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[综合] 金融英语综合辅导:代发工资业务

发表于 2012-8-16 08:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1 A:Can I help you,sir?
& ~% W  f3 J6 m/ ^& Z6 @  B:I'd like to get my salary of this month.
. z  C1 H- ^- A  A:OK.Please pass me your "Current One-for-All" passbook.) }% K% a8 E) U! Y- F; H" q  b: E
  B:Here it is.
& x: l# z( k/ T+ D  ~  A:Input your password,please.) B0 \4 E1 P9 U4 e* Y3 e
  B:All right.4 \6 Q# z! K% H: k$ f- W* @
  A:How much do you want?% |' U1 K% P, P- T0 f9 ~( s) v
  B:2,000 yuan.
6 \; e9 C* @6 j0 `; ^  A:Please sign your name on the withdrawal slip.' {3 _0 B) i! N1 s0 ]) G$ w
  B:Sign here?1 e* [& Z, X3 D/ Y3 N* l. M
  A:Yes.(After a while)This is your money,your passbook and the check slip.Please check.
* ~1 @" l0 K3 M% {, Z' D  B:Right.Thank you.
6 B7 j/ n; [! U/ O, ^* X8 U4 ~  A:先生,我能为您效劳吗?
- W+ f3 ]9 S7 |  B:我想取本月的工资。2 q5 Q  O' p0 l7 F
7 v+ X3 C: P+ L1 ]* Q+ Q9 ~  B:给您。
9 t, e* F- o" p5 P: q8 e& v  A:请输入密 码。8 _: L/ {  M; H. c
. d* ]& `/ ~  Z3 a4 e  A:您取多少钱?
' |% }: _# u, S+ Q( w. R  B:2,000元。
) z. @1 w( ~9 J! @/ V  @  A:请您在取款单上签字。
, K2 y& _+ B8 k4 b/ B  g4 H! Q  B:签在这儿?
0 N6 r/ J$ c" K' z' \' S1 |  A:是的。(过了一会儿)这是您的钱,存折和清单。请查一下。
$ Q/ A8 v$ q/ j9 z: @, H% m* j0 [6 K  B:不错。谢谢。
+ q8 l0 J7 Q% p, `" ]- `) s. `  2- l, M1 j2 \& |1 E* E0 `" t
  A:Hello,Xiao Wang!What is the payroll agency service of your bank?
$ B* M: G# K8 v0 L# N& M& `  B:Well,based on entrustment agreement,our bank may pay the employees' salaries for any corporations.
/ f5 `, Y0 Z0 C1 }% J  A:That's great.What payment methods do you provide?
4 O0 t4 H1 {8 X; n& e) }  _7 U  B:We have your real-paid salaries entered into your employees' real-name accounts in compliance with your instructions.- k6 H7 [( P4 |: ?
  A:Is there any alternatives?. [' {/ W* z9 j7 u
  B:We may make payment in cash,that is to say,the employees get their salaries directly at the counter of our bank, or the employees'salaries are transferred to any appointed current savings accounts.  w2 e9 S/ @8 i. b% M+ h
  A:Then which method is suitable for our corporation?
8 L0 l: G+ I4 {" w9 p; F  B:We shall make various payments for your needs based on different conditions of your corporation.9 B2 z/ N# P: e7 }: Q
  A:We'll sign the agreement with you tomorrow.
- J, U5 E: |1 `+ o8 w  B:Thank you for selecting our bank!9 ~; Y0 i3 t% u+ N
3 J) M/ R4 z1 ?$ q& _  B:嗯,我行根据委托协议,为企业发放职工工资。
  |! v: l# b+ E. x6 d  A:那太好了。代发工资的方式有哪些?$ D; y8 C. Y: P! V5 d. d, _
  B:我行根据贵单位指令直接将工资转入职工的实名账户。3 R4 `& S6 }9 R) A- t7 C- u9 g8 E) U
  A:有其它方法吗?; N1 d- `6 {% A$ T3 S3 y- ]/ f
  B:我行可以现金发放,也就是说,由职工直接到银行柜面领取工资,或者职工工资也可以划入指定的活期储蓄账户。& {& P) h, K: b% o5 o) R
  A:对于我们单位来说,哪一种方式合适呢?2 r# f4 }, D1 A1 m8 L, Z
  B:我行会根据贵单位的不同情况采用不同的发放方式,满足你们的需要。  R. w/ t4 ~2 n5 g1 C- }! a
  A:明天我公司和贵行签协议。4 q" N3 S# O, }& d: _8 \8 Q$ P- s9 O
# L7 @1 ~3 l9 P  1 A:Can I help you,sir?  K: {4 W7 E( O4 u; r3 e
  B:I'd like to get my salary of this month.
% u. y; k$ d0 a- a8 {) ?  A:OK.Please pass me your "Current One-for-All" passbook.3 Y. n" r4 f7 D* C% ^
  B:Here it is." E- S- f* s4 U
  A:Input your password,please.- g( l- G" o& J5 S. M( _
  B:All right.4 h# n! I4 U3 K: r2 d, G. D  w
  A:How much do you want?0 J# Q+ ^* C# C7 R6 v, c2 r" o
  B:2,000 yuan.
: _# f+ J% P4 M- g! u, [9 ~  A:Please sign your name on the withdrawal slip.' `( W( |* O2 h4 m/ G. E  O
  B:Sign here?
% v4 R7 v' _) [5 g) W  A:Yes.(After a while)This is your money,your passbook and the check slip.Please check.' d  f2 ~/ c: r& e. N: c: @9 h
  B:Right.Thank you.
/ ]3 l- G7 b; O5 l3 @6 l. @% z  A:先生,我能为您效劳吗?
% a3 ?5 y- G1 I0 j( h  B:我想取本月的工资。1 b  z0 t' z* a/ o
  A:好。请把"活期一本通"存折递给我。3 R. L1 i4 |, p1 Q. B; Z+ U1 I) U
3 ^- e. Z+ }1 f+ o; L, M  A:请输入密 码。! e0 }* e4 [2 ^8 d; o  e; C
  B:好的。4 ~% a7 H8 b" }# ^) {
  A:您取多少钱?- Y( o) Y6 z& L4 O
6 t& b* e8 J2 X5 v, O  A:请您在取款单上签字。" s4 A9 V5 }) G8 v8 `7 l
2 f' ]1 I; h2 z! U! Y& n  A:是的。(过了一会儿)这是您的钱,存折和清单。请查一下。
$ J/ K- {1 \" n) j! [  B:不错。谢谢。

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