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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读:金融世界精讲(21)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  一讲中我们介绍了两个重要的国际组织:International Monetary Fund-国际货币基金组织和 World Trade Organisation-世界贸易组织。7 a' N1 B8 O1 _9 Z" A; c: i5 n
  这两个在二次大战期间和之后相继成立的国际组织为稳定世界经济秩序发挥了重要的作用。但是澳广金融节目主持人巴里克拉克说,战后的国际经济也有它的黑暗面:8 x/ f4 w4 J$ p3 t- r  v
  While the IMF and the GATT, created during and after World war II, were part of the explanation for trade expansion and income growth in the 1950s, 60s and 70s, there was a darker side to the post-war international economy., z8 Q% ^4 I9 ~* D- q. e
  Problems began to develop with the international financial system, caused, in large part, by the failure of countries experiencing fundamental balance of payments problems to devalue or revalue their currencies.
* {2 T( ]4 ~* [! ^( w5 S  Also, the US dollars which had been in scarce supply in the 1940s became all too available in the 1960s, to the point at which the world was 'awash with dollars'. The dollar's value vis a vis other currencies was now being challenged.# Q, M! m2 F$ ^. N' `
  It was essentially this challenge to the core currency which led to the breakdown of the Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate system in the period 1971 to 1973.9 H, e! u- Q* {2 Z6 Q/ x
  巴里克拉克在谈话中用了这样几个词:( A1 ~8 g" E# n
  1 devalue 贬值
1 p, w( k9 @' ]$ ]  2 revalue 调整币值4 v( o7 Y6 ~& y9 l5 q
  3 vis-a-vis 相比
- L$ O6 q6 o' J% K/ ]# H6 Z* G  4 awash with dollars 美元泛滥3 I2 ^  K* z6 G. `1 a% K
: T6 J: I( ^0 l5 @+ D, T7 K  尽管在二次大战期间和之后成立的国际货币基金组织及关贸总协定是二十世纪五十、六十及七十年代贸易扩展和收入增加的原因之一,战后的国际经济也有它更黑暗的一面。; ^4 F) o8 d) ?8 f6 s5 x
+ _" v' Y3 L3 o# Y, y  另外,在四十年代供不应求的美元到了六十年代就变得供过于求,甚至到了美元在整个世界泛滥的地步。美元与其它货币的比值现在受到了挑战。
" `2 {1 Y# z5 R& X  正是这种对核心货币的挑战导致了布雷顿森林固定汇率制在1971到1973年的垮台。
( q1 o$ ]( _6 [) O/ ?+ @6 t  现在我们再听一遍巴里克拉克的这段谈话原文。(略)
/ Z1 G$ C1 \, K( s' x& o' i  澳大利亚昆士兰大学经济系教授托尼梅金接下来谈了国际货币基金组织功能上的变化:
2 t7 K2 w6 p" Z6 l, m  The IMF basically had to reinvent itself with the breakdown of the Bretton Woods, for which it was established. In the 1970s and 80s it was seeking out a new rationale for its existence and , more recently, it's taken on a role more akin to the traditional role that it had, and that is to arrange funds for countries experiencing difficulties with the balance of payments and exchange rate.
5 t  B( X! H3 H; ~8 H0 c+ B  梅金教授说,随着使它诞生的布雷顿森林货币体制的崩溃,国际货币基金组织必需重新确立自己的地位。在一九七十和八十年代,它不断为自己的存在寻求新的依据。近些年它又扮演起更象它传统上曾扮演过的角色,也就是为在国际收支平衡和兑换率方面遇到困难的国家提供资金。$ E3 F3 R: K* u9 L5 m- C! N
  But the nature of its activities now has changed quite significantly from what it used to be. It used to be the case that the IMF had to arrange funds to economies that could not sustain exchange rates at the given fixed levels, now its role is to provide funds to countries that have experienced currency crises, and economies experiencing liquidity problems.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:38 | 显示全部楼层


+ o# f1 y4 B  J7 E1 D  It plays the part of a fire rescue team, if you like. There's been a firestorm in the financial markets of an economy and the IMF is akin to the fire brigade, they're coming along and they diagnose the situation and apply remedies.6 b7 r( m* d4 Q* i
1 M. R% ~7 k" B& g( y1 t& r8 @* K3 g' P  梅金教授在谈话中使用了这样几个英语词汇:
, U  K8 w! j4 w2 Q1 E  1 reinvent 彻底改造,重新确立
+ Y9 F/ e! K1 X7 S4 W  2 rationale 合理性,依据( |7 C/ H9 D! v6 k; H) U- |
  3 akin 类似的
. C. Q8 l6 E" k3 C  4 liquidity 流动资产,清偿债务能力; D; u* |: k, G$ D
  接下来我们再把澳大利亚昆士兰大学梅金教授的这段谈话连起来听一遍。(略). L1 H* p& j' k! i. D
- B. z  c, _; d* \  IMF advice has been all too uniform across countries. In other words, countries vary a great deal. Some of them really should have a Keynesian expansionary type policy, rather than contractionary type policy, while the IMF always places the same kind of requirements on all countries. By the way, I get the feeling that this is changing, in other words that the IMF management is changing its view about macro-policies and we will see greater variety in its recommendations now.</p>  下面我们听一遍克雷宁教授谈话的中文翻译:
. X( Y0 U& f5 N% h# Y  克雷宁教授说,国际货币基金组织对各国提出的建议总是一成不变。换句话说,各国的情况有很大的不同,一些国家实际上需要的是凯恩斯式的扩张性金融政策而不是收缩性的政策,但国基组织总是对所有国家都提出同样的要求。不过我感觉到这种情况正在发生变化,也就是说国基组织的管理层正在改变他们对宏观经济政策的观点,我们现在将会看到它提出更多不同的建议。+ @+ \0 j" E6 s* d
# o: F2 e: c/ J4 l  在节目的最后,我们再复习一下这一讲中遇到的一些英文词汇:
) x: L2 [+ N3 \. g8 h  1 devalue 贬值/ e3 X0 `; w7 W4 x& Z$ q
  2 revalue 调整币值+ G) H& a5 Y3 D3 a
  3 vis-a-vis 相比9 l3 k# L( V  Y1 B4 d
  4 awash with dollars 美元泛滥, f9 H, y2 {0 Q! f. k9 H( U
  5 reinvent 彻底改造,重新确立
8 Q( d/ Z4 c/ b( D5 a! [+ j+ }4 z  6 rationale 合理性,依据8 j& p2 f) j3 A& v; n
  7 akin 类似的
! |* L1 X- X  y" x6 g' u  8 liquidity 流动资产,清偿债务能力
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