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[综合类英语] 2013年职称英语考试综合类A级词汇选项题(3)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 R8 F9 Y" t+ {0 Z% L. o8 b: @  11. At that time, we did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened.( K2 @* y$ D, P. p0 {# d; q8 t3 x
  A. give% O4 [6 I3 O4 r2 p8 P
  B. attach
- Z9 [, ~  ^$ ~  @1 b- U5 |" y4 m) r  C. lose 中华考试网! t' S2 j* E/ L/ i: `/ n
  D. understand
; h! p( U! n/ A$ l! K  12. Anderson left the table, remarking that he had some work to do.2 r, P/ R- ^3 U0 ]$ P+ U
  A. doubting8 [- P6 k6 X) q' H0 T5 x4 o2 I
  B. saying; I# c# D. }% `5 T5 Y# P9 i
  C. thinking  x8 l0 z% x6 a3 y- [4 a0 t
  D. knowing) K  O  B( S/ L) D
  13. He asserted that nuclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
( l* E$ @7 b5 M  G+ P  A. maintained) a, h. [$ G! s5 [/ O
  B. recommended% z$ d4 s% N8 x) m4 \
  C. considered. @6 }9 h. V* |
  D. acknowledged
, y$ |9 d8 x& [: u/ [, N9 u  14. The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.: e9 d; @3 J5 S9 |  G- S  E
  A. relative/ N" U) P+ Z! }. B6 I3 G
  B. general
9 T1 E7 r+ P5 e  C. continuous
1 A" u5 V5 B  `# w  D. sharp
- f! ]0 v# K) u/ `4 Y* n  15. She always finds fault with everything.
" u" g, Q2 _; s4 y0 V6 ^- r2 N; Q  A. criticizes
8 x7 N5 t  d2 H* ?- u  B. simplifies- g1 L" ~( j+ m3 A5 N) l5 j- I- C
  C. evaluates
6 ~+ p7 W8 p1 G$ x2 M6 K/ s  D. examines

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:36 | 显示全部楼层


答案: 11.D' o& B/ T3 H% R) O  @' `, ~$ J9 c% ?
$ C% _4 f! ~# B" N* a5 b  划线词的词义是“领会,理解”。
' j1 l7 i) ?6 q. H  A项give意为给;例句:Have you given the waiter a tip? 你给侍者小费了吗?
7 `. \" y' Q; g3 e' b8 r/ k6 R" S5 d- \  B项attach意为附上,加上;例句:I attach a copy of my notes for your information.我附上笔记一份供你参考。# `' U3 R3 O, r& b
  C项lose意为丢失,丧失;例句:I lost my wallet yesterday.我昨天丢了钱包。  E! c  g4 t" q9 b/ f
  D项understand意为理解,领悟。例句:I don't understand what you're talking about.我不明白你在说什么。/ c! i) U% J5 [2 U! [& n8 x) Q( a
  很明显D项正确。+ ~' y: N' z* v
  12.B6 v1 L, G* Z( Z  H1 {- q
1 H* a7 R# p6 R& @  划线词的词义是“说,讲”。
6 H4 C" I7 v) ^: ~) p6 F  A项doubt意为怀疑;例句:I doubt the truth of it.我怀疑此事的真实程度。
" _7 V  _9 P7 k  B项say意为说;例句:Be quiet,I've something to say to you.安静,我有话要对你们讲。( `( b" o  g0 r: T: Z: e
  C项think意为想;例句:Independent thinking is an absolute necessity.独立思考是绝对必要的。
1 P# e2 K( u0 E9 A( t, ^& X3 y' G) E  D项know意为知道。例句:There's no knowing what they will do.没法知道他们会做些什么。很明显0 v# p, C6 \, N. r# |
( `: N+ Y+ K+ l/ v4 ^  13.A* u% Y4 T) S' r: F
  【解析】题意:他断言核能是一种安全而又无污染的能源。$ A) m' Q( `7 ^
9 r: M  q7 ]5 N/ u! Q  A项maintain意为主张,强调;例句:He maintains that there are no short cuts to effective management.他断言,有效的管理没有捷径可走。. d- K$ \5 A- P* O! D7 O
  B项recommend意为推荐;例句:I recommended (you) meeting him first.我建议(你)先见见他。
9 d. X! w; Y6 r6 h- y; s  P: p  C项consider意为考虑;倒句:Please take time to consider the problem.请仔细考虑一下这个问题。, j( e" l, e7 c( z0 D4 {
  D项acknowledge意为承认。例句:He is unwilling to acknowledge defeat.他不愿认输。
0 A7 Z5 M9 z+ b# n2 c  很明显A项正确。0 a8 h. c  W7 z2 ]
  14.C8 H: m4 \* C5 h% t
  【解析】题意:该项研究还表明选学理科课程的大学生数量在持续下降。, T; `/ \) [6 ]; x7 H: s+ H
  划线词的词义是“稳定的,持续的”。  y$ o$ t& z1 p7 w6 ?$ ]; @
  A项relative意为相关的;例句:The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper.老师问了我一些和我的论文有关的问题。
: p# r; m9 G, F! l  B项general意为总的;例句:I get the general impression that they aren't very happy.我对他们的总体印象是他们过得并不是很幸福。( @- ~; g0 o* y
  C项continuous意为连续的;例句:The atmosphere is a continuous layer of gases.大气圈是连续的气体层。. h$ o$ a2 T3 B$ [" o; V
  D项sharp意思为急剧的。例句:The car turned sharp left.那部车向左急转弯。" Q1 A8 n* p6 O; G7 f
  很明显C项正确。; {4 r8 [! V6 G5 `
  15.Awww.examw.com- \/ f+ ]+ M/ _8 s
  【解析】题意:她总是事事加以非难(挑剔)。2 }" L$ q. V: E* a' A0 Q0 g4 ?
  find fault with词义是“挑剔,找毛病,批评”。
, ^* h& n$ E$ J1 H  A项criticize意为批评;例句:You should not criticize him so harshly in his face.你不应该当面这么严厉地批评他。
- j5 ~+ P7 B$ x+ G! m. m  B项simplify意为简化;例句:That will simplify my task.那会简化我的工作。$ E$ u3 N* N, P
  C项evaluate意为评价;例句:Let's evaluate the evidence.让我们评定一下此证据的价值。, G! R: M0 s& q& ^$ [
  D项examine意为调查,考试。例句:It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out.有必要调查一下怎样才能实施这些方案。- X0 i/ w4 z" i0 K( P9 g8 b
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