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[综合] 金融英语备考辅导:有关金融风险投资的术语2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  种子投资& t6 f; H% x; h* M: i
  为希望在6个月到1年的期间内公开上市的公司进行融资,以支付上市准备期间所发生的费用。通常融资是由机构组织进行的,以便将来可以从公开发行的承销过程中获得收益回报。8 [; d8 K$ J) b* P, ^6 V5 {7 i0 S
  Bridge/Mezzanine- ?& B: d- z: e. a7 L& p
  Financing for a company expecting to go public usually within six months to a year. Often bridge financing is structured so that it can be repaid from proceeds of a public underwriting., B( K9 Z, a; S/ R( q2 E% q- A
  首次上市 一家公司首次在股票市场的公开股票发行。9 D8 h0 i; c7 j8 A$ \, Y7 k. \7 i
  IPO/Initial Public2 D- H) l) p, L3 o$ j
  Offering A company's first offering of stock to the public.
& c$ N! w# x& c' M0 z! n0 p  股权2 }7 t: @' s8 X9 T" C. e3 ]* K
  股权是所有者对公司兴趣所在,以投资者所拥有的股票数目来体现。- m; a7 y) ^9 e* H, X& M
  Equity) W4 U3 y3 D' {8 m
  Equity is ownership interest in a corporation, represented by the shares of stock which are held by investors.: f$ v$ V1 a- v# g; T
3 s+ \; U* _' h5 l3 [  公司通过发行普通股或优先股使投资者获得股权来筹集资金。- I: r: v0 Q4 F; ?+ [" {
  Equity Offerings* ^# |1 T1 P( J+ v& V
  Raising funds by offering ownership in a corporation through the issuing of shares of a corporation's common or preferred stock.
; U  i! N( ~( K& n. ?  股权相关贷款
* ?8 p8 k: ?/ J5 {  股权相关贷款是指可转换为股权的贷款,或可以以股权作抵押的贷款。- _' A+ s5 `! F% X! m  c* k
  Equity Related Loan' D, u' u, ^6 X# H  q
  Equity related loans are loans convertible into equity ownership or loans collateralized with equity positions.5 C* k! u! `4 j8 \: v
  投资银行& z" p8 T) R' y
  投资银行相当于股票承销人或代理商,作为股票发行者和投资者之间的媒介。投资银行家通过再次发行或协调处理前期发行的股票的分配,维持已经发行股票的市场,或为公司私募寻找买家。8 u  e# }; N# p  z; |
  Investment Banks+ a3 e& @& O" y( z5 \& e2 Z8 o- U
  An investment banking firm acts as underwriter or agent, serving as intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public. Investment bankers handle the distribution of blocks of previously issued securities, either through secondary offerings or through negotiations, maintain markets for securities already distributed, and act as finders in private placements of securities.$ ?& E# p- Y8 f8 k% d# N" ~
  私募2 _" [: E- W6 b) h7 u5 |% w
  指向小规模数量的投资者(通常35个以下)出售股票,此方式可以免除如在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的注册程序。投资者要签署一份投资书声明,购买目的是投资而不是为了再次出售。% O/ Q$ L2 i) V( Q* a" q
  Private Placement1 Y7 f4 |# l4 _' F3 c2 R
  The sale of securities to a small group of investors (generally 35 or fewer) which is exempt from SEC registration requirements. The investors execute an investment letter stating that the securities are being purchased for investment without a view towards distribution.7 \. b+ s- J, g
1 G! m2 ]) Q- r3 t% ~6 b9 u  指在首次发行之后的再次公开发行股票。二次上市可以由股票发行者进行,也可经自公开市场购买而持有此股票的集团发行。3 ~. s' T' q9 _7 _. R' k, ]
  Secondary Public Offering5 a: T6 k% T- m1 e3 _5 J$ @/ A" H
  This refers to a public offering subsequent to an initial public offering. A secondary public offering can be either an issuer offering or an offering by a group that has purchased the issuer's securities in the public markets.
/ k' e  w1 ?# E* R% d. A3 A3 A" `  承销9 e# O# ~  o5 B6 `, d5 O# \
  为公司发行股票作承销人,这样的集团公司可能来自一个财团,实行风险共担,确保股票成功发行。股票承销由两种组织形式:最佳效果型和严格承诺型。第一种类型,承销人有购买股票的选择权、并有权决定是否出售股票,如果不成功,可以取消发行、并放弃一切费用。这种组织形式在投机性强的股票和新公司发行中应用较多。对后一种类型,承销人要买入发行者要发行的全部股票。* i, |4 r; z! x: x8 p- k0 w, Z
) C$ G; |  s1 e! ]3 _  An investment banking firm acting as underwriter sells securities from the issuing corporation to the public. A group of firms may from a syndicate to pool the risk and assure successful distribution of the issue. There are two types of underwriting arrangements: best efforts and firm commitment. With best efforts, the underwriters have the option to buy and authority to sell securities, or if unsuccessful, may cancel the issue and forgo any fees. This arrangement is more common with speculative securities and with new companies.

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