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[卫生类英语] 2013年职称英语卫生类C级阅读理解模拟题26

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0 N1 f7 F; m1 ~, Z0 lAttitudes to AIDS Now
/ W8 ~8 P( K; o* v1 l: m* \  Most people say that the USA is making progress in fighting AIDS, but they don't know there's no cure and strongly disagree that “the AIDS epidemic is over,” a new survey finds.
1 T- q' w, u$ F0 z4 c  The findings, released Thursday by the Kaiser Family Foundation, reassure activists who have worried that public concern about AIDS might disappear in light of recent news about advances in treatment and declines in deaths.
5 _5 E' }" `* \+ f  “While people are very optimistic about the advances, they’re still realistic about the fact that there is no cure” , says Sophia Chang, director of HIV programs at the foundation. ! g! Z7 L% }7 J% S4 v
  The Kaiser survey, like a recent USA TODAY Gallup Poll, does find that the number of people ranking AIDS as the country's top health problem has fallen. In the Kaiser poll, 38% say it's the top concern, down from 44% in a 1996 poll, in the Gallup poll, 29% say AIDS is No. 1, down from 41% in 1992 and 67% in 1987.
0 `5 `6 i* s: P  h: [, s/ v. U  Other findings from Kaiser, which polled more than 1, 200 adults in September and October and asked additional questions of another 1, 000 adults in November: ! d7 [1 @' ^4 g# {/ ~
  52% say the country is making progress against AIDS, up from 32% in 1995. $ b8 a' x. d. w  w$ G' c
  51% say the government spends too little on AIDS. 外语学习网
1 q% U: U/ d+ ~# @  86% correctly say AIDS drugs can now lengthen lives; an equal number correctly say that the drugs are not cures.
5 Z$ W- K) q' Q3 o" E9 v  67% incorrectly say that AIDS deaths increased or stayed the same in the past year, 24% know deaths fell.
  @# z* a  y" B1 u4 N! {. w& b) T- e7 T1 F; Q1 I  d
  Daniel Zingale, director of AIDS Action Council, says,“I’m encouraged that the American people are getting the message that the AIDS epidemic isn’t over. I hope the decision-makers in Washington are getting the same message. . . We have seen signs of complacency.”

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  31. Most people in the USA believe that # w6 Z0 f1 A. l$ h
  A. AIDS is no longer an epidemic ' u$ ~7 R% y; ~& I: I. L# z; b
  B. AIDS is killing more people than before . N1 S( j% r- [6 C
  C. there is still no cure for aids 7 G- j3 s+ O! T$ I" j1 y, R- ]
  D. advances have been made in treating AIDS
& \1 K1 g- s+ w1 M  32. before the findings released by the Kaiser family foundation  activists & z9 a6 k, L, `2 t2 @3 P, `  E
  A. the government is too optimistic about the cure of aids ) Y3 F+ v6 L  W& |" V
  B. the Americans may not concern about aids any more , R- y4 n5 K3 ^  q% p# P& O
  C. the deaths caused by aids may increase - s/ [+ v! l% E. E8 E- J
  D. scientists may not find cures for aids % U$ n- q1 V, m4 Q! d) e
  33. the results of the Kaiser survey and those of gallup poll are
! z/ e0 O, l" ?  A. similar.
+ `. q, a* z% Z  }* R2 q% u  B. different : b# l$ ?+ a$ i
  C. both wrong 9 n% [) D/ J/ ~% N
  D. both unrealistic
( O4 O( T( r% T/ D  34. More than 50% people in the Kaiser poll agree that
. z/ z9 J* B0 Q  A. advances in aids treatment are too slow 6 r. j9 ~  C; ?0 \6 s9 M1 e' I4 a
  B. AIDS is their top concern   e! b) W- U% ]- B
  C. the country spends too little on aids    中华考试网(www.Examw。com); e- `. j6 E3 M. q
      D. AIDS deaths fell sharply
: M1 `0 B5 W5 `. {, H) \  35. The word “message” in the last paragraph means
+ z2 n2 |9 I9 r. c  A. point
- z+ n8 Z" V5 e, K5 w+ g  B. news
- z! u( @. H6 F; c+ y- ^4 |  C. report
) z8 h& ]. {" y/ U& D. S6 m0 a  D. result
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