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[考试辅导] 金融英语阅读:有价证劵部分

发表于 2012-8-16 08:12:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. Vigorous Development of the Securities Sector
  h5 r( B# L* `( Q, e7 h& d  The financial markets can be classified in the following six % ?' O( N7 W9 J: p0 U5 e& e' Z- x, a
( N5 W/ g) G& ^0 v  l Capital markets, which consist of: / ?% W7 w" p) m3 a2 X2 @  m/ H( o
  capital market 5 o0 {5 Z3 Z; Z8 j8 x' H
  亦称“长期金融市场”、“长期资金市场”。期限在一年以上各种资金借贷和证券交易的场所。因为在长期金融活动中,涉及资金期限长、风险大,具有长期较稳定收入,类似于资本投入,故称之为资本市场。 2 W2 k1 P' i; C1 v
  Stock market, which provides financing through the issuance of " l5 J; q2 z+ t# G7 d' X- f# }
  shares, and enable the subsequent trading thereof. Shares are ) e, V. o/ c+ ], l- x' c
  certificates or book entries representing ownership in a 3 M; q: h' L( y5 }. B
  corporation or similar entity.
0 k: L* m& e& N" [# R  (1)股票市场是已经发行的股票按时价进行转让、买卖和流通的市场,包括交易市场和流通市场两部分。 / v2 H+ t* Z& H' o' ?* g: h0 m
  (2)thereof ad.在其中, 关于... : S9 m& i8 _1 r" I& Y/ u+ J
  (3)(certificates or book entries)representing ownership in a
# T/ q( G8 _# J2 E  corporation or similar
5 ]9 H; @5 k% N) B" b+ j& I  entity由动名词representing引导的动名词短语,做后置定语,修饰前面的certificates or book
' n: ?3 V6 h, @) T: v/ d: |5 T  entries。
8 s; ^1 o# j* v/ g8 p7 H  (4)certificate n.A document certifying ownership.凭证:证明所有权的文件 % n0 x. Z2 [8 S; [4 C
  Bond market, which provides financing through the issuance of
) I  D; z4 k* \9 F6 v  U  bonds, and enable the subsequent trading thereof. Bonds are $ r% w- v5 o0 M. }: G( ~2 Y' c/ V1 P
  written evidences of debts.
+ n2 b3 P7 A. Y1 W* R. N* s, N  (1)债券市场是发行和买卖债券的场所。
; J1 |- c6 _1 X' J  (2)evidence n.A thing or things helpful in forming a
4 p' w; d1 _- [( ~  conclusion or judgment:证明,证据:有助于得出结论或做出判断的东西或事物 ; f$ [- k) D; ]8 ~! L/ y" p+ s
  l Commodity market, which facilitates the trading of 8 E8 u9 ]' `. V( l0 ]- I7 f
: X- z: d: ^5 n, `9 \  (1)commodity market商品市场 6 N' O/ I. c* p) ^5 r0 }
  l Money market, which provides short term debt 5 W  F0 n, e6 C0 }# Y. H
  financing and investment. - Z0 x2 n; a9 v  L7 [
  (1)货币市场是短期资金市场,是指融资期限在一年以下的金融市场。货币市场就其结构而言,包括同业拆借市场、票据贴现市场、短期政府债券市场、证券回购市场等。 / H! M( i* q0 R8 p  U0 l
  (1)debt financing债务融资
% e: ^3 ~  C4 L2 K  l Derivatives market, which provides instruments for 5 ?% m; l  Q: c, s# t
  the management of financial risk.   E' _# ?! `% a* @8 l) f
  (1)derivatives market衍生品市场
  B5 A) D0 T3 A# Q% U2 Z, R# Y) w  Futures market, where standardized futures contracts and
( ?( E  D7 K# `8 n% h: h  options contracts on a whole range of underlying products are 6 @& y% O' y' X: U5 b; ]
  traded. ! B! i/ r; E2 k
  (1)futures market期货市场 - B% |% C8 u  O  K! y
  (2)futures contracts期货合约
, Z( S( R8 l( w, g% W" r  (3)options contracts期权合约
( e- M/ F0 a3 C: G% `  Options are the right to buy or sell a financial instrument at , F! p7 I- W" z; z# F) z
  an agreed price at some future time.
1 B- f( m0 `) L3 f  ]  (1)option n.A right to buy or sell specific securities or * r9 g. t6 i1 J% s1 \0 @. p! U
  commodities at a stated price within a specified
2 f9 K0 S8 `, U& J" ]' H7 w  time.期权:在规定时间内的以固定价格买卖特定的债券或商品的权力 % b" H, ]' _9 T9 o
  l Insurance market, which facilitates the 0 S% w! ^4 }3 [9 c. Z
  redistribution of various risks.
% J+ z' H" [; y! ?  insurance market保险市场 ' v4 e& i9 x8 Y1 D" Z9 Q7 [) ~
  l Foreign exchange market, which facilitates the
. t6 N  I7 v. m" R$ ~* a' W. B- w  trading of foreign exchange.
$ F6 B: P6 |1 q5 `  (1)Forex 7 R! t4 V2 g/ }9 o
+ \; e+ w& V; ~: T. [- A! o0 s2 {$ A  The capital market consists of primary and secondary markets.
' H8 {0 U( D+ e$ X6 f2 x  The primary market is that part of the capital market that , A( ~/ w% b# @1 {$ e$ E
  deals with the issuance of new securities. The secondary
4 o2 j, I. p$ E! ^7 [0 ~4 g  market is the financial market for trading of securities that 0 T+ h5 Y6 @/ |# N
  have already been issued in an initial private or public ' d! _. G* `8 ?1 m2 I
  offering. ( E% N9 M# M! ~* E* H) x; S% B; f0 f
+ c" V7 ~9 D# L$ K* V% c* e  (2) ( v, E1 |/ q4 E# d
  一级市场又称为初级市场或是发行市场,顾名思义就是企业首次发行股票以进行筹资的市场,为股市交易活动的发源处。公司在发售债券和股票时有两种类型:公开发行和私下募集。 0 M% e2 \3 N" L; N; l

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