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[综合类英语] 2013年综合类A级词汇选项精选题(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:46:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 D4 S* M8 u& z, Y" D 1.We saw a lot of commercial buildings in Chicago.   A condemned   B razed    C business   D vacant
$ ~" w0 V5 R4 V3 h1 i) N  2.Salt has been a respected commodity for much of recorded time. 0 ]0 ~  Z) Z5 V1 P$ {2 o
  A flavoring   B preservative   C remedy for illnes  D article of trade
* E  W) Z. }3 e' Y$ t- V3 O  3.Pure feldspar is a colorless, transparent mineral, but impurities commonly make it opaque and colorful.
0 t; |- I6 D4 D8 r) i  A truly    B rapidly    C periodically   D frequently
' r% {; `/ b/ N4 ]+ ?  4.In 1925 Clarence Darrow competently opposed William Jennings Bryan at the renowned Scopes’ “Monkey Trial”. 0 `$ `+ }8 q5 _
  A adeptly    B maliciously   C privately   D rashly competition and peace. 1 V8 z  x# i1 S! k! l0 ?
  A debate    B celebration   C instruction   D rivalry % W. I: D9 E. t  Z0 {; v
答案:1.C commercial adj. 商业的, 贸易的 (business, mercantile)/homespun adj. 朴素的 (simple)/vacant adj. 未被占用的 (empty, uninhabited)/razed adj. 被夷为平地的 (leveled)
; d' j- }% D6 i8 R5 @  2.D commodity n. 商品;日用品 (article of trade, goods)/remedy n. 补救;治疗法 (treatment, redress)/preservative n. 防腐剂/flavoring n. 调味品, 调料 (seasoning)
4 ^" ~; |9 k( l0 N( d  M  3.D commonly adv. 通常地 (frequently, usually)/transparent adj. 透明的 (seethrough)/feldspar n. 【矿】长石 (crystalline mineral rock)/opaque adj. 不透明的 (nontransparent)/periodically adv. 定期地 (intermittently)
1 }9 S7 @1 P9 F6 C) c. ~3 }  4.A competently adv. 充分地 (adeptly, sufficiently)/adeptly adv. 熟练地 (efficiently, skillfully)/maliciously adv. 不怀好意地 (malevolently, wickedly)/rashly adv. 轻率地 (brashly, incautiously) , w+ Y' Z5 j- [0 x9 l
  5.D competition n. 竞争 (rivalry, contention)/athlete n. 运动员 (sportsman)/rivalry. 竞争(competition); 敌对状态

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