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[综合类英语] 2012年职称英语综合类C级完形填空新增14

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Family History % }8 P+ f7 _7 p9 @( o. F. Q) ^
  In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before, many people are being (1) __ to the idea of looking back into the past. One way they can do this is by ìinvestigating their own family history. They can try to (2) __ out more about where their families came from and what they did, This is now a fast—growing hobby, especially in countries with a (3) __short history, like Australia and the United States.
: {/ {# \1 Q; Z  It is (4) __ thing to spend some time (5) __through a book on family history and to take the (6) __ to investigate your own family’s past. It is (7) __ another to carry out the research work successfully. It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and (8)__ yourself many problems which could have been (9) __ with a little forward planning. / s: T. E1 ?  _0 L: g! u/ m1 t! n
  If your own family stories tell you that you are (10)__ with a famous character, whether hero or criminal, do not let this idea take over your research. Just (11) __it as an interesting possibility. A simple system (12) __ collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with; a more complex one may only get in your (13) __. The most important thing, though, is to (14) __started. Who knows what you (15) __ find ?
$ l9 \' A' m- H  X# R) O$ D7 ]  词汇: . `5 Y; B) B7 ]+ g5 P, L5 X
  attract / ə’trækt/ v. 吸引,有吸引力 investigate / in’vestiɡeit / v. 调查,研究  
8 E- z- l7 U/ n* i  `4 a: c  disorganize / dis’ɔ:ɡənaiz / v. 扰乱,瓦解criminal /’kriminəla/ adj. 形式的,犯罪的  $ j5 t3 I' ^) f% B; Q0 b& W3 ^
  adequate /’ædikwit / adj. 充足的,适当的 complex / ’kDmpleks / adj. 错综复杂的  - e# n5 k4 b* R5 P9 T# S
  注释: 9 y5 a5 H6 M* I( u3 R7 j* @
  1. It is one thing ... , it is another thing ... : 一方面……,另一方面…… 外语学习网
- }+ K2 I4 c! B* ?- t% ]  2. One way+从句 is by doing ... :做某事的方法之一是通过…… $ S3 S1 O) L5 g9 e' g; i
# T) }" m, J" o1 C3 _4 G- p1 Y  1. A) pushed  B) attracted  C) fetched  D) ,brought
& G9 i+ e; T/ i  L  2. A) lay    B) make  C) put  D) find
3 \+ o. s$ G  m; ]( w  3. A) fairly  B) greatly  C) mostly  D) widely
9 j, j1 L9 W( Q9 Z7 ^2 Z; C; L# w' o  4. A) a  B) one  C) no  D) some 1 ]( {2 x* f3 B# K! D
  5. A) seeing  B) moving  C) going  D) even 3 {& [0 m; r: O  O9 r
  6. A) idea  B) plan  C) purpose  D) decision 5 _5 U( O1 i$ m9 D, b2 M' s" O
  7. A) quite  B) just  C) more  D) living
9 U, @- g6 e9 b* f6 D, D  8. A) produce  B) cause  C) build  D) create 6 i- N: i+ Z9 a8 T  N' d
  9. A) missed  B) lost  C) avoided  D) escaped 6 y- \: ?6 ]. H* P" r( N% |3 c$ E
  10. A) connected  B) joined  C) attached  D) related
, \  z& ~! e: X" s! J1 k  11. A) treat  B) control  C) contact  D) direct
* U  |$ t6 @. p) h  12. A) with  B) by  C) for  D) through " z) k5 Y- ?8 J- U2 a+ U
  13. A) track  B) path  C) road  D) way
/ u) A- {$ W$ f& i" X: F  14. A) get  B) appear  C) be  D) feel

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


  15. A) should  B) might  C) ought  D) must   k7 A$ b' {& A2 V: l
3 b% Y! u7 D1 o  1. B 根据上下文,句意为人们被追溯往事所吸引。A 选项 push 与介词 to 搭配意为"推向";C选项 fetch 做不及物动词为"取得,拿到";D 选项 brought 与介词 to 搭配意为"恢复知觉";而 选项 B attracted 与介词 to 搭配意为"被……吸引",故选 B。  " m% ]3 \6 b5 W
  2. D 根据句意"人们试图查明更多的历史",此处动词应有"查找,查明"之意。A 选项 lay out 意为"布置,设计" ,B 选项 make out 意为"理解,辨认出";C 选项 put out 意为"熄灭,出版", 均与句意不符;D 选项 find oùt 有"找出,查明"之意。故选 D。  ; U, ~% t! W; |9 \+ O( \2 I+ t/ o9 K
  3. A 本题考查副词。其中 B 选项 greatly 意为"很,大大地";C 选项 mostly 意为"主要地,通常";D 选项 widely 意为"广泛地"。本句句意为"……特别是那些有相当短历史的国 家……"根据句意只有 A 选项 fairly 有"相当"的意思,符合句意,故选 A。  
8 L8 {) t& a3 B  N* W* O9 @4 S  4. B 考查固定搭配。It is one thing ... ,it is quite another thing ... "一方面……,另一方面……",故选 B 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
: D, s8 T- X! o% L$ X/ D  5. C 考查介词搭配。A 选项目e 与 through 搭配意为"看穿,识破";B 选项 move 与介词through 搭配意为"穿过";D 选项 live 与 through 搭配意为"度过,经受住"。根据句意"…… 花费时间去仔细查阅一本书……"只有 C 选项 go through" 经受,仔细检查"符合句意,故选C 。  
3 B4 R- Q2 o2 [# s, p& S; l* o  6. D 句意为"并促使你决心去探究家族的过去" A 选项为"主意,概念";B 选项 plan 为"计划";只有选项 D 有"下决心"之意。take the decision to do 是短语,下定决心做某事。故选D。  
3 `. k+ u5 [  a, g3 L  7. A 本题考查固定搭配。It is one thing ... , it is quite another thing ... "一方面……,另一方面……"。故选 A。  
9 h! `4 n8 F* i- E! b  8. B 句意为"但如果开始有一点点计划,就能避免引起那么多麻烦。"此处应选择与 problem相搭配有"引起"之意的动词。A 选项 produce 为"制造";C 选项 build 意为"建筑";D 选项create 意为"创造,创作";选项 B cause 意为"引起,使发生,导致,招致",经常与 troubles,  
5 i- i' L8 i1 S3 MProblems, disasters 搭配使用。故选择 B。  ! ~/ x/ R! u0 S" Y& W+ ^
  9. C 句意为"但如果开始有一点点计划,就能避免引起那么多麻烦",此处应填有避免之意的 动词。A 选项 miss 为"漏掉,错过";B 选项 lost 为"遗失,失败";D 选项 escape 意为"逃脱,避开";而 C 选项 avoid 意为"避免,避开,躲避",与句意相符。故选 C。  
0 a5 q% ^) @# z% u: x, {  10. A 句意为"如果你家族的故事写着你与某个名人有着一定的关系"而选项 B join with 意为"加人";选项 C attach (to) 为"依附,加入";选项 D be related to = be connected with, "与……有关系";只有选项 A connect 可与 with 搭配,意为"与……有关系"。故选 A。  
8 x6 m! g3 A4 b" V: |( A3 b6 @2 e  11. A 此句意为"把它当成一个有趣的可能事件再好不过。"B 选项 control 为"控制,管理";C 选项 contact 为"使接触";D 选项 direct 为"管理,指挥,导演";而选项B 的 treat 可与介词 as 搭配,意为"把......当做......" ,与句意相符。  . P' @& y/ r) ?/ u0 K: @
  12. C 考查介词。此句句意为"用一个简单的系统来收集和存储信息",A 选项 with"随着,支持,和…在一起";B 选项 by 意为"通过,依据,经由";ρD 选项 through 意为"通过,穿过,凭借  
8 F8 s1 O) `1 N& r( \  13. D 此句意为"……越复杂的方式可能只会扰乱你的方寸",A 选项 track 意为"轨道,总计,小道";B 选项 pa曲意为"道路";C 选项 road 意为"公路,马路";而 D 选项 way 意为"方法,方向",而 get in your way 是固定搭配,意思是"阻挡,羁绊你的道路"。故选 D。    I# u, ^5 `1 a/ [$ V& K; p
  14. A get started ,固定搭配,意为"开始,被启动"。故选 A。 ) n5 u- h) S4 D! T9 E% I
  15. B 考查情态动词的用法。此句句意为“但谁知道你会发现什么呢?”C 选项有应当之意,而 D 选在must 引导一般疑问句表示"必须做某事" ,与句意不符。因此句是对未来的可能性的一种反问,所以 B 选项 might 符合句意。故选 B。
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