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[考试试题] 金融英语:FECT-1(7) 单选题

发表于 2012-8-16 08:05:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  . What are the expected returns for Stocks X and Y respectively? ______.
' u& A4 {/ F0 @8 `  A. 20% and 10%
2 |3 s0 \( F1 L0 p) g  B. 18% and 12%
  V+ r1 s6 Z- H9 z! P5 G2 B- u# O1 Z  C. 20% and 11%
& Q' S+ k0 y5 \1 T' ^  D. 18% and 5%# b) ^0 n: B4 O, ~2 c
  2. Which of the following payment terms eliminates the exchange risk, assuming the exporter invoices in foreign currency? ______.
. g/ v; n& X6 X# O  A. Confirmed irrevocable documentary credit" c; L0 D$ ^  T& M
  B. Open account- p/ j  L. U2 c) y: t
  C. Documentary collection D/A
2 o! p; B7 q3 A/ E' s  D. None of the above" X1 q) F$ \& X7 B& h$ i
  3. ABC Co. Ltd. purchased a car for $ 12 000, making a down payment of $5 000 cash and signing a $7 000 note payable due in 60 days. Which of the following is not correct? ______.) E# `! E9 \0 X. [8 F/ U- r* [
  A. From the viewpoint of a short-term creditor, this transaction makes the business less solvent% f% Z2 k- u6 X+ d7 l1 M
  B. Total liabilities increased by $7 000
5 }6 O2 V1 p- C  C. Total assets increased by $12 000
7 p* F2 X' O4 [  D. This transaction had no immediate effect on the owner's equity in the business1 O5 ^9 A1 }& T2 n' t. g' {, I
  4. Which of the following terms of payment will entirely eliminate country risk? ______.
9 @, I  N3 q2 n5 V% Z  A. Revocable documentary credits
4 X( C; V& K9 k1 S  B. Confirmed Irrevocable documentary credits
# [3 C) p+ Q% {; a0 X: ]4 z/ W) p- [  C. Documentary collection D/P" c4 Z4 ]# R& m
  D. Documentary collection D/A) @4 N# ]' }9 d
  5. The expiry date of a documentary credit is Sunday, 24 February, and documents have to be A presented to you. Which of the following is an acceptable presentation? (Assume there is no latest stated date for shipment stipulated.) ______.
, e' o  ~; v0 M+ j" x  A. Presentation to you on Monday 25 February with the bill of lading dated 25 February( p8 ^1 l1 b0 U( m5 _
  B. Presentation on Monday 25 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 24 February
) L5 l# u5 t! a; }+ F  C. Presentation on Tuesday 26 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 24 February
( P7 B' C5 v* T% Z  D. Presentation on Friday 22 February with the bill of lading dated Sunday 29 January
! e$ P6 H5 Z; F' T, S1 f  6. What are the standard deviations of returns on Stocks X and Y respectively? ______.0 x% t0 u& @- r& `0 m( P2 [
  A. 15% and 26%
$ f, O# y" p* ]" u: y% K5 H  B. 24% and 13%
# W: @4 w: s5 d  C. 20% and 4%/ x" K; w2 x- X/ q
  D. 28% and 8%
$ y$ m# Q. J% t$ v) t1 H3 u  7. Who makes the first presentation of documents under a transferable credit? ______.1 t! u, l5 p; W9 I% G
  A. Applicant4 S, Y( T! T1 h/ }7 ?0 U
  B. First beneficiary
( w% b$ w( p# G  C. Second beneficiary
# c, f) b8 a# S1 q* C  D. None of the above- M$ G. b$ t  E* A3 j
  8. A transaction caused a $10 000 decrease in both total assets and total liabilities. This transaction could have been ______.7 |9 a, H. y  w' i. L
  A. repayment of a $ 10 000 bank loan
8 q! }2 _$ x9 }7 Q  B. an asset with a cost of $10000 was destroyed by fire% A( b* s7 H* w; V
  C. purchase of a delivery truck for $10 000 cash
. C6 g8 z/ a' e! J* a8 V  D. collection of a $10 000 account receivable" a  `! X& y5 {! d5 }& m
  9. Money ceases to serve as an effective store of value when ______.8 i/ V( X  I1 G
  A. the government runs large deficits
# k! P$ z% r4 \$ S# Z0 u; T  B. the unemployment rate is very high1 A9 k$ ]! S! |* M1 ]
  C. productivity in the economy declines3 j" U2 E4 C% h4 F4 e: ~4 f; A
  D. rapid inflation occurs$ b& p( N: p! K9 S7 l
  10. An indication that the money supply is greater than the desirable amount would be .
- m% o3 M& U! u  A. insufficient spending and excessive saving
" v2 ^8 t8 i* f; ?' W+ v- d  B. deflation! X' D, L9 C: F! y7 A
  C. inadequate spending and rising unemployment
0 n& a; a- Z" V; Q  D. rising wages and prices

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