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[考试辅导] VI.Farewells(3)道别

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  .Replies in Farewell
/ H  P) r$ d% H9 w  告别答语
1 K1 k( T* ~( `/ Z  Thank you for coming to see me.
; n& Z# z" e1 @$ v# ^4 {: `* A  谢谢你们来给我送行。2 e8 F) P- p0 b3 N+ z1 `6 t
  Ok. Thanks for coming by.
: J5 A( s( ?+ ]3 Q, Y3 T  好了,谢谢您来看我。1 E+ Y1 f% X, l3 n7 |* l, g
  It was so nice of you to do all that for me.
" a0 @  ^" D  a# B; o% F  ^5 Q  感谢您为我做的一切。
1 ~" Q" B3 y  u- G& z$ n$ L  It is very good of you to come to see me off.; U) |+ K, t( z/ h
  您来为我送行,谢谢您的好意。8 {3 J0 ]/ _2 d' M$ d2 X0 ]
  It is very kind of you to come to see me off, Mr. Zhao.
: e: @- R/ ]- e0 c2 Z% i. e  S  赵先生,谢谢您特地来给我送行。
( t* l, |. B8 `4 R$ g  I’m so glad you could come to see me off.
; L* b, L2 c* E  我很高兴您来给我送行。8 R  l; r) z1 e4 @9 v6 Z& I
  Thank you for all the things you have done for me during my study here.8 w5 s" f) ]1 h0 Z6 \
3 J# D$ e0 C& W7 c! B) J) x  S  I really appreciate what you’ve done.+ ~  N, {8 f, |

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