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[考试辅导] RemittanceandCashingBusiness汇兑业务

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1  1) b4 ~' s9 A/ M7 Y  ^: Y5 @3 g- W
  A:May I help you?
4 b: S% Q/ i" G  V  B:Yes.I want to remit  500 RMB yuan in cash to my son in Beijing University.# j4 O: C* P; x1 k) O
  A:All right. Our bank provide “Remittance Express” for individuals. It is a kind of quick and convenient electronic remittance.
$ Q/ x- e4 O% K3 {+ ~  B:How long does it take?
' d) N( e1 q0 O; t  A:We’re sure that the remittance will arrive within 24 hours after you complete the slip.
! l+ G. o; e, q6 ~$ t  r  B:How much does it cost?
2 X0 h5 ^! F% w  A:The service commission is 1%.So you should pay 5 RMB yuan.
  Q) C" c. K! ?" h6 o6 E  B:All right.Here is the money.
4 p' y. m; A, R% v  A:Please fill in the remittance slip in triplicate.
% v5 L2 }4 L1 r) A- Z# t  B:Yes…,is that OK?
8 F) }" c) ]  X" A6 t  A:Let me see.Well…,please sign your name on it.
) t- j6 ^9 d* y6 M% ]1 M& r  B:OK.1 T0 p/ A1 u7 ]7 v
  A:This is your remittance receipt.
+ y8 B7 T% v% N2 `3 E  B:Thank you.  A:您需要什么服务吗?9 `4 ]0 F3 ]# M4 y  p  R+ W1 i
4 v# }$ _/ y* u/ M- @* b% u$ u/ j  A:好的。我行为您提供又快又方便的“汇款直通车”个人电子汇款业务。0 R- x7 O' d9 C! ?
  B:需要多长时间?# E) f8 n6 p" {3 @1 F
  A:我们保证汇款在您填好汇款单后24小时之内到达。9 `- I; Q+ r  ]
  B:费用是多少?6 `6 Q; V9 }  I1 \7 w1 m+ A
  A:手续费按汇款额的1%收取。所以您须付5元人民币。7 ]; I2 }+ ]7 Y  H
  B:好的。给您钱。" F6 F: d8 p3 W2 |
/ W: F, z; l7 H# Q4 B  B:行……,这样填可以吗?+ j6 H9 o- R" T4 e( i: @  ]. H
  A:让我看一看。嗯……,请您签名。2 Y1 w& ?& v- l2 m9 x- z# P- A
4 A5 F3 ^* P# R  A:这是您的汇款收据。
# Q: z& g! p' u' t$ i+ j0 H& C, l3 x  B:谢谢。
0 d1 s! O( F9 V" ]3 H5 {  2  2  ^# t+ t, L0 f6 ]4 r2 ?
  A:I want to remit some money to Shenzhen.: K( {+ O; q; [8 O/ Y. l* X7 X
  B:Do you have a current account with our bank?
; |5 K5 X6 ^, @- D/ i3 V  A:Yes,I have.
7 X( q2 ?4 S. t  U- J! x( s& k* {  B:Now we offer three kinds of quick and convenient remittance: account to account, cash to account or cash to individual, which do you prefer?
# f% q- M) T$ z  A:Account to individual.Can you send it there in a quicker way?
# h: k3 S1 {+ D9 Q0 U% H  B:If you choose urgent remittance,we’re sure that the money will be there within 2 hours .
" {, g7 W* [! Z: B  A:How much do you charge?" c- z' L8 H+ ~1 v, W" H2 w
  B:Except for the 1% of the handling fee, we charge you 11.70 RMB yuan of urgent telegram charges., {7 I& n8 z4 ]3 k+ x
  A:It’s all right.I hope to send it there in a quicker way.3 v" Y; [" ~, K. S" z
  B:I’ll handle it for you as soon as possible. It won’t  be  long.  A:我要汇些钱到深圳。
9 C5 I$ |$ E7 l  Z0 }  B:您在我行有活期账户吗?9 B& a' g% y# ~/ W3 h. O
" P7 E/ D) e" ~" E1 U2 u3 H. k1 J" Z  B:现在我行提供三种快捷方便的汇款业务,有账户到账户、现金到账户、现金到个人,您选哪一种?6 x& n- H( Q- h# k
4 f2 `+ c+ i% D  B:用加急汇款,我们保证两小时内可以到账。, ]5 A/ E. O* u& A7 e; g
  A:贵行是如何收费的?* d4 T2 e4 Q; m* c
7 [! B! H" @" H9 S# ~/ D  A:没关系。我希望尽快汇过去。
1 c9 m$ V2 A7 @0 M7 e! F1 A4 v" A  B:我尽快给您办。时间不会太长。- s+ d* Q5 m' d7 t6 l) `" w
  3  3
  d/ o  s9 L- `. T# ?/ o  A:Is there anything I can do for you?
6 P2 R3 V9 F/ p  W( I  B:Yes.I have got the remittance advice of your bank.. M/ p: C3 H( m6 \# r- w
  A:Let me take a look at it.4 Y! C/ a3 T  s+ v/ K8 h) g( M8 t. @
  B:Here it is.Mr White called me up on the phone about it half an hour ago.You see,I am here for the remittance.
" m# q# e7 g( G) k  A:20,000 RMB yuan sent by Mr. White from Shenzheng. Show me your passport,please.0 a$ I( ~# V' {4 R0 v" p5 i  |8 f( ]
  B:Here is my passport.0 D% d6 n; K: M% }* T' r
  A:Do you take cash or deposit it in our bank?
5 J1 u  S4 w+ a. I% V9 w! x  B:I’d like to draw 1,000 RMB yuan for my expenses and the rest to be deposited into my account in your bank.
( p- q% Y+ c- R$ K  A:OK.Here is your money with the receipt and your passport. Please check it.
' I+ c$ v# ^( _8 f7 k  B:Right.Thank you.  A:需要我为您做点儿什么吗?
. n. @9 t3 e5 j3 f# E2 y  B:是的。这是贵行的汇款通知单。
* b" V+ A% |: s7 J. N) j) B6 U  A:给我看一看。6 r, u9 n8 t) j0 q, H# g
1 Y4 C1 ^0 U% U4 n$ i3 ^  A:20,000元人民币,怀特先生从深圳汇出。请把您的护照给我看一下。% K+ U8 g4 ~  c% m! d) K/ S; `
  B:给您护照。! }, M7 U, c, C  {: w9 N
  A:您是取现金还是存在我行呢?2 e; i3 P7 Y# K, F; k( c
  B:我取1,000元人民币,以供日常开支,其余的钱存在我的账户上。* J0 q# j2 o" l9 @$ U, r
9 S9 N8 S' o4 T" f9 |; d1 r& O+ K  B:不错。谢谢。

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