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[卫生类英语] 2013年职称英语卫生类C级阅读理解模拟题14

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2013年职称英语卫生类C级阅读理解模拟题145 p# v+ _! x' U- {2 K6 |' ^
Even with the best will1 in the world,reducing our carbon emissions is not going to prevent global warming.It has become clear that even if we take the most strong measures to control emissions,the uncertainties in our climate models still lea'ye open the possibility of extreme warming and rises in sea level.At the same time,resistance by governments and special interest groups makes it quite possible that the actions suggested by climate scientists might not be implemented soon enough.
2 n5 n( S1 R* c. }& Y, D( a  emission/i5miFEn/n.发射,发射物 heroin/5herEuin/n.海洛因
4 T1 ?/ \% D  R4 _- h7 y  complacency/kEm5pleIsEnsI/n.满足 hospitalization/7hCspitElai5zeiFEn /
( ?* M1 V$ ^1 I+ }  n.住院治疗 - Y% d4 A2 _. [3 t; h
  thwart/WwC:t/v.反对,阻绕 rehab/ri:hAb/n.接受康复治疗
! @" e/ [0 K- P) d6 X9 T* g2 {  geoengineering n.地质工程 astronomer/ E5strRnEmE(r)/n.天文学家 ; t/ R" t6 F% j6 k5 h, ]2 ~
  trillion/ 5triljEn/n.(英、德) counteract/7kauntE5rAkt/v.抵消;抵制
$ V! p& w4 x& a: ?9 c  百万兆(1018);(美、法) 万亿,兆 (1012) 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)8 `& }$ r9 v% I
  controversial/7kCntrE5vE:FEl /analogy/E5nAlEdVi/n.类似;模拟 2 B' ]8 S1 `8 u
  adj.有争议的 9 Y+ }, a1 _/ S& R, ^1 L& S

# ^) \  l8 Q9 t$ `6 v  deflect/di5flekt/v.(使)偏转 methadone/ 5meWEdEun/n.美沙酮,美散痛

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


 注释: </p>  1. the best will:最好的愿望 1 Q+ Y- v/ u2 F- ~7 f5 M
  2. if the worst comes to theworst:如果最最糟糕的事情发生了。这是英式英语的用法,在美式英语中它说成if worst comes to worst。在不同的语境中,有不同的泽法,如:“If the worst comes to the worst,”Becky thought,“my retreat“secure;and l have the right- hand seat inthe barouche.”蓓墓想道:“逼到最后一条路,逃难是不怕的了,在他的大马车里,我稳稳地有一个位子了。”又如:Ifthe worst comes to the worst,we’ll sell the car.大不了我们把车卖了。
& n8 A  R8 {) P: Q9 _  3. scientists still have a few tricks叩their sleeves:科学家们仍然有些不为人所知的招数。 have something up one’s sleeve是英语成语,意思是:to have a secret idea or plan,有锦囊妙计,有所保留的,秘而不宣的谋略或计划,例如:If this trip doesn’t work out I’ve still got a few ideas up my sleeve.
& a  Z+ f8 @* q4 R: y( K  4. methadone:美沙酮,一种有效的合成麻醉药,它不像口马啡或海洛因那样容易汁人上瘾,在戒毒治疗中被用作这些毒品的替代品。
9 z5 w% W+ t7 |# I" p2 a  练习: " b' L' \/ M' [. f/ [6 d: d
  1. According to the first two paragraphs,the author thinks that
+ ?+ S% V8 e8 b8 m" ]4 O: Y) l  A strong measures have been taken by the government to prevent global warming.
# |5 C$ e0 t# Y9 L( @2 N8 K  B to reduce carbon emissions is all impossible mission.
+ v" N! H4 R% z. E, t8 S+ c4 [' f$ E  C despite the difficulty,scientists have some options to prevent global warming. + @* x( {' c9 [/ N$ \/ y; |  \
  D actions suggested by scientists will never be realized.
6 E# M/ t- T) t' P  2. Scientists resist talking about their options because they don't want people to
0 S) a5 v5 v+ |$ A9 ]  A know what they are doing. & `! U" q8 D$ L/ O, x
  B feel their efforts are useless. 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
: i( f$ w$ R% `* y  e  1. C 短文第一段讲了防止地球变暖是一项艰巨的任务,第二段说,尽管如此,科学家还是有一些办法,所以C是正确选择。A是错误选择,因为作者认为政府和一些利益集团阻碍了科学家所倡导的行动的实施;B不是作者的观点;D也不是正确选择,因为第一段的最后一句“might not be implemented soon enough”并不表明永远不能实现。
8 }8 k* _5 w( R! D4 z  Y  2. C 文章的第二段说,即使最糟糕的情况发生,科学家还是有几招的。但他们不希望讨论他们的招数,因为恐怕人们不再有危机感而削弱彻底解决问题的努力。所以C是正确选择。
! F  C2 l' w( Z' y: Z  3. A 文章的第二段中,Stephen Schneider教授将自己解决地球变暖问题的办法比作美沙酮,因为在瘾君子拒绝正常住院治疗时,服用美沙酮是一种缓解海洛因毒瘾的有效方法。所以,A是正确的选择。采集者退散 % v3 y* b% O! i
  4. C 文章最后一段的第一个句子提供的答案。 7 f4 I5 J% r0 B
  5. D 短文最后一段描述了“sunscreen”如何解决地球变暖问题。尽管有争议,但是研究证明,“太阳屏”能反射和阻碍阳光,起到抵消由温室效应引起的地球升温。最后一段的第三和第四句是理解这个问题的关键。D不是文章所表达的内.容,所以是正确答案。
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