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[卫生类英语] 2012职称英语卫生类B级真题及答案

发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
一、词汇选项:   1. All the walls in the building had the same layout.
( s) o) B5 Y: v" q! V$ E4 ]- \! ^1 u  A. size/ v; f* K% w% J6 d
  B. function0 `" E$ P0 A* v5 p' V, f6 k
  C. color
2 l( V# ^7 X2 [1 Q& f. [5 l) X  D. arrangment8 t) C; w, [0 |& ^/ Z
  答案:D& q& F2 B* F* ~2 v( i
  2. The storm caused severe damage.
$ }- F+ q5 b; Y3 n# [  A. physical
$ c; u) R5 D* e0 V3 k  R  B. accidental
; N* e3 F+ D1 U: @  H8 o9 ?5 m8 L  C. serious5 A4 G. O8 [5 N) i4 ^# R
  D. enviromental- t7 c: X8 ^+ M" Q' }
4 ?& n: s+ ]% |6 X3 g  3. The walls are made of hollow concret blocks.
6 J, c8 W1 S9 b. _# c  A. big
* }5 C/ J% P4 A+ L3 a  B. empty
) H1 [( q4 |' h/ ~  C. long
+ y$ j% N8 @* T3 p+ T  D. new& ?2 H. `# R* d$ f
  答案:B, _6 _3 U+ b& ~; j, G- k( r' B
  4. Our aim was to update the health service and we succeeded.
! l2 w! I1 D4 C5 p& o' e  A. offer3 V! i: K. s2 ?- A
  B. provide5 G  F- ?) d" C7 A! p
  C. modernize
" b. I, Q  n4 t: A* e8 u  D. fund" J; B/ Y, N3 y3 T  v
5 k$ [! Z$ {/ l; G% J  5. Do we have to wear these name tags?9 o1 }1 V9 g) {7 g/ R( W% {, q; m
  A. lists& b! \" a/ h/ J. s4 `* {( v3 j7 u
  B. forms
+ q" S  D7 `; I$ \, P- N" @& E' g  C. lables
) a# P. B9 Y* A( }& g) \! w! e2 j  D. codes5 U# l1 r& U( W" e1 [+ u: ^' x' ]! \$ }' F

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:34 | 显示全部楼层


6. Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted ”Joe,Joe,Joe”</p>  A. repeated) m" m+ G) G( s+ p4 [) g0 e* J
  B. jumped) _7 \( @; R$ y" q
  C. maintained/ s5 ~% z% Y, A2 F, b
  D. approached! r( D" c) C; ~
  答案:A: A# Z: b$ w% v  i* D) O, b7 U8 Z: c
  7. He  inspired many young people to take up sports.; V( e  k: K0 b7 H: L6 C; D2 \
  A. encouraged1 A1 K% F5 `7 U5 f
  B. allowed5 }$ \( K8 H* @8 F" I
  C. called; g2 m4 m9 [: L, |: c& G/ r
  D. advised$ x- J# b2 `  U. F$ h0 d
7 P% x; _5 V; V  8. The city center was wiped out  by the bomb.
) y6 t/ I: O: ^' n) \. _  A. covered
  S% d% I7 L& @7 N  B. reduced/ P9 z4 [" P, f1 m5 X' X& ]
  C. destroyed0 f- o2 C) Q- X, W; G
  D. moved
" B; U2 r5 y1 S% [+ ~4 ~  答案:C5 J% h/ _* j# ?; I+ l6 q0 [+ S5 g
  9. Most baby can take in a wide range of food easily.
; f6 p: t6 j6 O% g) I  A. bring
: k" V3 N8 b3 s$ L  B. digest' f% j8 |3 T3 L$ U" a- s
  C. keep$ Q9 ?- p1 F# Q" z+ x
  D. serve* Z& C2 ~. e5 G7 k. D+ B+ L* f7 n( ~
! w6 o, T4 L! O3 Y# D: l) O  10. A larg crowd assembled outside the American embassy.
4 f9 G$ R2 W# h# Q: z# }  A. watched
2 b$ k% y* K# u- ?! w  B. shouted
: W: p' _7 r0 l4 S- I- _  C. gathered; v$ L0 D9 v* `& E( T/ {2 ?
  D. walked; G8 R7 g8 ^, C/ Y

; ]  I/ J( z- h" p5 i  答案:C
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:35 | 显示全部楼层


11. The weather was crisp  and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.</p>  A. fresh2 ?- ]. R/ w  X& v& s2 z
  B. hot
5 d4 |0 @: {$ |% n6 @& Q/ ^, ?% x  C. heavy
+ Y! L/ K6 H# \. B# A5 o  a2 Q  D. windy
. W+ I4 \0 W6 F  答案:A
3 }& c# s" {" V' f* P4 k  @6 }! d  12. What puzzles me is why his books are so popular.
+ \' H7 p+ p( M4 Q6 e0 h; W) ]% E3 t  A. shocks0 b2 F, \+ A, G0 N+ b
  B. influences
" j7 [' I: h: E9 o/ Y$ f  C. confuses
1 {8 p$ |- r9 V( K* S  D. concerns3 ?" j2 K% o3 Z- s" `& e1 F% F
  答案:C8 @5 E6 h( p7 O8 s
  13. I think $7 a drink is a bit steep, don’t you?" T% a2 N) X+ M( {+ U4 H
  A. tight! `$ Z" X# x. a$ o! K
  B. low- k- S" R- G5 K9 O  m
  C. cheap8 e1 P, W2 `# T7 M8 @6 V/ ^
  D. high
, V& e( |& `3 q! B  答案:D
' u+ a# q7 |2 f1 ^+ R$ C$ }9 q3 X  14. The contempt he felt for his fellow students was obvious.
( r" F  Z: z+ r4 @; w( @  A. need
; Q9 Y' D0 o* ]" [0 I4 D# [  B. hate8 g' y( p1 W! ^4 [/ X  M) n; X
  C. love
2 A+ N3 |9 F9 I5 h  D. pity
% E8 i+ J7 w: O8 V/ c  答案:D
2 q7 O) j! r3 M3 i, O  15. Her comments about men are utterly ridiculous.8 O1 O$ |& ?) ^' P
  A. slightly
% c6 s8 S" |( j+ m# h% y6 {  B. partly. M; v% y: z. r# X0 y
  C. faintly
% O4 W! B  y1 n" Z5 T$ D  D. completely+ P7 B- f! [! P) ~

9 u5 s: q! ~* r) r: w$ ^  答案:D
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:36 | 显示全部楼层


二、阅读判断</p>  16. Viruses can only live inside people or animals.
0 ]$ Q# f, W' k) V1 ?  答案:B
8 i0 Y# t. w( ], Q) A. l) x9 M  17. All bacteria cause illnesses.9 X9 b  P8 S6 Q, L) Z7 u
3 m8 z9 Y% E2 W$ v& w% @  18. Washing your skin can prevent some illnesses.
) a1 J1 E" h  a5 c  答案:A+ K+ S) M5 v/ l2 F! b. v
  19. Germs can enter the body through the eyes., m. \* p5 C2 O; U2 _$ x
/ |1 [  S5 s0 `( H' u" J! H  20. The heart contains the body's strongest muscle.
" r; t7 D& d; G6 n- ~  答案:C
0 r/ v: a& `: m  21. After they kill germs, antibodies stay in the body.# c) T6 K3 ?. b" M) a
  答案:A0 x4 g  _! _! i0 M
  22. Vaccines can make you sick." [0 n0 l. C  |' y, p7 [, y
, C3 N1 O$ l) g3 u
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:37 | 显示全部楼层


三:概括大意和完成句子:</p>  23题答案:B
) h) y" X! w8 f# z+ k) ^  24题答案:A
( I& ~( c- f, x2 A. w" J, U  25题答案:F  g' o/ e; H6 T5 _) J
4 \: X( I: E; k3 m% Q1 `0 }; y  A. The Relapsing Form of MS
- M( k0 \0 E1 E7 a! y. j7 z  B. The Definition of MS
! S6 N, X8 o- K- n9 Y) d6 p0 |  C. The Cause of MS7 Z7 a. R) r( z. [4 z" u# b
  D. The Development of MS
1 ~2 C8 h9 Y: K+ M: f/ s  E. The Treatment of MS
9 q  P& H9 _! n; o/ n8 r  F. The Primary Progressive Form of MS4 C5 V- |- X2 G- G0 o% h' ~# j& n
  27. MS affects the young adults of nerve cells between the body and ______.9 l7 s% _" m& h: H) N7 }
5 o, c- E6 f$ ~9 ?4 q  28. An MS patient can feel fine for years without being affected much by the ______.! x! b8 w" b* E& m; L4 g- L# S
  答案:C$ c" ~9 i/ E2 [: S9 ~
  29. 10-15% of MS patients are diagnosed as having _______.
/ s/ m) ~+ ^7 \+ Q; w  答案:E
- B3 I/ E" D. L1 H  30. Young adults might have a higher chance of developing the disease than_______.& d/ K- e$ W: V
  答案:A3 t9 f! O9 n/ a: }7 y6 j
  A. the elderly people.) C: L3 E5 d. x7 c$ V
  B. the brain.3 Z+ i5 }/ w; K; J2 C
  C. relatives of MS patients
5 R6 s, V2 E) i% q3 b  D. life expectancy; y  p0 r& ~$ i+ Z
  E. the disease
5 _& G& \; U$ _6 u4 t0 U) j
, i9 @1 z# O3 d1 o# D  F. the progressive form
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:38 | 显示全部楼层


四、阅读理解</p>  第一篇:. T2 E, m* |: J' W2 P
  New Attempts to Eradicate AIDS Virus, v( U5 J; U4 d
  A high-profile attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus in a few patients continues to show promise.7 e5 ^% c1 x. a: N2 m( {  O8 `
  But researchers won’t know for a year or more whether it will work, scientist David Ho told journalists here Wednesday for the Fourth Conference in Viruses and Infections./ f& j) Y$ N* G2 z* b8 M  C2 c4 S
  “This is a study that’s in progress,” says Ho, head of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, New York.' o" p) `+ N, T# \/ S+ g" ]
  The study involves 20 people who started combinations of anti-HIV drugs very early in the course of the disease, within 90 days of their infections. They’ve been treated for up to 18 months. Four others have dropped out because of side effects or problems complying with the exacting drug system.1 h$ I: S3 W4 ?1 A8 L) s! u9 Z3 l
  The drugs have knocked the AIDS virus down to undetectable levels in the blood of all remaining patients. And, in the latest development, scientists have now tested lymph nodes and semen from a few patients and found no virus reproducing there, Ho says. “Bear in mind that undetectable does not equal absent,” Ho says.
. ?8 V5 b% ~0 C# q( p  Ho has calculated that the drugs should be able to wipe out remaining viruses – at least from known reservoirs throughout the body – in two to three years. But the only way to prove eradication would be to stop the drugs and see if the virus comes back. On Wednesday, Ho said he wouldn’t ask any patient to consider that step before 2 (1/2) years of treatment.
/ B2 T3 k3 _2 B+ B! t0 F  And he emphasized that he is not urging widespread adoption of such early, aggressive treatment outside of trials. No one knows the long-term risks.
. o( w2 T3 ^: }2 W6 u; D9 ~# M1 K5 J
9 X1 ?1 c& j5 C  But other scientists are looking at similar experiments. A federally funded study will put 300 patients on triple-drug treatments and then see if some responding well after six months can continue to suppress the virus on just one or two drugs, says researcher Douglas Richman of the University of California, San Diego. Some patients in that study also may be offered the chance to stop therapy after 18 months or more, he says.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:39 | 显示全部楼层


31. According to the passage, the attempt to eradicate the AIDS virus</p>  A.hasn’t been made seriously' M( F6 B7 |; [  ~2 L
  B.is appreciated by California University- q, T2 v( A" }
  C.continues to show promise
% Y- U* N* x5 `+ k  D.will be successful in two and a half years2 N0 T  C3 ?$ @$ ~/ J
  答案:C* w$ e- g3 ^- I2 P  A* H
  32. Which is NOT true about Ho’s study?
2 q5 W( t4 p8 C8 h+ c* E  A. 20 patients were involved in the study
: P% \/ D, @8 m* ^  B. The patients have used several anti-HIV drugs
' j! ^5 n7 ^; R& ~8 M6 M  C. 16 patients withdrew from the experiment8 p6 X" g1 g1 R% U7 z" J
  D. The patients have been treated for up to 18months; r% p2 g: p7 a1 j
& s; s* S& u: M$ V9 I* C  33. The words “Bear in mind undetectable does not equal absent” by Ho’s means7 E- o/ H- x; `; N( p, @" i2 M
  A. AIDS virus can be undetectable in the blood.
* `$ ~( }$ k# Y/ W2 R* a1 o  B. AIDS virus is undetectable in the blood.1 b5 j7 K" y3 y4 J; p
  C. No AIDS virus can be detected in the blood.
$ ~5 n3 A- V5 n$ A9 W  D. No virus found in the blood means no AIDS.$ ^* o" w/ N6 t4 I
! g! w9 U$ F1 `- ~& w8 k9 x" h  34. We prove that the drugs have wiped out the remaining viruses by
! x$ h5 G% I$ K1 u: r. G3 [7 w: r  A. using up all the drugs at once.3 i' _- J4 s7 l6 C
  B. waiting for the virus to die slowly." X; D$ A/ l9 o# @3 P- e
  C. asking the patients’ feeling about the disease.
9 U( c# ^6 F. [  D. stopping the drugs to see if the virus comes back.
5 _5 |  Y+ q  k& {" B* h/ K* J  答案:D
! c( a0 f) N9 p, [: q8 a9 V  35. Other scientists are looking at experiments that are similar in that they are6 T8 E/ Q1 b% Z9 c
  A. the ways the patients are treated/ I* u( T. L( R& R0 R0 Y
  B. the size of the experiment5 ^" N* a* t. {. U- Z
  C. the cost of the experiment
3 b) W/ y0 d, h2 l  D. the time the experiment takes2 U/ J3 j% b+ F9 K. r/ \( Q' V

/ ^: w; |; E8 Z& [! ~; {# [/ A; g  答案:D
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:40 | 显示全部楼层


第二篇:</p>  Gross National Happiness
" D& b+ `, ^6 t  In the last century, new technology improved the lives of many people in many countries. However, one country resisted these changes. High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia, the kingdom of Bhutan remained separate. Its people and Buddhist(佛教)culture had not been affected for almost a thousand years. Bhutan, however, was a poor country. People died at a young age. Most of its people could not read, and they did not know much about the outside world. Then, in 1972, a new ruler named King Jigme Singye Wangchuck decided to help Bhutan to become modern, but without losing its traditions.
5 {+ l. O8 R, P5 A  King Wangchuck looked at other countries for ideas. He saw that most countries measured their progress by their Gross Natonal Product(GNP). The GNP measures products and money. When the number of products sold increases people say the country is making progress. King Wangchuck had a different idea for Bhutan. He wanted to measure his country’s progress by people’s happiness. If the people’s happiness increased, the king could say that Bhutan was making progress. To decide if people were happier, he created a measure called Gross National Happiness(GNH).# ]4 r* j. W" i1 @$ a) U0 j
  GNH is based on certain principles that create happiness. People are happier if they have health care, education, and jobs. They are happier when they live in a healthy, protected environment. They are happier when they can keep their traditional culture and customs. Finally, people are happier when they have a good, stable government.( S$ o' c2 B5 R5 r1 _
  Now these is some evidence of increased GNH in Bhutan. People are healthier and are living longer. More people are educated and employed. Teenty-five percent of the land has become national parks, and the country has almost no pollution. The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional clothing and follow their ancient Buddhist customs. Bhutan has also become a democracy. In 2008, King Wangchuck gave his power to his son. Although the country still had a king, it held its first democratic elections that year. Bhutan had political parties and political candidates for the first time. Finally, Bhutan has connected to the rest of the world through television and internet.' m% j0 Y+ P: n7 i! z4 S2 ?
  Bhutan is a symbol for social progress. Many countries are now interested in Bhutan’s GNH. These countries are investigating their own ways to measure happiness. They want to create new policies that take care of their people, cultures, and land.( q6 Q+ e4 W% o- F
( T0 ]! Z1 W+ i5 z. N1 H! I
  Brazil may be the nest country to use the principles of GNH. Brazilian leaders see the principles of GNH as a source of inspiration. Brazil is a large country with a diverse population. If happiness works as a measure of progress in Brazil, perhaps the rest of the world will follow.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:41 | 显示全部楼层


36. Who was Jigme Singye Wangchuck?</p>  A. A president.
2 K$ L3 i# O7 T9 _/ @. U* i  B. A buddist preist.7 j1 @- r9 Z1 Q  I) R. e8 t1 _
  C. A general.
: P  a5 t' Q+ K) U# o8 e  D. A king.
- H4 Y( F' g3 R: S  答案:D5 e, ?( s( ]1 t' k& @* ]
  37. Apart from moderizing Bhutan, what else did Wangchuck want to do for Bhutan?
9 w5 ]+ x2 V" X. \  A. To make its populaton grow.( ^. @$ {6 Q# I' P6 @, U) ?# J
  B. To keep it separate from the world.( x! r; B3 G4 l" o5 _
  C. To encourage its people to get rich.; G5 R8 ?4 a$ t" w1 n3 _
  D. To keep its tradition and customs.* X# ~1 Y( J" s* x
6 D8 ~7 n; _* U- N6 @6 N. r# X  38. A country shows its progress with GNP by
" S& Z7 b: @0 f, U7 S9 W7 a0 a% U  A. selling more products.. g; ~; O$ `3 c7 {* u
  B. spending more money.# Q1 e; Z% K% B$ x6 @, o  {
  C. spending less money.9 h9 {+ F8 E% x
  D. providing more jobs.8 G$ n5 d- y' I+ u3 J) v% _
% F+ l$ Z) q9 H, i  39. According to GNH, people are happier if they
9 C' B6 N) ?, {+ S& f. r# `  A. have new tecnology.
% |( H5 D* A% T- D  C0 i: k  B. can change their religion.
  z! W1 b! h( `  X3 E8 I6 q  C. have a good, stable government.
6 ~: w. b! q' Y; h  D. have more money.9 ^* R3 o# ^, E- Q$ m  l( E
1 F5 e; B0 k9 [8 c+ [* ]' W  40. Today, many countries are, M* H; R" Y0 d7 \0 O* X/ Z
  A. using the principles of GNH to measure their progress.
) U7 ?% w  u0 }0 C( R/ w  B. woking together to develop a common scale to measure GNH.
. ?: y" R2 j# F/ ?" F! u  C. taking both Bhutan and Brazil as symbols for social progress.
$ r0 B9 Q' L6 `" A0 j  D. trying to find their own ways to measure happiness.+ ]" |4 z4 v7 x+ u) r& Y% O- w/ w

. v6 n" g2 W; n0 H  答案:D
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-15 23:57:42 | 显示全部楼层


第三篇:</p>  Genetic Engineering
0 _  `! L9 r+ O  Genetic engineering began when the DNA molecule(分子), the most basic unit of life, was first described in 1953 by James Watson and Francis Crick. An understanding of DNA led to the altering of normal cell reproduction. Experiments with altering human cells began in 1970. In one of the first experiments, patients were injected with a virus that would produce a life-saving enzyme, but their bodies would not accept it. In 1980 patients with a rare but fatal blood disease were injected with a purified gene that was cloned through DNA technology. Another failure.6 a# r- X8 J# @  S4 |
  Genetic engineering got a legal boost(激励) in 1980. The U.S. Supreme Court said that a patent could be granted on a genetically engineered "oil-eating" bacterium(细菌). This bacterium would help clean up oil spills. The ruling encouraged companies to invent new life forms, and three important medical products were quickly developed.
' h+ V# Z4 ^7 N; _  l Human interferon(干扰素)-- a possible solution to some cancers and viral disease. A newly engineered bacterium produced human interferon as a by-product. This new product reduced the cost of interferon.$ B0 o7 r% R0 @7 c
  l Human growth hormone-- for children whose bodies do not grow to normal height. An expensive growth hormone(荷尔蒙) was previously produced from human cadavers, but by changing the genetic make-up of the single-cell bacterium E. coli, and affordable growth hormone could be produced.
/ B) f' d; w/ G  I/ U  l Human insulin(胰岛素)-- for the treatment of diabetes. People with diabetes used to rely on a beef- or pork-based product until 1982. Now insulin can be manufactured by genetically altered bacteria., E; |# m: s6 ?! F, T" K
) q0 a( S4 O9 r4 A
  Advances in genetic engineering have continued, though they constantly must be weighted against the safety of procedures. There is clearly much more to discover.
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