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[卫生类英语] 2011年职称英语理工类C级词汇学习(1)

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
   词汇选项题   1. I wonder what your aim in life is.
! X1 m. [/ K! b  A) goal         B) plan     C) direction    D) system- _; _- Y) G( c5 Y( S2 q  h1 ]1 F
  2. We should not complain about taxes.
9 ~+ P$ A( j2 y0 o  A) feel unhappy B) say bad things  C) care      D) praise- d1 a2 q3 o, J% L6 b3 _
  3. What were the effects of the decisions she made?
$ a# o$ s& @, p  A) reasons          B) results  C) causes       D) bases
2 d) I3 u' r5 w  N0 H  4. People don't realize how serious this recession has actually been.4 e/ w/ B) Y5 [$ a1 w
  A) know B) think   C) doubt     D) remember3 g7 ?2 d: H7 a& i6 T/ U
  5. First editions of certain popular books cannot be obtained for love or money.' U" ^  j9 \9 P5 D% N$ b+ T+ ^3 M
  A) at any place  B) at any price C) in any language D) in any country
# g: K0 X  N( S" r/ k8 \  6. About a quarter of the workers in the United States are employed in factories.% ^/ b9 N( n" V
  A) third    B) fourth   C) tenth        D) fifteenth
8 |7 ^/ W* q7 n. f  7. Almost all economists agree that nations gain by trading with one another.7 N! a1 A; k5 l
  A) cooperate    B) profit C) become more stable  D) become more dependent
) }+ ~% f+ P( @  8. In a bullfight, it is the movement, not the color, of objects that arouses the bull.
) E  E6 F$ [4 i; G1 O! T  A) confuses      B) excites  C) frightens       D) divides
# F! Z$ B' d$ y' e! w! t  9. Passenger shops and planes are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radiotelephones., t7 c# D& ^7 [3 C
  A) highways        B) railroads            C) speedways    D) aircrafts5 B, n2 E' Z7 _# A
  10. The firemen acted quickly because lives were at stake.) T7 o: v! `. }6 _3 A/ R9 i2 d9 F! M
  A) in danger      B) in despair   C) out of condition   D) out of danger
7 L9 o  d7 n6 L% U1 b  11. On Thanksgiving in the United States, families gather and give thanks for the blessings of the past year.# T% ~  R1 p+ l2 Y# l
  A) pick up        B) come together    C) complete     D) correspond) F, ~9 U( j+ T$ S% i, C
  12. Some fairy tales teach children to be brave and persistent.
, i- X* f2 F7 j5 i8 A& h  A) courageous     B) sincere  C) loyal    D) honest
  U8 p" y% L+ k4 C  r3 y  13. Many fine cooks insist on ingredients of the highest quality.2 W8 ]+ q) Z+ D' o9 i) a1 A3 b
  A) demand     B) rely on  C) prepare for D) create0 X9 G6 |( a1 U$ O0 B/ S
  14. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain price.
! v" r9 H6 o: ]8 m  A) slight     B) surprising   C) sudden  D) harmful
- r; Z/ W( V2 A: M  R
; ^' ?! \4 x- l' Z* s! B  15. The poet William Carlos Williams was a New Jersey physician.
; q1 a7 j: w# T& Z  A) doctor     B) professor    C) physicist    D) resident

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  参考答案:% S; E( T* W- O4 `. a8 E+ I6 {* z# b
  1. A. 分析: 四个备选答案全为常见的名词.原句的划线的含义是“目标”,A最接近,所以答案为A.direction是“指导,方向”, system是“系统”。
( @( e! B' r) T, c, L: @; ~9 _" N* U  2. A. 分析: 原句的划线词complain是常见词,其含义为“抱怨,发牢骚”,是“不高兴, 不满意”的表现, 所以A(感到不高兴)是答案。B 的含义为“说……的坏话”,语义太过。' P; ]4 J2 L$ n3 I- c9 B
  3. B. 四个备选答案全为名词的复数形式.原句的划线处词为effects,其含义为“影响/结果”, 所以答案为B(结果)。Cause是“原因,起因”,base是“根据,基础”。% K- m; P4 Q: D* X) {" ]0 a! q
  4. A. 四个备选答案全为常见动词.原句的划线处词为realize,其含义为“认识到”, 所以答案为A(知道)。Doubt是“怀疑”,remember是“记起,想起”。, V" {+ o( s! V: L
  5. B.分析: 四个备选答案全是介词短语.划线短语for love and money(其字面含义是“为了钱或爱”),因为钱和爱都是很重要的东西, 所以推测这个短语可能在含义上设计到“价值”。这四个备选答案中只有答案B(at any price/以任何代价)的核心词(price)涉及到价值, 因此判断B是答案。 for love or money: 无论出任何代价,无论如何) E  C7 W; @; M0 x5 M- ]( ]
  6. B. 分析:划线词的含义为四分之一,所以答案为B.0 r8 L6 y9 `" V* @& y/ o1 }
  7. B. 分析: gain的含义是“获得利益”,所以B(得益;获利)是答案。
! @+ y( _: m6 D0 {  8. B. 分析: 原句的划线处词为arouse,句子中出现了bullfight/斗牛,和color/颜色。所以推测arouse大概是“使牛激动”。所以答案为excite (使…兴奋)。frighten是“吓唬;使惊惧”, confuse是“使混乱,弄乱”, arouse是“鼓励,激发”。
. I9 s8 a/ _5 [: I  9. D.分析: 原句的划线处词为planes,为一常见词,其含义为飞机,而aircraft的含义就是“飞机”。 Highway是“公路,大路”,railroad是“铁路”, speedway是“高速公路”$ L' S; B; k$ R0 G! t. D& L
  10. A. 原句的划线处词为at stake.句子中出现了firemen/消防员;所以推测是紧急状态。而且at stake的主语是lives/生命,所以答案为A(处于危险之中)。in despair是“失望地”,out of condition是“情况不好”,out of danger是“没有危险”。0 F1 v* J/ R% o2 L
  11.B. 分析:句子中出现了Thanksgiving /感恩节,而感恩节意味着聚会,所以答案为B.complete是“完成”,correspond是“与…一致,符合 (to; with)”, pick up是“拾起, 学会”。  y. E" K$ B. k  {: C/ Z2 k4 I
  12.A. 分析:划线处词brave,是常见的词,其含义为“勇敢的”。A(courageous)的语义为“勇敢的” (Courage(勇气)是常见词,根据构词法,- ous是常见的把名词变成形容词的后缀,所以courageous的语义为“勇敢的”。),所以答案为A.sincere是“真诚的”, loyal是“忠诚的;忠实的”。
  W, I9 [/ k) X. S5 l7 O0 C7 x  13.A. insist on的含义为“坚决要求”。而demand的含义为“要求,强求”,所以A是答案。另外:prepare for是“为……准备”;create 是“创造”,rely on是“依靠”。
( ]8 ^$ q& M+ `# a  14.D.damaging和harmful是近义词(有害的)。Slight是“轻微的,少量的”,surprising   是“令人惊讶的”, sudden是“突然的”。# V2 T+ f0 b) h) o0 W3 B# h
  15.A.physician是“内科医生”, 所以A是答案。而physicist是“物理学家”, resident是“居民”, professor是“教授”。
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