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[考试辅导] Meeting&SeeingoffGuests接送客人-1

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Meeting Guests
+ Q8 ?8 s7 w' g, m  From the Host0 L/ m$ Y$ j: g" L( G5 E) t- f; T
  I’m here to meet you on behalf of our manager.
/ b: \, m3 T( }6 |  How did you enjoy your trip?. N7 A( H# N8 F$ D7 w/ ?) B
  I hope you’ve had a pleasant trip.
& \1 @5 p$ U; i3 F: \5 r- }- v! P  It’s my pleasure to meet you.
6 R* r; W: k: P5 ^  You must be very tired after such a long trip.
0 s; [$ u; m- Q  We’ve been looking forward to your arrival.
% [+ T. b5 C/ [3 W  You must be Prof.Johnson from Harvard University.+ F; ]: C' R* s% d2 I+ Z% P
  Have you gone through the formalities?
8 z8 d, u. n' Z& B7 F  B$ T+ w  Did you have to go to the customs and all that?8 M- c5 H0 k) [
  Give me the luggage check and I’ll get your luggage for you./ t* D9 v( l9 A* v$ L
  We might as well rest here for a while. We’ve got to wait for our luggage to come out.
4 ?7 b: c( Y- o/ ^  Shall we go and get your things?
7 _: }6 e! o9 l  Will you point out your luggage to me?6 g. C: L2 ?$ h. Z) S
  Are you sure you’ve got everything with you?
# ?% X8 `6 D1 O. z3 V  We’re getting up a dinner party for you at seven tonight.
+ o8 U( Q+ T4 Y9 Y. D  If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be leaving you for now. Mr. Dickson will take you to your hotel and see to everything.
% y: }& [+ W) ?) z  i  We’ll call you up at about six for the reception.
, d2 \5 a0 Q+ K" r* u& X0 S  A minute ago I was not sure if I could still recognize you.4 _3 ?- Z' @# v$ u3 L
  We picked you out of the crowd as soon as you showed up.- [  [9 S  y) O- R# U, V( p
  We thought we’d have to go home without you.
& X6 l! g8 P& b' \- \6 V  I’m so pleased you could come.: o* ]6 A" l7 W: o
  We’ve been expecting you.5 N9 K4 D5 @7 u( F- w- s" G1 w
  From the Guest; C, {1 Y- I% N8 ]- s: K! B
  It’s been pleasant all the way.
! h6 z6 L: W, c. i  I thought I’d have to take a taxi to your place.
% m! j! L- i# ]; T+ ^  I didn’t expect to spend so much time with the Customs.
5 F9 c/ T  A5 Q. t  I’ll be all right tomorrow either for business or sightseeing.
" B4 F$ G) j" }$ ^1 @* D, L4 j  I’m already enjoying my stay here.! K3 r8 P- v9 i3 F: J" L1 s; D
  You did give me a surprise.! T' Y! @# N5 `( o- P* j
  It took me a few seconds to recognize you.  接客人  ^: ]; T9 d( Z+ g
$ r/ @+ Z4 w* H: C9 i1 e! N  我代表经理来接您。
* f: U$ |) _3 _: a" ~  旅途愉快吗?. {2 t" n/ n8 V3 M8 M
5 x1 a  A* j8 C* \* B+ a  见到您很高兴。5 \5 r) m3 N3 v# N, |+ K
  长途跋涉,人一定很累了吧。+ B* y, i1 k' ~( s& P( w
  我们一直在期待着您的到来。$ Z! _% U8 L0 p! [
/ n& v& _7 H" |' h4 z+ E  手续办完了吗?, Y: k; k7 f0 b8 O/ \0 x
: l% N% p: L( X  请您把行李单给我,我去替您取行李。0 Z- f1 y, [: I$ n& A
& u7 }! f. z, W! K  我们去取您的行李好吗?
; x1 v+ o+ O) s# k( x1 Y, k, J7 ?) g  给我指一下您的行李好吗?' r0 ~/ Z, h7 t; e- N6 I
  请检查一下行李是不是齐了。; o( r" h  |( d( m0 C. e
  今晚7点,我们为您接风洗尘。7 Y& m6 v1 S- {4 U( H; z
' S9 y& O; K. N2 T4 c, d  我们6点左右来接您参加招待会。
/ i* ~- r6 u$ Z, M5 e- p  刚才我还担心能不能认得出您来。
& m0 R( p8 s4 z0 F4 Q' H$ o* g: W  您在人群中一露面,我们就认出您来了。+ F- P  k% S- ?' f
  我们还以为接不到您,空手回家呢。4 Z- r: N3 ~) W
: G0 z& f% f* f! [# p3 ~) i  我们一直在等您。- {* X, N4 ?+ V1 J0 u
2 @; @( F. L* r4 |  一路上很愉快。0 d9 `5 i5 {: j. P: O6 Y- D% q7 l* G8 M
  我还以为得叫出租车去您那儿呢。9 i- E/ c" g$ }  O4 U$ i; N
  没想到过海关得用这么长时间。+ _6 Q2 B9 R  x% ?4 K& v
  明天我就会恢复了,谈公事,参观访问都可以。! {, |# K- W" j, m& z, h
  我已经喜欢上这儿了。3 y  Y, f' ~8 s7 L0 v8 I1 n( \4 g
  您真的让我没想到。3 H5 W! r9 F2 Y% S

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