「答案解析」 regardless of(不论)是常见的短语,whatever的含义是“不论什么”。
$ F7 j; n2 [- W9 T( p/ Q/ P  8.% V0 d9 x! [  L  h- e( U
  「正确答案」 D9 |% [7 G& y9 l0 I
  「答案解析」 crucial“至关紧要的”和 urgent“紧急的”含义最接近。: Y# v, M4 k% c; {: R7 q" o7 k
  9.& _2 A: @/ j' m  _4 _( S3 R- ]5 Y
  「正确答案」 C: Y7 u& K) Z& l" Z) \
  「答案解析」 deliberately是 intentionally 的同义词,表“故意地”。
' Y3 T2 ]! f; ^# H: Q  10.& I) O9 a/ g: K4 ~8 |6 h
  「正确答案」 A
/ w0 W' e7 O5 \8 I  「答案解析」 vague是“模糊的”,而备选答案中: imprecise = im + precise(准确的); unpolished = un + polished (擦亮的); elementary = element(成分) + ary(加在部分名词后构成形容词的后缀)。
( }" L) c- R3 y7 D0 o  G  11.8 k' x3 S( }/ x
  「正确答案」 A. t; c, W/ k6 H1 G
  「答案解析」 summit 是"山顶".0 o- O3 R2 O1 B% \% m
  12.0 g* k( V: V; S* y5 o
  「正确答案」 A
, @# n* g! [$ {( f$ E/ s  「答案解析」 census 是"人口普查",不常见。Count (计算)的词义与其最相近。, `1 w  ~3 C' T& b) i  f
$ T" A" b1 P4 w+ k  u  「正确答案」 C
! o: Q2 T) {! U% a( I7 e; [, S" Y  「答案解析」 duplicate 不常见,是"复制",是常见词copy的近义词。
0 s/ ^1 o4 a. b4 P" s* v0 X  n  14.
8 _3 L, p5 Y3 Z7 x4 _9 Q( c1 h- K* U  「正确答案」 B" t" d. r9 v8 b+ _4 Y: f
  「答案解析」 ban不常见,是常见词forbid"禁止"的近义词。
1 r+ A, l/ f& p4 J1 s4 j! i  k  15.
) V# A8 I% [# W- c. G- h, p  「正确答案」 A  V( O/ L7 t$ f5 C4 X. p! F
  「答案解析」 lawful = law + ful,所以与law(法律)有关, legal是"法定的".
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