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[考试试题] 金融英语 模拟习题(2)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. The holder of preference shares has preference over the ordinary shareholders under the following circumstance: _______.6 V+ ~: ~! _3 t9 P4 u! k: _- f/ P) ?
A. his voting rights are considered more important# Z3 P9 }: h: M6 Z  p& i
B. he has the greater right in choosing the board of directors
+ A1 o. R( O: J: N% N! O; L: @C. he receives his dividend before the ordinary shareholder7 |+ q' o# Y5 n+ v1 r4 B, q5 I
D. he has the right to buy ordinary shares more cheaply
/ v2 w  ^- l  F  L, O/ M: O' D7 `2. What are the two major accounts in the balance of payments? ______.
' ]  j# w7 A, @% e2 W( m6 wA. Current account and fixed account
) G6 f, V. W3 u# L" ^8 T9 V: `B. Capital account and deposit account
( y6 ]: H% a9 g4 F' DC. Capital account and current account
/ T/ Q& |& G  @7 b! aD. The account recording transfer payment and the account including an offsetting transaction) B0 v9 i% E# m' |* K2 J- Q
3. Which of the following is not a financial instrument? ______.
- ^. F) F0 D) B2 Y6 s$ sA. Treasury bills2 M, X) Q: U. L
B. Real estate
# G% s+ S" m$ T; @$ W" w& g1 o- FC. Mortgages% Q  g& T( G; K; y. k
D. Stocks
% _/ _$ s+ b* u) P4. The yield to maturity on a bond is ______.
( G; P- ]# v  S3 ~. {3 \A. below the coupon rate when the bond sells at a discount, and above the coupon rate when the bond sells at a premium
3 M! w, k: l% |, e0 xB. the discount rate that set the present value of the payments equal to the bond price# A/ u% Z- _* C9 m0 `. \
C. the current yield plus the average annual capital gain rate0 `; r+ V9 X, t* b# `6 o) i3 c
D. based on the assumption that any payments received are reinvested at the coupon rate
# W7 N" |; o# p% ^+ c5. The annual interest paid on a bond relative to its prevailing market price is called its ______.. `* y$ m5 f) F# R" A
A. promised yield# m0 O8 E7 s* T: u
B. yield to maturity
1 P0 I. E& N. }C. coupon rate7 l: O2 `1 u9 B3 U; y% @8 ]: L
D. current yield/ Y, e6 j2 v5 C6 B
6. Rapid increases in the price level during periods of recession or high unemployment are known as .8 |  U; Z6 W. e& \. l6 b
A. stagnation
. t4 h8 i! m% c' n9 l) yB. stagflation. y6 b9 Z8 D7 U4 X: F' c
C. slump
* R  l4 d3 Z& tD. inflation  \1 @' n/ z6 D! @3 T: p, I
7. A person who left his/her job to look for another job would be classified as ______.
" c0 i5 ^% \6 }A. structurally unemployed& K6 d5 L& p# ]6 z9 l, A, i
B. cyclically unemployed5 K/ M. G0 k1 K- U# a, i
C. frictionally unemployed# ]8 J6 t/ H( L" b
D. no longer in the labor force
- G7 K6 h7 M0 g  W5 `5 x6 G  t% {( A8. Which of the following is not included in a statement of owner's equity? ______.来源:
% N( j% i! W/ y/ s7 |0 ]1 n, gA. Net income
2 v; ]4 a! {9 H% t7 YB. Unearned revenue
9 `6 F5 ^4 V8 Z& s; S3 YC. Dividend
6 k: K9 N* O* d6 ]! J, hD. Retained earning: B  S: B' s, K. p7 J
9. If the Federal Reserve sells bonds and Congress cuts taxes and increases government spending,then the U.S. government has ______.7 i* |  T# K5 Q5 |1 B( B* g
A. expansionary monetary policy and contractionary fiscal policy
# u! G3 i6 E5 e6 |0 A/ p. bB. contractionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy! H+ C7 w" o/ _' S8 G' P" b
C. expansionary monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy! @+ Z* `1 d7 j5 U, }4 Y& Q
D. ontractionary monetary policy and contractionary fiscal policy
8 P4 k" r/ I& ]  v
5 G+ ^' Z8 Q8 p/ V0 T9 d* W; h9 m10. As the real wage rises, the substitution effect causes the worker to consume more ______ and less ______.. F- p. N8 Q1 \' D8 y* p  ]
A. leisure...work5 Z8 Q' g0 P8 N1 T& x* x$ M1 K
B. work...leisure& }# n/ o" _0 N) W! t- Y
C. work...of all of other goods
% K) P' o  ^$ C4 |# y' [D. leisure...of all other goods& Q- x  ]! d' s# W
11. The federal funds rate is the interest rate ______.: h9 V5 C1 }5 m( _3 D1 H5 _$ Y" {
A. on overnight loans of reserves between banks
: y) _& ^3 W3 q$ ^  M0 d) I5 i# e6 l! CB. the government pays when borrowing from banks
; S6 m+ S+ g+ v% T1 }C. on government debt
! ]( p; [% y" W  ?0 u" n; RD. both A and B2 h6 l4 o8 ]& g3 y% J( i+ G
12. A consumer's indifference curve shows ______.& b7 S/ d; E: y" Q6 L/ y6 Y
A. all combinations of two products that a consumer can use
" U5 y1 A: [9 B& d+ C& gB. all combinations of two products that yield the same total satisfaction to the consumer& p# O/ |4 [9 l3 B9 i
C. all combinations of two goods that the consumer can purchase with disposable persona income
7 @6 W/ d1 |# c6 A; ~2 FD. equal income for consumption
, n7 n7 T8 Q8 |2 c$ Z" l. e13. The value of any investment is found by computing ______.
2 ?, L1 V0 o* aA. the future value of all future expenses
. z9 T3 _: k6 T4 qB. the future value of all sales
1 e8 K; p: t: P0 a8 a5 V3 [' hC. the present value of all future liabilities7 v, L; S$ v2 [. o' }! M
D. the present value of all cash flows
5 C6 b! B! @, y# ]. v+ R, b14. A "base" or "high-powered" money is distinguished from other types of money by the fact that it .  F; V8 Q6 h  r8 o( D
A. always consists of central-bank liabilities6 h: M* x1 A! w
B. always consists of assets that can serve as commercial bank cash reserves
/ Y7 B; H8 l7 V- p6 g% y. TC. always consists of gold coin
6 A' B* V% Y7 v9 ED. must be a "fiat" money& e; q9 C( M! |( K- A
15. The relationship between interest rates on various bonds, and the time to (heir maturity is called the ______ structure of interest rates.
$ s' S  q# F& g4 K7 ~+ C, wA. chronological& A. Y6 m, j5 Z( y9 ~! T$ |+ f
B. term( E/ ~! Y. n+ s  ]3 K2 f
C. risk( W3 d4 J4 T4 X. X) v
D. liquidity
: h9 V! W. S$ G% H. y16. An example of an investment pool is ______.9 [$ \. G. _6 f) C* e
A. a savings and loan association7 {) l9 t: b) m7 |% M& W
B. a life insurance company- J0 K( C) r0 ~$ l/ Q& M
C. a finance company2 q( u4 G' l3 T1 B9 h
D. a mutual fund
6 E3 `- P7 n& n& T0 X17. Sustained downward movements in the business cycle are referred to as ______.  Z" W7 c0 I  F. g1 [
A. recessions+ Z" ?& Q6 V0 [, p' l
B. economic recoveries
' C! U  |$ K4 ~3 N, m- ?8 ]C. inflation
& K) o# A% h+ L" s8 [8 LD. expansions
" {$ R: O. R2 @( d  T( a5 v$ ?
2 H# q# q9 i' N& t, I! \8 t# b3 x18. _____ offers a wide spectrum of personal services to wealthy clients who may have little knowledge of how to handle their own financial affairs or who are too busy.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:45 | 显示全部楼层

金融英语 模拟习题(2)

A. A private bank
# v  n& C% ]7 m: C7 V4 U+ `B. Private banking( l, p; o4 F( x3 m$ L+ H- q7 \
C. Personal banking
% [0 k. @# P7 w& c8 ]7 vD. Retail banking </p>+ p: i5 T6 [! l, ]
19. Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance? ______.
3 n, \' C5 m; N! W. F- h$ eA. A pension fund manager buys a short-term corporate security in the secondary market
3 Z, n, p+ w& ZB. People buy shares in a mutual fund
# b0 Z! D3 i# y9 j7 SC. A corporation issues new shares of stock
8 R& g1 @; b% M! OD. An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets. # e2 Z5 G/ _: ~, B5 k( i
20. A call option gives the owner the right to ______.
3 D. L) A; a" u  D3 }/ P/ `% N$ vA. sell the underlying asset at a fixed price8 T+ h! w/ M! E  N4 y' T6 ]
B. buy the underlying asset at a fixed price8 ?* A& r% u* w) N2 H% J; H7 z
C. convert the underlying asset at a fixed price$ G: J( ^, [9 Q' [' C5 V4 M  w( I# ^
D. take delivery of the underlying asset at a fixed price
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