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[综合] 金融服务协议英文范文(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  4.责任限制 Disclaimers! O3 P1 d1 g5 s7 G! S
  4.1会员完全理解并同意自行承担使用网络服务的风险。+ {' i$ U( i+ J5 l! J0 t
  The Member fully understands and agrees that the use of the Service is at the Subscriber’s own risk.1 B, B/ ?$ V: |$ W2 I' O
6 Y* O: S: U; Z& D  The Company is not responsible for any interruption of Service due to problems occurred on the Internet platform or any other reasons that cannot be controlled by the Company. The Company shall make effort to liaise with its Internet Service Provider in order to restore the Service as soon as possible.
; [, d3 E4 ^/ s4 F  4.3由于政府有权部门或司法机构的命令,造成本公司不能通过互联网正常提供检索服务的,本公司不为此承担责任,但本公司应归还已收取的未履行期间的服务费用。, ?# t; ~: g3 G9 m9 Q$ c$ ?
  The Company will not be responsible for the interruption of Service owing to orders of government authorities or judicial bodies. The Company agrees to refund the paid fees pro rata to the remaining subscription period.
. e8 Q0 A% D2 K0 o& W; P0 U# p/ e0 M% q  4.4由于本公司除维护服务器、添加资料等事项外的其它原因造成信息检索服务中断,本公司将双倍补偿会员中断的时间。如会员原因造成本公司无法正常提供服务,会员应承担相应责任。
7 f: M" P3 Z. \1 \+ w7 ]: p. y, ^  Other than interruptions arising from the maintenance of server or regular update, the Company agrees to compensate the Subscriber in an amount of time equal to twice as the time lost attributable to the fault of the Company. Accordingly, the Subscriber agrees to compensate the Company any loss attributable to the fault of the Subscriber.& s1 R) @, q) }
  4.5除本第4.2, 4.3及4.4条规定的补偿或赔偿外,双方一致同意:本违约规定所述其它任何赔偿应限于因已方违约而给对方造成的直接经济损失,并不包括间接损失(此间接损失包括但不仅限于营业收入或利润损失、技术或经营权利的丧失、业务丧失等),也不包括惩罚性的赔偿。
. w1 o4 Z$ K( a. i  The Company and the Subscriber agree that all claims, except stated in 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 above, shall be limited to direct damages due to the breach of this Agreement. In no event shall either party be liable to the other for any penalty, consequential, indirect, special or incidental damages including, but not limited to, loss of profit or loss of technology or operation rights or loss of business rights.1 t0 B8 ?) r, K/ z3 T
  5.违约规定 Termination3 Y% w' h9 p1 ^. l% f* P% l
  任何一方违反本协议的任何条款,不承担或不及时、充分地承担本协议项下其应承担的义务构成违约行为,守约的一方有权以书面通知要求违约的一方纠正其违约行为并采取充分、有效、及时地措施消除违约后果并赔偿守约方因违约方的违约行为而遭致的损失。. c/ E% D' M& |' {8 P( \4 I" x0 P" f
  Either party of this Agreement may serve notice to the other side that is in breach of whole or part of this Agreement and may require the party in breach to take immediate action to redeem its responsibilities under the Agreement and to minimize the impact of the breach. The party in breach shall be liable for any claims for damages made by the other side.
8 L6 h9 G( L9 D1 Q# b9 T5 j% P  6.不可抗力 Force Majeure
& Z' ~1 ^8 G9 K4 o8 S9 `5 a( }  遭受不可抗力事件的一方可暂行中止履行本协议项下的义务直至不可抗力事件的影响消除为止,并且无需为此而承担违约责任;但应尽最大努力减轻该事件负面影响。( H2 V) D7 i" _5 F, d
  Neither party will be liable for, or will be considered to be in breach of or default under this Agreement on account of, any delay or failure to perform as required by this Agreement as a result of any causes or conditions that are beyond such party''s reasonable control and that such party is unable to overcome through the exercise of commercially reasonable diligence. If any force majeure event occurs, the affected party will use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize the impact of the event.

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