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[考试辅导] 金融英语:ProgressPayment

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lin: Hello, this is Lin from A company. A week ago, we delivered some materials to your company, and these have been accepted. When will you pay us the progress payment?( ~1 B1 E$ u1 j2 H; e
  Liu: Have you submit the invoice? After we receive the invoice, and check with the contract department to verify the amount, we'll process payment.
4 D$ T! ~) z: F: H: _  林:你好,我是A公司的林先生。上个星期, 我们送了一批材料到贵公司,并且已经验收完毕。请问贵公司什么时候付给我们进度款?$ V4 x& {8 j, Z0 R  _" f2 P" i
  刘:你们已经把发票给我们公司了吗? 我们收到发票,并且和合同部都确认无误后,就会很快付款的。

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