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[考试试题] 金融英语-模拟习题(4)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Commercial paper ______.  }# l) T" [/ \% o" K
A. is issued mainly by commercial banks
) T2 Y. t* Q0 u7 h+ d! X0 O# PB.can be either short or long-term debt- m2 J2 b7 }0 [  j  G( z. r
C. is most typically issued in very short maturities, such as one or two months" X$ W& m; [* q$ K
D. ought to be considered a capital market instrument
( `8 I% L- C( Y: t+ m7 x2. The expectations hypothesis assumes that investors regard bonds of different maturities .
( J6 e. Q1 M/ M- z# O4 O8 k. V1 x+ }A. as perfect substitutes
" B) A% _6 Y/ Q: C& hB. as not substitutes at all7 z8 x7 d, i' _- [, \0 ]
C. as substitutes, but not perfect substitutes
3 E: x8 i7 Q( r  \7 L3 ?" q2 l0 JD. none of the above
- {( J% Y, v2 e- O" U/ H9 v3. If the yield on Treasury bills falls from 5.27% to 5.22%, then the yield will decrease by ______ basis points./ A# a; Z% q3 b% g5 U- p6 e3 b
A. 0.05
; x; o. o4 W& v( S$ f8 ]4 jB. 0.5
- ^( `7 Y6 H) C6 `' g7 F  s) |C. 5
$ L: a$ j4 M; v# l+ N! FD. 50
# P2 f2 ?- c9 P6 [$ G/ a$ z+ C4. Liquidity of a business is measured by ______.6 e, ]5 |9 L# h) c; H8 T* c9 G
A. the rate of return on owner equity
0 c4 g6 H% C+ E* rB. the ratio of total revenue to total expenses incurred9 s6 ]0 e* l- \0 V8 ^) C4 }
C. the ratio of current assets to current liabilities; ?( V* M% y) Z* f2 Q1 N
D. the ratio of income to costs
' h- m* R% i0 A6 H, f5. Which of the following is an example of an automatic stabilizer? ______.
8 K; N- O' e6 G0 P/ E! L$ m& ?% W% p; KA. A change in interest rates
: c! g% q7 A, }' n$ D5 U1 TB. An increase in government spending
8 p  H' N; X* b: g& jC. Lowering income taxes
: p4 y# J) P) v* A6 n0 t/ t8 s' ED. Unemployment insurance
$ p2 X( p# D/ F( H6. Which of the following definitions fits depreciation? ./ a+ ^" f9 H0 ?
A. Allocation of the asset's market value to expense over its useful life
4 P$ l2 {( `1 O6 P2 F; n# mB. Allocation of the asset's cost to expense over its useful life
: d. I4 \% d$ V/ @8 U; ~% eC. Decreases in the asset's market value over its useful life
! Y5 t' P$ _+ ~/ D  A' p3 i# @D. Increases in the fund set aside to replace the asset when it is worn out, k6 U6 ], S- r5 L0 T6 P
7. In the balance of payments accounts, ______ are unilateral transfers., k+ {" }6 L, _9 u
A. direct investments in another nation's businesses
% X+ t6 J% {2 T# }( n( dB. international transactions in securities with maturities greater than one year
: d8 O% g1 f) _C. international transactions of securities with maturities of less than one year
& _! @4 C1 e) @) Y  V; {' X; pD. gifts and grants
5 o% r% v  O1 I# V8. A self-employed person who wishes to make provisions for retirement and reduce current tax liabilities should invest in .# R( Z, K- {  `- W- f0 m7 }
A. a money market mutual fund. C! a$ b* J& y* V- f
B. a time deposit4 a% L6 l$ c- `5 O6 A
C. Keogh Plan& u# X2 [0 S" g6 s0 x& b
D. a money market deposit account
  x# L5 v7 _$ k- m) @9. The central problem in economics is that of______." S6 O/ `7 E8 V; ], L* w
A. comparing the success of command versus market economies
1 n1 D4 W: F! W1 n5 u% z" dB. guaranteeing that production occurs in the most efficient manner
- ?* S2 \$ F% z7 jC. guaranteeing a minimum level of income for every citizen
- T/ v9 S2 R- w1 Z9 tD. allocating scarce resources in such a manner that society's unlimited needs or wants are satisfied as well as possible & s1 u4 ?9 ^+ n. D8 Z( S4 t

9 \$ G8 Z* ^' Y1 E, ~+ z% \/ X# P10. Which of the following is the most accurate measure of a bond's interest rates? ______.$ f. N' M" d% z! b( P
A. Coupon rate
- R, ~/ ?' h* {: z" O1 vB. Yield to maturity
/ M  @& B! B, ~! n. B9 KC. Current yield6 u* y" q9 m0 y! N* E
D. Discount yield) K! G. @+ C& |4 ?& L8 n: P) V& z( I
11. Which of the following is a determinant of asset demand? ______.5 T8 \8 `$ a8 X/ ?7 d  w4 ?( ~# Z
A. Expected return  I4 H( p! ^& h5 u8 N; D
B. Risk3 \) ~- L6 h' k" N: C& E& l; P
C. Liquidity
! D: W. l4 U0 W6 P& E- }. p' DD. All of the above
/ g6 n3 E! \7 m! H12. Which of the following items are reported as a current liability on the balance sheet? ____.+ u9 @' M. O% a4 m
A. Short-term notes payable! m2 O, f; V* R. A' U, u! `
B. Accrued payroll taxes" {1 A! i4 G) ^
C. Estimated warranties
; D, I% P3 k2 T+ S: P$ CD. All of the above, z1 O" X; y  |( l, `
13. Which of the following is not true of fiscal policy? ______.
5 ?) M& N0 p/ k# P; CA. Time lags occur with fiscal policy.
9 ]2 V8 e% M. y9 ^0 o6 IB. Automatic stabilizers help the economy.
  p, w' N: b3 A( z5 Y% F* N* VC. "Crowding out" is not a problem of fiscal policy.
" x+ y4 l& c- t1 U" p+ `D. None of the above.! E8 m6 ?# w& x- h1 ]) J% u
14. What distinguishes the mortgage markets from other capital markets? ______.; K7 ]( j& s, |1 `
A. Securities in the mortgage markets are collateralized by real estate" _3 B7 T2 N# ?( @) B+ n
B. The mortgage markets usually involve long-term funds
/ p$ V' j0 j. K- t( S' }# H1 d' |C. Borrowers in the mortgage markets include individuals and businesses" j5 Y; \2 m  b. }7 i$ J. q
D. All of the above
( ~3 k5 o8 E0 v) t3 P6 {15. The process of closing the business, selling the assets, paying the liabilities, and disbursing remaining cash to the owners is called ______.
, [0 S- P# f( l" ^3 x6 ^$ YA. withdrawal
, u* @) x  H8 }! S: _B. liquidation2 _5 _9 }/ h5 `. t
C. acquisition: Q* h& @# Z/ c( r) T' C, Q
D. dissolution, |( J0 h. [; I1 B* V
16. When an investor is buying stock as an investment, the value of most direct concern is .+ j" q' l* Z" k7 Q# {, p4 B0 q
A. par value
5 E1 W+ ]; s% ^3 QB. liquidation value& e# ]" s& _" r" v( k4 g5 X. P+ ]
C. market value0 P2 u. D1 F  {! Y+ O: _- s- h
D. book value+ o% S0 {( i3 a6 P' B) ]
17. Autonomous transactions are ______.
# s8 v! m4 {( ~1 Z$ a, \3 sA. transactions undertaken by governments to enforce a price (exchange rate ) in the foreign exchange market
6 b* K( c2 D1 {; C$ L! x1 T& TB. transactions that are not undertaken in the pursuit of commercial profit" l- M1 S! Q/ ]2 X. |
C. transactions undertaken for normal commercial motives4 H- T$ H& [% Q
D. none of the above8 V3 \6 P7 y+ _
4 r( u/ @( S6 v- [
18. If taxes decrease, which of the following correctly describes the effects? Disposable income______ consumption ______, and savings .

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:45 | 显示全部楼层


3 v# u" c, E. x4 E! p7 [3 kA. increases...decreases...decreases1 h! h4 J0 U; k2 U: M
B. increases...increases...increases
6 X; M3 G& R) p- s+ r/ X( MC. decreases...increases...increases
! t5 _1 `8 E# I) K5 E# O% y5 q( jD. decreases...decreases...decreases % P9 x3 R9 F; f* I! k
, r. J5 y+ R) G+ _- }5 ]
19. A successful company's major source of cash should be ______.
" A* \9 a, O! @, V. i1 F5 [A. operating activities- B& N. d4 @; I" i3 _) v
B. financing activities
1 a0 n2 [7 c2 g2 G0 IC. investing activities
* _) C: B# t: K) y, HD. a combination of the above
! B6 \6 U' p. \3 |0 v# u20.The price index in 2002 was 160, and in 2003 the price index was 168. What was the inflation rate? ______.1 x6 D6 Z6 c/ K* ~( [+ m
A. 68%. J" e: W4 E1 p% D+ Y, B
B. 8%
+ O5 Q# O) j; P, y! w9 m2 WC. 5%
' d3 ?( x1 S  y" E1 nD. indeterminable without knowing the base year
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