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[考试辅导] HoldingaMeeting开会-2

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Shall we begin, ladies and gentlemen?
; j: E- D( v& [2 W; N  I believe you’ve all had a chance to read the minutes of our last meeting.
, \, s7 M7 P+ s7 a* [  z  Shall we accept them as written?
$ ~7 K' l. U& Q7 F* ~8 n( [3 r  I make a motion to accept them.! t$ t+ T( P% Q- k7 h( b
  I second the motion.6 G6 o# u0 {, B- o; h: V* P
  All in favour?
6 `2 _6 t+ `1 y; i( i  We have a very full program ahead of us for the next two days.
4 u- _# w3 A  [8 t+ V6 ?3 A  I believe you all have a copy of agenda as copies of the various sectional and divisional reports.2 |+ }3 D2 ~$ }3 j1 p2 q
  These reports will give us the substances for our company’s annual report.
+ n/ _9 B4 B4 x. R( m- ~* K  With your agreement, I propose to take each in turn starting with the Securities Department.
- c* s; X0 L6 w  Now , it’s the Research and Development Department.9 ~' k" ]1 H7 }9 G+ D. A, y* G
  Since all the departments have made their reports, let’s discuss them and make a decision.
+ m+ n! p. |1 _, m  If there’s no objections, Mr. Hilton will proceed to outline the campaign.& W$ f6 M1 c0 A/ A& O0 r0 z
  I’d like to make a suggestion.
0 p( @. S- _9 q* z6 i# P- v  May I suggest that we proceed in order and take a look at the proposed campaign? 女士们,先生门,现在开会。5 O. I& J8 H+ G/ a% P3 W: j
  我想您们大家都看过了上次会议的记录。, y# f3 x+ I7 `1 U3 b" {0 U( z
& z4 D" d3 v6 |2 J- K) k; r- b  我提议通过。) `- }$ ^1 ]# D! L! G( g
  我附议。% F& J& F$ \) I* D; ]
  都赞成吗?# Q: X' \4 s( z2 x( {$ `
  以后两天的日程都排得满满的。* t7 I) N. |6 L4 W( W  @8 f6 ]' g
  我想各位都拿到了一份日程表和各部门的报告。; }. v# X; h* `' C
! \* ~7 }/ _! @( L  如果大家同意的话,我提议一个部门接一个部门作报告,先从证券部开始。
% R- o; s- N/ j6 q0 l$ J' F  接下来是研究开发部。
8 X3 {5 W& S8 \, k, r  各部门都做了报告,下面我们来进行讨论,然后做决定。) w! y2 f0 [1 j
; l6 |. E: m2 _$ V7 w( o  我想提一个建议。
# C7 u/ H3 F6 B( b  我提议是否可以按议事日程的先后顺序来办,先探讨一下有关宣传的方案建议书?

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