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[理工类英语] 2012年职称英语理工类B级完型指导练习及答案(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Earth's Inner Core
. o  t0 N7 e- J6 k- VScientists have long struggled to understand what lies at the planet's center, Direct observation of its center is impossible,so researchers must_____(51)to other evidence.
9 C1 M% d$ h% G8 [3 IIn 1889,a German scientist detected a severe earthquake in Japan.Geophysicists concluded that shock waves_____(52)jolts(晃动)from one side of Earth through the center to the other side.Then in 1936,Danish geophysicist Inge Lehmann studied the waves______(53) to determine that within Earth's core of molten(熔化了的)iron lies a solid inner core-but_____ (54)that core was made of eluded(难倒)her.Other geophysicists quickly determined that Lehmann's inner core was composed mostly_____(55)iron. Since then, Lehmann's discovery has_____(56)conventional Earth science.
5 ?6 B6 Y: o% A: B6 fBut now scientists are challenging traditional theory with new and radical _____(57) For example,Earth's center could actually contain an"inner core within the inner core,claim Ishii and colleague Adam Dziewonski.- B) I3 K3 N2 V4 P
Analyzing hundreds of thousands of earthquake wave _____(58),they maintain that the inner core has at its heart a tiny, even more solid sphere(球体) . This sphere''may be the oldest fossil____(59)from the formation of Earth,"says Dziewonski.  S' m7 l/ {4 x4 C+ Z4 b
Dziewonski and Ishii speculate that shortly_____(60) Earth formed around 4.8billion years ago,a giant asteroid(小行星)smashed into the young planet and nearly melted it. But Earth's center didn't quite melt;it______(61)mass as the planet cooled. The core within a core may be the kernel(核心)that endured."Its presence could change our basic ideas about the_____ (62)of the planet,"Dziewonski says idea is tame(温和的)compared to the_____(63)theories of independent geophysicist J.Marvin Herndon.Earth's inner core is made not of iron,he claims but a_____(64)of nickel and silicon Hemdon has a truly revolutionary notion:Within the nickel silicide(硅化物)inner core is also an"inner"inner core-an 8 km-wide ball of the element uranium.Uranium is radioactive.Hemdon thinks the uranium releases heat energy as its atoms_____(65)fission-split and crash into another in a chain reaction. In other words,we may live on top of a gigantic, "natural"nuclear power plant.  I2 S& h! a% w  V! H$ x% h  ]4 l
51 A try B leave C turn D point2 O* q/ f0 t* Z$ z7 |# B* }. t
52 A create B receive C feel D overcome
: X* h, m# n4 T- k5 ^% K2 b* }53 A work B solution C job D patterns
5 K( q: A- _9 `3 @" n. q54 A whether B what C why D how, h' c4 k) {/ b) F7 A8 y: T' Z
55 A from B within C of D to
. C. G6 }% w9 A2 P# i56 A followed B dominated C restored D opposed( f1 m7 K" C0 e" J! r/ A
57 A ideas B demands C phenomena D movements
  _  Q( ^8 I4 g  v3 B. t+ v58 A things B acts C methods D records
& ~( p8 q+ K( T' Q3 T# ^+ }59 A taken B benefited C left D kept/ M# G/ c& [  K4 m
60 A after B before C since D when
3 H1 L. Z0 D5 T: A6 I/ V" l% q61 A expanded B modified C gained D melted# X# B3 M3 ~8 ~/ w( Q8 y, o1 `
62 A size B origin C structure D shape  p* z$ x0 U8 V& V' o8 ~% X
63 A radical B traditional C classical D conventional
* m" C) I& |+ t' o" h64 A system B copy C model D compound
5 [! o9 {& ?0 [+ Q2 F4 m65 A charge B last C experience D show

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 00:07:51 | 显示全部楼层


</p>答案:/ O5 n4 E' W7 \: f) V# T& G/ v
51 C turn to other evidence:寻求其他证据。Tum to属固定搭配。
- T. S, f+ k9 `; P+ X- S52 A create jolts:造成震动。其他几个选项意思不符。! i# S( e' J; J9 ?0 S$ n
53 D wayes'patterns:波浪的形状。科学家通过研究震波的形状了解地球的情况。4 w/ i3 c5 ^$ Q& k3 j
54 B 此处的意思是地心是由什么构成的难倒了她。这里应使用what构成名词性从旬,作主语。
4 U# m: i' a$ R; F' Q55 C compose of:由……组成。固定短语。
: t' T$ d, P8 t. t56 B dominate:占统治地位,支配。Lehamann的发现在传统地球科学领域占统治地位。
9 c; C+ r( t( C7 J9 q3 u+ i; w3 ?4 n57 A 此处的意思是:现在的科学家正用新的、激进的观点挑战传统的理论。本题只有填ideas才符合本句的意思。) j0 _4 h4 p- p3 l9 O0 ?2 J
58 D 此处填records,本句的意思是:通过分析数十万次地震波的记录,他们认为……。其他几个选项与句意不符。
, d( t! N; t) m9 m$ r! [' r; s59 C left:留下来的。此处的意思是:这一球体可能是地球形成时留下来的最古老的化石。
- e. h2 F2 s% M60 A 依据上下文,应用afte~句子意思才讲得通。9 N# R4 q% z% L8 ^- U" t* D
61 C gain:获取。gained mass as the planet cooled:在星球(这里指地球)变冷的过程中,它逐渐获得了质量。
6 H  _) j: n7 u& E62 B 本文主要谈地球起源问题,故此处应填ongm./ m' b: o" |; S) {
63 A 本句前面出现的一个词是"tame",与之对应,应该是"radical".- g: @/ h+ P) ^# g; O0 ]
64 D nickel和silicon的混合物,compound:混合物。
' x# H% J+ l7 D* p) G1 C8 }; s65 C fission-split:裂变。经历裂变,用动词experience.
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