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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:WTO英语(13)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What about W.P.A.?
+ E: d) J7 ]0 ]8 c% R9 i水渍险呢?
! E$ Y$ @, ]- f( zW.P.A. has a broader coverage. It covers everything in F.P.A. plus partial loss caused by natural calamities.
; ~; y" I( w/ [+ ]1 l水渍险范围广一些,除了平安险的范围外,还包括自然灾害引起的部分损失。2 D' s# ?- W) U* T4 g& W5 D6 k, }
And All Risks?
' H8 U, [# |' r% }8 P, B; C那么一切险呢?" J% I& R( w: G% ~" E% q; g( L. s
All Risks means WPA plus additional risks, or extraneous risks, risks not incidental to transport by sea.
$ ~5 Y9 s) ]. E. A9 G一切险就是水渍险加上附加险,附加险即不是由于海上运输本身的特性所带来的风险。/ L: W; \8 C" G/ D9 x3 O
incidental :作表语
! O3 e5 n$ r: ]/ E~ (to sth) liable to occur because of sth or in connection with sth 易伴随发生; 因相关而产生:/ j( m; t7 f. m  W! N
* the risks that are incidental to exploration 探险时容易遇到的危险
9 Z, l9 U' S5 b: k! w% {* additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job 做这项工作要承担的额外责任, W8 E# L0 M, P% N3 B# _$ C" M
I see. Now, for this particular article, what risks do you usually cover?
4 n! d6 N6 M% e0 L, E( [3 W我明白了。那么我们这批货,你们通常投保什么险呢?* A& }3 F- z8 r
I have to say that I know every little about this clause. Can you explain it a little?。
1 r6 t/ ~- d: v我得说我对这个条款了解很少。你能不能解释一下?* F  k1 e4 k! s- }( Z: V* ?- B
clause: paragraph or section in a legal document (eg a will, contract or treaty) stating a particular obligation, condition, etc (在法律文件如遗嘱、 合同或条约中, 陈述具体义务、 条件等的)段落或章节; 条款:
( r0 C5 H. P( T: Q/ ~* There is a clause in the contract forbidding tenants to sublet. 合同中列有条款, 禁止承租人转租。* M" F: Q, B/ t: T" B% [
OK.OMCC provides coverage of three basic, some additional risks and some special additional risks.& b6 B/ L8 w7 V
. Z0 f1 q6 V; J- D: EThe three basic risks are Free from Particular Average (F.P.A.), With Particular Averaged (W.P.A.) and All Risks (A.R.)。) }- |( m4 ?9 h; A3 ?
% I- X2 z8 g) ?. Z) z0 sWhat do they mean respectively?
6 J" c9 h6 X% K7 d  p8 T% a- j+ H它们分别是什么意思?- _/ I9 n/ g& e' G! E6 |
Well, roughly speaking, F.P.A. covers total loss resulting from both natural calamities and accidents, and partial loss caused by accidents.
; {: q" C2 k* n4 i大体上说,平安险包括自然灾害和意外事故造成的全部损失和意外事故造成的部分损失。
$ b- R5 w) h9 _' G. ncalamity / kэl'жmэti; kэ`lжmэti/ n serious misfortune or disaster 灾祸; 灾难:- T$ Q: w5 E& r: q& G6 a- x. x
* The earthquake was the worst calamity in the country's history. 那次地震是全国有史以来最严重的灾难。
2 T& b5 v' g6 z; l2 j* (joc 谑) There are worse calamities than failing your driving test./ H1 c7 K" o/ p- B+ y
比起你驾驶考试不合格来说, 更大的灾难还多着呢。) Z2 Z7 q1 [# B6 u2 E
calamitous / kэ'lжmitэs; kэ`lжmэtэs/ adj ~ (to sb/sth) involving or causing a calamity; disastrous 受灾的; 造成灾害的; 灾难的。
9 V9 l; X* t* S$ S, I- BI'm afraid I’m not in a position to give you an answer. I'll have to consult our head office.( E' N$ i8 ^0 [3 e. C
" E7 m+ [8 N! e. `' ~$ fWell, my head office says the best we can do is to accept 60 days L/C.
6 k7 C6 F8 Y% x" F0 h- K! ]/ k) t6 M+ n总公司说我们最多只能接受60天信用证。8 ^7 z+ x3 `2 N% X3 J
60 days? Thats all right.
# `- D$ n7 x3 b: _# n: ]2 p( c( `" [5 l; q

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:23 | 显示全部楼层


</p>But we wish to point out that it is only with a view to encouraging future deals with you that we are accommodating you this time.
. O: w. S5 l, L- A; a- B% t但是我们想指出的是,我们只是为了鼓励将来的交易才给你这个通融的。5 G' |5 Q$ ]5 S* G
We always insure our goods with the People's Insurance Company of China as per their Ocean Marine Cargo Clause, Jan.1, 1981 revision.9 X6 ^. H, C' q0 R: [$ z
8 r# w5 y+ b9 _2 DI understand your position. But at the moment, I do have some difficulty.8 v$ b5 O. C- q  o8 I
/ A) \! J- X8 y1 P  K. gI would like to bend the rules a little if possible.
, Z  T9 Y8 Z# d" V! F8 j" P如果可能的话,我是愿意通融一下的。
, I( b" X( t: X, _! C# Ubend the `rules: (idm) change or interpret the rules, laws, etc in a way that suits oneself or the circumstances
* [9 d7 h& u$ o/ |7 g: }* `(根据情况)放宽规定; 变通; 通融。
, G0 k$ @- J, [5 \+ q2 t4 PWe'd be willing to give you a 10% down payment.9 _& G2 a, y$ {7 N  S- K: W
, S4 ^5 z* S" WAnd the balance by 90 days L/C?
$ q  W; J$ N' R; I- m0 D* u余额用90天信用证支付吗?0 X  [" E/ O- ^0 f' S% g
the balance : [sing] remainder of sth after part has already been used, taken, etc 剩余:) z5 D- N9 ^& x) g
* The balance of your order will be supplied when we receive fresh stock.8 I9 S5 r/ S8 |; _
贵方所订购货物之其余部分, 一俟我方进货即可供应。
; Q. ~! H: q4 m& ^+ l$ ]( ]* When will you take the balance of your annual leave? 你打算什么时候使用剩余的年假?
; ?6 m2 Y/ T" r# P% L0 R, m0 }. A/ O7 oyes& ~7 k, T) A5 p/ I9 L4 E6 g
# r/ M6 C2 ^; f( \2 ]/ yDon't worry. We’re only asking for cash this time.
) [# V3 J; v1 O, W别担心。我们只是这次要现金。. Q( [2 @0 q( w) {
Well, I think I have no other choice.
8 C2 r2 k6 `& {9 c, K那么,我只好答应了。
9 W2 X+ D7 V( w3 _" @) W7 rThen that's settled.
0 N* }* A# S4 \' B好,就这么定了。" Y6 J4 n" c' e- \( B
Yes. I have to admit that you are very astute.- {% F3 d6 W$ o6 o* a& v
( g9 z. i, W; p+ v% I: f8 Gastute : / э'stju:t; US э’stu:t; э`stut/ adj clever and quick at seeing how to gain an advantage; shrewd  \. B$ v- X( e! L" r) a  ^
精明的; 机敏的; 狡诈的:: K( J5 S. r# }) _
* an astute lawyer, businessman, judge of character, etc 干练的律师、 精明的商人、 知人之明
( n: ^+ B- o3 \( t. }0 G$ I* It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down. 正好在价格下跌前脱手, 真是精明之举。
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