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[考试辅导] HolidayandFestivalGreetings(1)节日问候

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1.New Year’s Greetings
2 Z# r$ P) K: n  新年问候语
) V9 \; g: ^# F3 F) r0 ^: H2 T( U  Happy New Year, Mr. Liu.! d2 Q& ^& }6 c: L5 D8 Y
  刘先生,新年快乐!% V3 t7 w" z! ?* U# r
  Happy Spring Festival!4 s( u, m7 p# R, ~2 c
  春节愉快!1 ~1 F- j7 T5 p% v6 g+ `- S/ \2 ^  B
  I wish you joy!
. _& P: o* Z6 y6 \: P  祝您快乐!
% l4 y/ W$ ~4 i9 Y) q" `  Good luck to you!8 D# l$ \& s' K: G) d& J' I2 d0 l/ k
9 D/ g, n, |6 r3 B  My best wishes to you!4 T( N4 y! E' m8 b, R* ]2 Q
5 ^1 H) b2 z: L$ o  [$ q; p6 g  I wish you good health.4 Z8 w+ q1 z! ]
! p! f# ]: N$ g  I wish you lots of happiness.( X5 N' s  r- f
  祝您幸福无比。. i) N4 F' G% E
  I wish you a happy New Year.
/ K3 N& W6 W" ^4 d  祝您新年愉快。% i+ i3 N' B  c) l
  May you live long!( B6 o! C: o& C5 J2 f
8 t5 M  i0 O$ |1 c  I wish you many happy returns of the day!
( E% t7 o! {2 d+ r  祝您长寿!/ Y' l, \+ e( u
  Many happiness be yours in the New Year .' c. t5 M" I" w
  祝您新年愉快。( J+ ?. L, n" Y% V, Q( D
  May the New Year bring you health, happiness and all other good things.
) A8 E+ N" _8 k3 e* n6 ^2 s  祝您新年幸福愉快,身体健康,万事如意。
: `' w0 z' u7 {8 @- K. i3 P1 D6 Y  May everything you want come true!9 q  }. P/ P; q9 J
) h6 t, G. Y* d5 g0 B- _  I take this opportunity to give you my greetings and best wishes for the coming year .6 u" ~+ m3 `/ A/ n* u
  值此新年到来之际,我谨向您致以最良好的祝愿和问候。, _3 k6 f7 M3 E0 _/ e
  I wish you the best of health.
! F: R) X4 W! ]3 H  祝您健康。2 R# N- H9 x: Q+ }' C3 z
  Luck and success to you.1 \* d/ ?6 I& @0 o$ \8 o7 X
  祝您好运,祝您成功。3 k9 D4 ^7 Q; [( x3 _
  I wish you the very best of luck." v/ t' r# X6 {' Y4 R- L
7 R7 R* Q$ ]) F. I  Good luck in all events.
. U. N+ [3 Q- F( ^  祝万事如意。
. U' Y; S" X6 F# R: a/ A  Every good wish for the coming year.
0 [2 {3 g2 M" F+ u* ~7 ~  祝新年一切顺利。
" ?7 r+ J  Z# S. P* N  Best wishes for New Year filled with success and happiness.2 o! ]+ f" ~) j7 g6 y. E5 s
4 r' Y/ k2 [( e8 a* I+ h  May peace, joy and happiness be with you for this holiday season.; X: x! K0 B1 [7 }) N, o8 v
  祝您节日平安,愉快,幸福。3 Q. }/ x' O' F
  All affection and good wishes for happy New Year to you and yours.: ^' e/ |' t& i
  衷心祝愿您及全家新年快乐!- x& p: n9 Y7 ?+ @
  All best wishes for happy New Year.
9 R2 _5 x" c3 n3 c  J4 l& b0 Y0 u  新年愉快,并致以美好的祝愿。
% C5 w. m) u' t$ l( m5 C' a  Love and best wishes for happy New Year.$ A* ]2 W; y. V1 @" ?
, a/ W/ L& X3 V% V& S5 G  Wishing the best of everything in New Year.
5 ]5 p0 n5 g5 D* _3 |. E5 c  欣逢新年佳节,祝幸福顺利,事事称心如意。2 T+ W/ z5 k+ ?! i# e5 L5 P
  May peace and happiness be yours in New Year.
9 w7 c* @; b! F; F9 x0 q! K" F  祝您在新的一年里平安,幸福。
  X, W3 n4 K, \5 u' {! c+ @  May fortune smile upon and favour you with many blessings in New Year.
. M- p. L) o# h4 [2 s4 x1 [3 N  祝新年吉祥如意。5 O1 P$ @/ b% R' W( P8 A% p
  May joy and peace of New Year be with you today and always.# Z" x( U+ L3 S5 D* `
) `/ O/ ~3 ]% m5 T2 R. r+ J+ k: R3 ^  e' i  May New Year bring all good things.1 n- a, f! J9 Z
* }2 k* d' l% y5 Z" }  Sincerely hope New Year will hold for you full measure of health and happiness .8 j% N# k7 q3 c( R" Q5 w
  衷心祝您在新的一年里身体健康,幸福美满。" G! \0 Z& f3 s5 `. x! g) y* v
  Hope New Year will bring you and your family every happiness , good health and continued success.5 D( S* a- Q9 Z4 C

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