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[综合] 世界金融专家讲座:第2讲

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% W' w8 [- ^+ B+ |8 j' w' y/ I$ H  1 medium of exchange 交换媒介  2 unit of account 计算单位  3 store of value 价值储存手段
% I6 W% g2 C. Q2 o  现代货币除了这三种基本功能之外,还必须具备三种特性,也就是:
: n, W0 C6 `7 j  W; x* e' ]+ u  1 portability 可携带性 把金融英语加入收藏夹  2 durability 持久性  3 divisibility 可分性
9 C! r; t) S6 A  从历史上来看,有很多不同形式的货币都因为不能完全满足这三种特性的要求而逐步被淘汰,让位给新的符合这些特性要求的货币形式。澳大利亚墨尔本大学商学院的哈珀教授对此作了介绍。他说:3 `- V0 K/ w. e: |
  in the earliest days, for example in ancient babylon, measures of wheat were the money commodity. people would exchange other goods and services firstly by exchanging quantities of wheat. and eventually it was worked out by the babylonian priests that they could hold the wheat in a central store and then simply keep records of who owned the wheat. and rather than physically moving the wheat around, eventually we had a primitive system - quite advanced by the terms of the day - of record keeping. we had ledgers., V* ~9 s5 J$ `1 S" w9 X: H3 L1 @# o; N
  哈珀教授在谈话中提到这样一些词汇:; ]6 b5 m% n; |# E2 g6 ^% Q! p9 V
  1 money commodity 商品货币,实物货币  2 primitive system of record keeping 原始簿记制度  3 ledger 分户账6 B: t2 P! n1 Q. F2 t
& `. C: U/ M  y  w+ B! e; y  古时候,比如在古巴比伦,小麦被当作实物货币使用。人们在交换其它货物和服务之前先要交换一定数量的小麦。; w2 V( z4 h( x. I5 W' A
  后来巴比伦的祭司们发现,他们可以把小麦保存在一个中心仓库中,然后只需要记录下谁拥有这些小麦就可以了。" D1 }- X* f& i
  这样就用不着把小麦搬来搬去了,于是我们就有了在当时条件下很先进的原始簿记制度,也就是分户账。) Y; U# e3 `0 ?) O5 l4 q
. f5 k/ b7 _% l8 B4 }  so even though the problem of portabilit

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