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[综合类英语] 2010年职称英语综合:词汇指导(二)3

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
11、The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table
9 _0 b  g+ Q$ T5 v! L+ y; UA:supplied / s" m9 l( g' f
" \" M% B4 N- @* |2 e: g) hC:grasped 6 T/ ~5 {' m& T2 ?6 Y2 J* j" K
D:made, F: w0 E* N5 _) t4 @( E( j
! ?/ m8 c1 U# x- _( ^2 G本题解析: 根据划线词后的介词搭配(with)判断答案A。furnish..with..= supply/provide..with../给..提供..; gather n.集合, 聚集vi.集合, 聚集vt.使聚集; grasp& J$ t: |# h) v4 H) L; b
vt./ n.抓住,掌握, 领会;该句含义是“这个房间配备了最基本的物品:一张床,一把椅子,和一张桌子。”
+ Y8 u, f( Y. X) m9 @12、The local government decided to merge the two firms into a big one.6 M) m2 G4 a& F9 b6 N6 ]1 p
A:motivate # x' t# M) \, l, `1 h" h( l  u- Q
7 m8 L: A$ V& z/ w2 M$ }% {C:compact
- n1 B9 G+ A2 i% V9 y6 \D:nominate
  W* P6 D2 ]6 I3 \8 n- W& a$ H: H本题正确答案为:B9 n! w9 C$ m  u/ ]0 _3 e! T
本题解析:根据句意(当地的政府决定把两家公司合并成一家公司)判断B((使)联合)是答案。motivate v.激发; compact adj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的; nominate vt.提名, 推荐, 任命
. y8 H4 D, X; S13、 He emphasized a feasible plan which can be accepted by the both sides.
/ B8 ^8 q" @! x, ^& |" r3 x0 wA:favorable % N- I7 Z" J+ Y# q8 t7 u; V0 H5 p
5 U% v8 O- t8 M: gC:formal ) Z* t' |6 E# f* Z: ?' C4 V
D:genuine6 M5 z# h) b4 \; p6 H1 H
5 k& S* ?5 Z$ h本题解析:该句含义是“他强调要制定出一个能够被双方都接受的可行计划” 。feasible adj.可行的, 切实可行的; favorable adj.赞成的, 有利的, 赞许的;genuine adj.真实的, 真正的" f  L/ X# x- `0 X: g( c
14、When does the next train depart?
9 V& P" K, s* X- V/ `& }4 ]A:pull up + @" b& m3 V+ X" P$ W
B:pull down7 U8 Q- K( s+ U3 h
C:pull out
. n  X4 j8 \: c2 K) YD:pull in
! u! V0 K0 a2 H6 W$ P本题正确答案为:C! l7 h6 A: m3 r4 |7 i7 u" G
本题解析:depart vi.离开, 起程, 该词和C是近义词。pull out v.拔出, 离开; pull up0 B+ v( M# {* I  T" _
v.拔起, 停下; pull down v.摧毁, 推翻, 使降低; pull in v.进站, 靠岸9 t, _; |, Q) J
15、Because administering the whole company, he sometimes has to work around the clock.% L/ c; c- A) S, `$ O
A:adjusting / F. A( ?! }3 E
B:evaluating( p$ O. r8 L0 a. n6 M, p
) ]! X# q/ a* e' GD:managing. k: c6 M! i* X/ v0 G( @
本题正确答案为:D. y/ R0 P; `" t  l
本题解析:根据句意(因为管理着整个公司,他有时候得夜以继日地工作)判断D(管理)是答案。evaluate vt.评价, 估计; adjust vt.调整, 调节, 校准; engage vt.使忙碌, 使从事于, 使参加 vi.答应, 从事

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