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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(20)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Your health!
8 N+ N  D7 \( o3 q2 m+ @: ^+ V为您的健康干杯!- V5 X) V7 o6 D  e3 N; ]
It is said that a new policy is being put into practice in your foreign trade. Is that true?
7 p( q/ f# u5 l4 y8 a% l% X$ L' E: q据说你们正在实施一种新的贸易政策,不知有没有这回事?
, w) O$ L9 n, @8 K3 a! [We stick to a consistent policy in our foreign trade.
* v# g( T9 u2 S8 d# v3 F* s. N3 N我们的贸易政策是一贯的。
4 o. ~& H# I; M. K# x$ JWe insist on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, as well as exchanging needed goods.& i& _8 x2 U/ B) D+ ~- k; u' L3 L. `
我们坚持平等互利、互通有无的原则。% Y7 X; y1 N1 @/ Y) e
You have adopted a more flexible policy in your work than before.7 U, R* E$ @# b% g- P4 e; K
你们的一些具体做法比以前灵活多了。% j$ b' ?" V. g4 S$ I* ]
We are trying to get rid of the over-rigid practices and adopt some general international practices.
# V6 G% J! z: _我们设法消除一些死板的做法,采用国际上通用的贸易方式。
+ S. i7 X8 o4 E- G8 _rigid / 'rid3id; `rid3id/ adj5 K2 T5 ~. }) m7 F+ m4 w# z* o2 A
1 stiff; not bending or yielding 坚硬的; 不弯曲的; 刚性的:
& y+ Z/ o5 d8 z/ l* a rigid support for the tent 帐篷的坚硬的支柱
# m8 d' i% C( e: R* (fig 比喻) Her face was rigid with terror. 她吓得目瞪口呆。
8 _( U: R7 D9 A6 P2 strict; firm; unchanging 严格的; 坚强的; 不变的:
' `# X, _8 |5 R  l" r* a man of very rigid principles 原则性很强的人6 N8 V4 O* }* Z4 `  u0 z
* practise rigid economy, ie be very frugal 厉行节约。
; ?; _( t6 u& e7 O; |5 B> rigidity / ri’d3idэti; ri`d3idэti/ n [U]:* F$ U: E6 {' i  O. _
* The rigidity of the metal caused it to crack. 这金属因刚度强而产生裂纹。: a: o5 [! P8 d  d1 E. i2 D
* He deplored the rigidity of her views. 他痛感她的观点僵化。
# k  H" V8 b0 g' m+ ]6 k  Crigidly adv: rigidly constructed buildings 建造得很坚固的建筑物
$ c/ ~9 T9 ]8 a* Z, o* rigidly opposed to any change 顽固地反对一切变革。9 `8 h" A! `6 ]" K; t
We have adopted a flexible policy in our foreign trade work.
; I1 I+ H6 E! \) _  }: ]* s% S我们在外贸工作中采取了一些灵活作法。( z* W# C! S6 u6 e" e& b- T2 R
Would you give us a brief account about the new practices you have adopted?$ k3 @  i' ?2 v2 R- q: s* J
你们主要采取了哪些新的做法,能不能给我们简单介绍一下?1 h1 j) C! c  I( r$ f% r" U$ }
We have mainly adopted some usual international practices.) ~" G5 ~# x/ o- v7 c) C& w8 u
5 `% _# X3 Z8 q- T, E4 @5 j

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>We would very much like to know something about this line. Could you tell us more about it.) N! \1 I; ~7 G9 ]( D/ D% {
我们很想了解这方面的情况,您能具体谈谈吗?* k; [( J: N2 y& X. E9 \
We have adopted, for example, payment by installments.* Q: z. m/ l" D$ \$ S  P
比如说:分期付款,我们现在可以采用了。( v4 i* g; G" f- [! Y
We're very glad that you have such a friendly attitude.
" }1 z* D3 f/ x; C0 P& ?我们对你们这种友好的态度感到非常高兴。
! r& S, c" F# ^/ ?  }It'll benefit us both then.
0 C% J3 Z$ ~  I; J' @2 N这样一来,对双方都有利  }& i& B! O* P" P3 A# P) |3 m) Q
It is said that you are now beginning to accept both private and government-to-government loans. Is that so?# a8 M3 v% \' t& e9 G8 ~: j
: J) E! ?* R5 {8 d- zThe policy in our construction is to rely mainly on our own efforts, so the accumulation of funds is socialistic.
# p4 c0 [9 @/ m2 J我们的建设方针是以自力更生为主,资金积累是社会主义性质的。: s& c4 |- k4 H/ j- i$ G
socialistic / .sэu∫э'listik; .so∫э`listik/ adj) Q! A( @* `# w5 c4 D" R
characterized by or supporting some of the features of socialism 有社会主义特点的; 拥护社会主义主张的: * * Some of her views are rather socialistic. 她的观点颇有一些社会主义倾向。
* s* J6 W  A$ h" Osocial : sociable 好交际的; 友好的; 合群的: (infml 口) He's not a very social person. 他不很合群。
& d% s; e# v; v/ Bsocial (US also sociable / 'sэu∫эbl; `so∫эbl/) n informal meeting or party organized by a group or club 社交聚会; 联欢会: * a church social 教友联谊会。2 x0 j7 a4 X5 d4 u
The principle that we are insisting on is to take into consideration our ability to pay when we import goods.
" y5 l3 k: A: [2 ^1 {我们坚持的原则是,我国进口必须根据我国的支付能力。
( S- J2 F: C. V' h" j9 A$ Ctake sth into consideration take account of sth; make allowances for sth 考虑某事物; 体谅某事物:$ x% i$ c5 @0 h; Z! b
* I always take fuel consumption into consideration when buying a car.
0 i( h3 z% P* t* V我买汽车时总要把燃油消耗量考虑在内。# G; C# _% r4 ?  H. q0 F/ v
I wonder whether you need a loan.
4 E" F6 f/ ~5 t2 g+ k3 H) \7 v3 h2 F你们是不是要求贷款。
9 C; Z8 f* A; a# }We may take into consideration accepting government-to-government or non-government loans only if the conditions permit.
2 h/ e5 U% S7 A) V* a只要条件合适,我们可以考虑接受政府间贷款或非政府间贷款。
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