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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合C级综合练习十一

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 1. Although originally a German innovation, kindergarten got its real start in the United States as a movement to provide an improved learning environment for children.
; X4 n( I  |, L  A)an easy B)a playful - v5 x, A1 C3 _" X& y
  C)an open D)a better
- I, T) v0 E; J+ n  2. There is always excitement at the Olympic Games when an athlete breaks a previous record of performance. 1 r" J1 x0 x' Y3 s9 F- m3 r
  A)beats B)matches
# `& p/ Q* H( t; {  C)maintains D)announces
2 P) s( O; s5 s3 ^/ \1 j  3. The attack on Fort Sumter near Charleston provoked a sharp response from the North, which led to the American Civil War. - y# ]/ a% O( s1 |1 A+ Y
  A)demanded B)elicited 8 t$ J/ V" d: E0 T: d$ O$ |
  C)extracted D)defied
" ~+ z- w+ B. `, h7 M, y  4. Illinois has produced writers such as Carl Sandburg, gangsters such as A1 Capone, and architects such as Louis Sullivan.
! f9 e" b  i' S( ~% k5 I7 M  A)violent criminals B)politicians
7 X8 v" e, W7 l; M  C: Q* }  C)musicians D)industrialists
4 W& k/ u" W5 e- D& r: n- m2 `- v% X  5. The towers of a suspension bridge serve as a rigid framework to which the cables are attached.
- C* a9 D* y2 i  A)boundary B)skeleton + d4 z4 N, G/ x2 B* S1 ]! q/ i; O7 b
  C)enclosure D)material 5 p) l: p+ U+ w; M* M  k3 F9 X0 U
  6. The use of the chemical may present a certain hazard to the laboratory workers.
3 @0 `. S' z9 S4 t. B6 B  A)protection B)indication
! X) G* ]+ E( W% M& o; {  C)immunity D)danger , O3 H  D3 J% d' r
  7. Many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics. % ?' {) ?4 @# D! _) J6 v
  A)error B)function % O' _! `+ l- G" A6 v9 m) Q
  C)attraction D)miracle 8 y  B- Q6 Z( Y+ u' i9 {; G
  8. The development of the transistor and integrated circuits revolutionized the electronics industry by allowing components to be packaged more densely. 4 e( M! R; G1 g2 I
  A)compactly B)inexpensively 8 [, Y0 [/ T- v$ J
  C)quickly D)carefully 7 e/ N; \% z# i, e* r
  9. The leading astronomers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries werefascinated by comets. : v  E$ O8 t9 ^$ n8 |# n
  A)intrigued B)infected
: x! k+ L' O9 k% C7 n0 [( ^4 @  C)inconvenienced D)inclined
7 J( j1 h% z" U7 M* I1 `# j  10. In their productions, choreographers of modern dance have introduced humor, protested social injustice, and probed psychological problems.
$ P6 q* J' j" P/ l1 v# @* q  A)solved B)explored
  Z: g4 m. X/ i: @% Y* J; N  C)involved D)disputed 6 w8 C) h" X0 F$ |

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


 11. They agreed to settle the dispute by peaceful means. 9 Z- o  g4 n* u/ F2 c) S1 q* l
  A)solve B)determine
' ^- F$ X4 N' J0 M. I  C)untie D)complete
. C8 `1 k! O  d  V0 f: A. ~; V  12. The children trembled with fear when they saw the policeman. ) y  z' p, A) `8 `( G. j
  A)wept B)cried # Q% \5 P. K5 a  i/ N: R' i
  C)ran D)shook ( j  \% c+ K9 R$ g% j8 e
  13. We were shocked to find that Mary didn’t know her guest’s name.
- G1 F; Q1 h3 Z8 d$ l  A)frustrated B)disturbed
5 o* k- A) o8 h6 D  C)relieved D)surprised
6 t1 y$ @0 U8 o  14. We have got to abide by the rules.
8 r1 U( {8 K* H  D9 B( ]* [  A)stick to B)persist in % E( d  k" W/ V& K+ S3 z  k
  C)safeguard D)apply
3 Z2 V' S+ }9 q5 i  15. The river widens considerably as it begins to turn east.
3 V  m* a" N4 R; W  A)extends B)stretches
: S7 s* H  l- \  C  C)broadens D)traverses
9 z6 f! H0 W! O1 r' s  答案:DABAB DCAAB ADDAC 0 [, ]& V. w4 d$ _2 P7 t
  1.单词意思,直接得出 D) a better=an improved
# ^7 @8 l; {$ k. w0 q: f+ k' ^  2.语义语境, an athlete breaks a previous record of performance.“运动员打破记录”breaks = A) beats 2 G) h" m1 b" {6 r0 m: V! ]
  3. provoked 是A级里的词,不常考。 9 c% H6 l6 R, x) q7 u/ H
  直接查字典 provoked = B) elicited(诱发、引起)“引起、产生”。
: ]- y' _0 [7 L  4.gangsters不常考,查字典 “匪徒、歹徒” gangsters = A) violent criminals 2 R+ X, J: P( q2 f) ^( _
  5.语义语境,a rigid framework ‘坚固的框架’ framework=B) skeleton 1 }$ K+ E( @+ D6 ?1 d1 o
  6.语义语境 ,‘The use of the chemical may present a certain hazard to the laboratory workers.’ - {* s* i- K& o3 f
  对于实验员来说,使用使用化学药品存在一定的危险。 hazard =D) danger - g, O) R  ^+ Y# {7 K7 V3 `
  7.同义词,联想“诱惑” lure=attraction % l/ N) N9 v5 l8 D6 T! \
  8.一看全是副词,意思都很模糊。 5 |2 n4 e: `9 {% p
  查字典和排除 “密集的,稠密的”densely=A) compactly
% r7 ]* t; H! e  9.越到后面,词都很少见过,而且形容词的考察,都是意义相近的,查字典,查了题干就看选项,哪个最不不常见的。
  R3 j: Y; t6 z9 c; Z2 U- z  一般就是答案。“使着迷,感兴趣”fascinated=A) intrigued ; m6 a4 t1 y" q$ i  f, r
  10.同义联想,probed=B) explored 开发、探索。在背单词是小编已经总结过了哈~ 1 e0 `7 C: V6 d' K* q$ U+ m
  probe=explore=investigate=study=inquire=search=examine=survey . ?# [& P( `2 E" c  ~
  11.直接得出, settle =A) solve 解决
1 H6 v9 J4 P' }. v! _1 k  y  12.直接得出,trembled =D) shook 颤抖 发抖
: j6 K+ i! A' B  13.同义联想,shocked = D) surprised
; V5 C" R5 y0 _/ G$ Z2 e  shocked=surprised=alarmed=startled=amazed   N0 e) Q! U' r' q! P$ E. U6 a. u
  14.常考短语, abide by 遵守=A) stick to ,对于这一部分题,建议大家平时注意积累,
& H% S6 r! O; W' w* Y+ _  别刻意去背,但要多看。达到眼熟。小编在常考短语里边对这一部分进行了总结。 9 v; ^% `- N! z3 R8 z
  15.词缀。背单词讲究方法,其中最重要的就是词缀的把握,en 是动词词根,
/ b, C8 O4 E4 ^7 ~) S  wid + en 组合,常见的 adj en = C) broadens = v. 使扩大 ……
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