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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读辅导:吉尼斯最长婚史夫妇透露婚姻秘诀

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英文: British couple who hold the world record for the longest marriage
" p( a4 k; n* X' P% ]9 W  M
9 P5 P' l7 v! J9 x8 ?" y  `5 |+ e' {British couple who hold the world record for the longest marriage said on Wednesday their success was down to a glass of whisky, a glass of sherry and the word "sorry".
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Percy and Florence Arrowsmith married on June 1, 1925 and will their 80th anniversary on Wednesday." S2 e" r  v- o. x2 N

- I* r: {! v, G4 X) \The Guinness World Records said on Tuesday the couple held the title for the longest marriage and a lso for the oldest married couple's aggregate age.
* h) r* K7 x) d/ Y$ n6 I"I think we're very blessed," Florence, 100, told the BBC. "We still love one another, that's the most important part."
; b$ c2 z: r, Z4 D; d
: y5 ^# {6 I. N+ y+ lAsked for their secret, Florence said you must never be afraid to say "sorry".
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"You must never go to sleep bad friends," she said, while Percy, 105, said his secret to marital bliss was just two words: "yes dear".+ O- R. R$ ?6 R$ }9 ?  Q

. [; b  ~* s+ B) g" GThe couple have three children, six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren and are planning a party soon.
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, r+ O1 [: d6 f; X"I like sherry at lunch time and whisky at night and I'm looking forward very much to my party," said Florence.
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7 Y; y9 p& ~3 k2 u! f4 h/ o中文:吉尼斯最长婚史夫妇透露婚姻秘诀 - u" t* L9 n6 W, `; A& Q; G

1 t8 ^) E3 K: J+ \) O因保持最长婚姻史而获得吉尼斯世界纪录称号的一对英国夫妇日前表示,他们婚姻幸福的制胜法宝就是每天一杯威士忌、一杯葡萄酒和常说“对不起”。
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5 f9 ^% e: q  d9 e) A1 a. Y据美联社5月31日报道,珀西和佛罗伦斯·阿罗史密斯于1925年6月1日结婚,今年的6月1日将迎来他们结婚80周年的纪念日。《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》编委会31日宣布,阿罗史密斯夫妇保持了世界上最长的婚姻;同时,两人的岁数加在一起也是世界上最年长的夫妇。
. Y% b# T1 K, U- ]  w0 n. R& o' \/ O' t  M# ~
妻子佛罗伦斯表示:“我认为我们受到了上帝的宠爱。现在我们仍然彼此深爱着,这是我们婚姻幸福的重要因素。”当被问及保持婚姻长寿的秘诀时,佛罗伦斯说,你永远都不要害怕向对方说“对不起”。6 L, u1 \8 C8 F+ K
. x6 F; X8 h. r( c# u
7 m( a. r) {, c; \这对夫妇共有子女3人、孙辈6人、重孙辈9人。一家人正准备庆祝这对老人结婚80周年纪念日。

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