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[考试试题] 金融英语单选题—FECT(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. When a country runs a foreign trade deficit under a flexible foreign exchange rate system, its .
8 \) ^# D7 E1 _) r7 EA. imports automatically increase
% |' p4 Q) F2 W, c" |" J' UB. currency automatically depreciates % u, _  I) ~( f4 H+ W; E2 h
C. exports automatically decline3 C6 C) P2 U9 k2 F  c, B
D. currency automatically appreciates$ C, p: D+ H/ o9 S

1 |. S/ T+ R( a- N% k. I% \: a2. Which of the following statements is not true of accounting? ______.2 B# N/ t2 @5 l5 i7 t+ H7 M
A. Accounting is language of business
. ~6 i0 {. k* J3 {B. The user of accounting includes business, government, nonprofit organizations and individuals.
6 N3 B# U( h5 D* FC. Accounting is useful for decision making% z; L2 p- N* P7 Y
D. Accounting is an end rather than a means to an end
: A% o, {% X; z# u( W4 i& t3 v8 u4 O; L3 Z5 g8 B1 A
3. The term foreign exchange is best defined by the following statement: it is ______.
- K6 X8 Q. [8 }+ N1 C' mA. the rate of exchange between two currencies6 q' d6 R1 D5 w! y
B. synonymous with currency exchange
1 I6 h0 F) J' R# M4 o( [C. the place in which foreign currencies are exchanged
5 u9 Q3 K4 G; v  d% g3 hD. an instrument such as paper currency, note, and check used to make payments between countries) @6 ~( }9 d) l- t* S' z6 \1 |8 q
6 o8 `' L# E3 w' ^' T7 o0 i. R0 U
4. What is Asset Allocation? ______.
+ c( i3 `, s3 s. H# H+ @A. Buying assets of different types, risks, and potential returns & l, n5 \6 B) {
B. Buying assets with more than one brokerage account
6 O- B2 g, M8 V. V* e2 S/ mC. The ability to buy mutual funds
; e5 h# N, t/ oD. Buying stocks for the long term
! P0 `3 h4 K  j/ v; T3 N# H- U' f
5. External users of financial accounting information include all of the following except .
- Z( R" h5 {9 j2 V" y* y5 DA. suppliers
! j& O! P* h# wB. line managers ) C: j! Q% }+ q& ]) p
C. general public 1 V: Y  o* B# y/ `8 d5 f5 F
D. creditors# Q1 i: I* B8 C
' j# X1 V; {" I2 z! Y% L
6. CAPM is short for .- ]4 c5 R0 p( L1 r1 o' T( m8 j* W" q
A. Capital Asset Pricing Model : _8 G  f! a# Q$ }2 |2 ?
B. Cash Added Price Matrix
7 d8 }6 r& f2 O# Y/ j* ^0 mC. Capital Asset Pricing Matrix
  S- J  a( T* u  gD. Cost and Price Model) G6 ^, D* v2 Q1 |* T& i2 G

4 i: w! E% }# T7. Liquidity measures the ______.
; a) ^6 p  w: [. B, \7 H0 \A. value of an asset; u; \' |4 @$ e: H
B. ease with which an asset can be exchanged   Q. Q9 Z% a9 S' W# x
C. usefulness of an asset
: j3 B, V7 W/ k6 e; M& lD. economic and monetary reliability of an asset compared with other assets
. C8 J* N, u+ b% b$ b  e1 N  G6 c$ h0 C$ [" v
8. In a letter of credit transaction, the bank pays the seller against ______ which agree(s) with______.' _+ ~! k% v' p4 h; r" T* Y
A. documents... the credit
0 x" J% u6 O& T# i+ R# S9 s. ?B. merchandise... the contract
- a4 b& S; S$ `9 D; p$ M) oC. documents... the contract
3 p7 O' O/ h' m! D2 \D. merchandise...the buyer ordered
( k2 }, b2 e, o9 W9 g- Z1 |( J: E( s; c  S
9. A barter economy is one that does not possess _______.' @7 V/ ~  @- Y  |$ E
A. any wealth $ w' C2 y6 c; x9 Z! e
B. printed currency
& c  N& ?( Q  {+ A$ M" YC. a medium of exchange
- f. S" t8 L9 FD. gold5 z# }8 o* A; Z( t1 t, C  X$ H
8 R& N. T! C" _. W# w# j
10. Which of the following is not true of airway bill? ______., _& p2 f0 ?3 d% W
A. When goods are delivered to the airline, the airway bill is signed by them or their agents as a receipt of the goods: }2 R0 q& q5 a$ ~
B. Airway bill is a document of title to the goods4 S2 k8 O" u0 u9 s
C. Airway bill may also provide evidence of despatch of the goods where it has been stamped indicating details of the relevant flight
1 h8 R* u. s! Z, YD. None of the above

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:45 | 显示全部楼层


11. The value of money varies _____.- U) \! [8 \; M0 F  Q. g
A. directly with the unemployment rate
" T4 \8 Q% X) g$ ~9 \, `B. directly with the price level  a8 [: b/ k: I# ^
C. inversely with the unemployment
! [% y2 R# g, G. p# Y. ND. inversely with the price level/ F6 I% Y4 G" V0 o+ J+ k0 v

6 D# r  M' u" k5 j, v$ Q12. The economics news on the television reports that the dollar has strengthened relative to the Japanese yen. This means that ______.( T' n: {  C; c+ T# q4 \, C5 X9 y0 t
A. the dollar has depreciated relative to the yen( K1 H8 {8 i- r: A. q
B. the dollar can now purchase more yen
8 l( h) k+ z; H& Z5 |% [) |C. the yen can now purchase more dollars
) C) a8 ]7 P/ q  T  zD. the US trade balance with the Japanese economy has improved2 o7 ], J) g. c( |7 j

- D1 V" \6 N, t; ~# S! E13. The theory of international exchange that holds that exchange rates are set so that the price of similar goods in different countries is the same is the ______.; e. h( u9 Z# C! m
A. price feedback theory
9 [0 ]; q+ X. m- a5 \B. trade feedback theory
, h* Q5 X, y4 t$ a/ ~4 i$ e. cC. purchasing power parity theory
9 A4 l; |# W4 JD. J-curve theory; M' z; B, }4 W0 R4 E

- W1 Z  A2 y: J+ n  }  y! @; W14. According to the optimal portfolio theory, where should portfolios lie? ______.
! k, n  f$ m1 kA. On the efficient frontier
8 o" z, t+ _; `" S/ m0 v7 WB. Above the efficient frontier0 p8 f/ w" q; e
C. Under the efficient frontier7 `  d; N% m( Z/ U6 v
D. Anywhere, as long as the portfolio is diversified
: u9 E6 N& L7 s) t" Y8 l, B8 ~/ N. L8 z
15. Which of the following is not a user of management accounting information? ______.# [- A+ I( \; |& V; l& P, |
A. Store manager
4 }6 B8 [- \0 Q. i: ^8 oB. Creditor
1 z9 f. `' {1 J) h& NC. CEO 1 r. r: E+ x0 q- k
5 D3 P2 @* `  |" }$ Q' I* G7 C2 ]: s
2 v1 B' c* B7 G16. Based on the scenarios below, what is the expected return for a portfolio with the following return profile? ______.
, N0 F7 V# h4 w, w8 d# TMarket Condition6 R4 s. f! Q# r, f, S* k1 F
bear Normal Bull- f! F8 Z0 m( k' W
Probability 02 0.3 05
+ a) b( Q4 Y% G7 i8 ?4 eRate of return —25% 10% 24%
+ \" d5 V  e4 K& {$ t0 T* \A. 4% + B4 f/ G: m) K8 ~- ~/ h
B. 10%/ \- m& d" F# q3 k' j
C. 20% ) p" j; p; a6 P" D
D. 25%
$ M' }/ \( H9 f5 d8 V
  @5 a; s% A. R# S8 n7 [5 IUse the following expectations on Stocks X and Y to answer questions 17 through 19 (round to the nearest percent).2 h4 [' z0 p2 j# ^) ?' Q
Bear Market Normal Market Bull Market
7 c$ c6 B7 p7 N2 }) h1 N0 f5 I0 q. xProbability 0.2 0.5 0.3
+ |4 p7 W3 i2 t) e: Q0 i- XStock X_ -20% 18% 50%
: C3 v, l; R+ e7 F( ?5 Q6 k: lStock Y -15% 20% 10%
6 o* X- F+ b* _; L# D9 U7 Z- [! y4 Q4 L) C1 ?6 l* v0 p* h9 I* L
17. Financial markets serve to channel funds from ______.
( ~; D3 o! j2 }" Q0 J0 G  B) zA. the government to contractors $ Z, T9 {! l1 Y# `6 G/ S0 l- X
B. investors to consumers
5 t, y, ^! J' N- x4 B( }* M  ]% wC. consumers to producers 4 c) G9 O! c0 m/ P& |
D. savers to investors : w2 c1 v- b1 R4 W" g- D) y
( Q( S) N" w: c; _  Q, A
18. The agreements that were reached at the Bretton Woods conference in 1944 established a system .. \$ p* H7 e' R( v- o1 k# `& o! s
A. of essentially fixed exchange rates under which each country agreed to intervene in the foreign exchange market when necessary to maintain the agreed-upon value of its currency
# z+ j2 d0 d3 {. e$ n) a* rB. of floating exchange rates determined by the supply and demand of one nation's currency relative to the currency of other nations" f, w' Z( x3 h; F/ O) H
C. that prohibited governments from intervening in the foreign exchange markets
$ N- e; j2 Y: U! l& @D. in which the values of currencies were fixed in terms of a specific number of ounces of gold, which in turn determined their values in international trading
& V8 n& I' d- @; N' B9 y! R) C0 j/ \' Y% \% L- L; P! n
19. Which of the following statements is not consistent with generally accepted accounting principles relating to asset valuation? .( A7 {: T2 n( I4 `: c$ M
A. Assets are originally recorded in accounting records at their cost to the business entity
2 D$ W; `. O. y( i/ D# l2 i8 xB. Accountants prefer to base the valuation of assets upon objective, verifiable evidence rather than upon appraisals or personal opinion
' {8 l' \' ?, Z5 a$ P: BC. Accountants assume that assets such as office supplies, land and buildings will be used in business operations rather than sold at current market prices
+ _1 S) Q  Q; ]9 c3 _, dD. Subtracting total liabilities from total assets indicates what the owner's equity in the business is worth under current market conditions
. ], B8 F; w- C0 V4 S0 }# Y7 ~0 l( t& n( A! m" P" t2 L
20. A fiscal expansion in the UK ______ the pound sterling.. }6 A) O* |5 {8 F' N
A. tends to appreciate
7 [/ z# ]! S- tB. tends to depreciate
2 I# _) v1 k8 D6 i1 s" H6 v* b  SC. does not affect the price of 0 q1 c/ {& l8 ~8 Y5 A3 ]
D. has no predictable effect on the price of
8 l+ a2 h- E6 U; n8 j8 n
+ G' _. _1 Y/ c7 s% J: M答案:
" @- e* {' S/ m: V  K1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B
. _+ B& I9 C- c1 B/ e: |1 W11.D 12.B 13.C 14.A 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.D 20.A
% r0 i) A9 k/ i</p>
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