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[理工类英语] 2011职称英语考试:理工类B级概括大意典型例题分析(c4)

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7.The public will not know(知道) the answer(答案) about masks until (直到)scientists(科学家) ___.5 Y% C/ e& I, Y: Q! X
" r. T$ g8 Z$ M(最后一段)Whether(是否) people should or should not use face masks still(仍然) remains(继续, 留下) a question(与问题句中的answer 词义相关)(问题). The general public (普通的民众)has to wait patiently(耐心地) for the results of the mask research(研究), scientists are still doing.0 U0 c. }4 R& s
从以上的答案相关句的内容可以推断出F是答案。. ]) ]: {6 }, ^. i2 r* a
B. deal with (处理, 对待)the mask problem seriously(认真地)
7 u/ U) o6 D7 a* r7 dC. rub(擦) their faces and noses(鼻子) in the subway(地铁)' _. n( V5 A, U2 M! X6 P
D. protest against (反对)the mask guidelines(指导方针)/ ?; k( K! T! |7 j4 B' c) N' {
8.We can infer from (从...中推断出...)the passage(短文, 通路, 经过) that the US authorities(权威机构, 权威) ___., j3 U8 @8 N  n0 l$ C
8.B.这道题可以借助问题句中语意的提示直接判断答案。也可以利用问题句中的核心词“US authorities”作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:1 D- @" B2 C- w7 v8 u$ J
If a super-flu strikes, face masks may not protect you. Whether widespread use of masks will help, or harm, during the next worldwide flu outbreak is a question that researchers are studying furiously. No results have come from their mask research yet. However, the government says people should consider wearing them in certain situations anyway, just in case./ k! j0 Y" s; h; J: u" w
But it’s a question the public keeps asking while the government are making preparations for the next flu pandemic. So the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) came up with preliminary(初步的) guidelines(指导方针) . “We don’t want people wearing them everywhere, ”said the CDC. “The overallrecommendation really is to avoid exposure.”中华考试网(www.Examw。com)
& P4 ?  u+ F2 k+ gWhen that’s not possible, the guidelines say to consider wearing a simple surgical mask if you are in one of the three following situations. First, you’re healthy and can’t avoid going to a crowded place. Second, you’re sick and think you may have close contract with the healthy, such as a family member checking on you. Third, you live with someone who’s sick and thus might be in the early stages of infection, but still need to go out./ Z) }; t& z7 d1 K; Z' D* L
Influenza pandemics can strike when the easy-to-mutate flu virus shifts to a strain that people never have experienced. Scientists cannot predict when the next pandemic will arrive, although concern is rising that the Asian bird flu might trigger one if it starts spreading easily from person to person.
' G! y: W/ J! e, O4 rDuring the flu pandemic, you should protect yourself. Avoid crowds, and avoid close contract with the sick unless you must care for someone. Why can’t mask added to this self-protection list? Because they help trap virus-laden droplets flying through the air with a cough or sneeze. Simple surgical masks only filter the larger droplets. Besides, the CDC is afraid masks may create a false sense of security. Perhaps someone who should have stayed home would don an ill-fitting mask and hop on the subway instead.
1 T) d% C+ v* S/ b8 \Nor does flu only spread through the air. Say someone covers a sneeze with his or her hand, then touches a doorknob or subway pole. If you touch that spot next and then put germy hands on your nose or mouth, you’ve been exposed. It’s harder to rub your nose while wearing a mask and so your face may get pretty sweaty under masks. You reach under to wipe that sweat, and may transfer germs caught on the outside of the mask straight to the nose. These are the problems face masks may create for their users.
7 y+ q: r  S, @' XWhether people should or should not use face masks still remains a question. The general public has to wait patiently for the results of the mask research scientists are still doing.

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