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[考试辅导] 金融英语:工行牡丹卡(对话三)

发表于 2012-8-16 08:17:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  50 I/ w, l- ~! {% N  a6 t
  A:What benefits do the Peony Card have for corporate cardholder?% z: d, b4 T% {- }
  B:Agency receipt and payment saves the time of shopping and banking for staffs.' u. M4 z! O- h) r8 N
  A:Any other benefits?2 V) w5 ?$ n3 w/ K1 p" F
  B:Business trip allowances,medical expenses and other internal payments can all be completed through mutual transfer between the employee's and enterprise's Peony Card accounts.- h) R5 J# Z) I3 ~
  A:It's really a coagent in enterprise's finance.
  Q, Y! A% k1 w0 l1 a6 d  B:Moreover,it helps the corporate with instant settlement in or beyond the city,increasing the service efficiency of funds.
8 M) ^) _6 g# E3 e! X; k+ v2 Q& U  A:What special services they are!5 L' U1 `+ E7 t: ]4 g% w
  B:Our aim is to satisfy every customer's needs.
1 [; q) v, r6 }( ~, i6 Y, h  A:领用牡丹卡对单位有什么好处呢?
0 F. v9 ]' W$ l9 L) V3 w* N1 T( i  B:代理收付节约购物时间和跑银行的时间。
3 K* k2 j5 f4 F6 \  A:还有什么其它好处呢?
* f" ?# a1 Z- l2 S8 d6 V  B:将差旅费和医疗费用报销及其它内部缴纳工作,全部通过牡丹卡完成员工卡账户与 企业 卡账户间的相互转账。
* Z* @! |5 x3 b2 f+ E+ H  A:它真是企业财务的好帮手。
# K% ^- X) z& \  B:此外,它帮助单位在同城或异地实现即时清算,提高资金使用效率。6 H8 _4 D6 q3 s% U; D
3 D6 \$ b+ X7 Y( z# A  B:我们的服务宗旨就是满足每一位客户的需要。
+ k) _! F9 q$ D1 Q  67 U5 w- }  g" B$ c( Z, p9 q/ D
  A:Hello!I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank.! B: s. h, z0 F/ E
  B:Which do you prefer, a gold card or an ordinary card?- |, z& l3 c, @+ J  A. X% k
  A:Why!How's that?2 {3 i: d- ]* Y# _  e
  B:Well.According to the credit grade, the Peony Credit Card is distinguished as gold and ordinary cards.
4 c1 x3 [' i4 t" s  A:What special discount and service can people get for gold one?
- e  o/ {- p, F  B:You can get credit limit amounts ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 yuan for a gold card,but only up to 20,000 yuan for an ordinary one.
& l, S9 v0 Y* T  \3 h) [  A:What requirements do you need to get a gold one?/ {# u( R6 A, I* {/ s* B
  B:You may apply for a personal gold card if you have a salary of more than 2,000 yuan per month as in the same conditions as other applicants.$ T" Q: I/ a+ X9 H
  A:Oh.I will have a gold card.
) p% `! L# h0 m5 D2 T/ H  A:您好!我想办一张贵行的牡丹信用卡。: w; O2 t1 s+ L# q) ]9 N
  l1 B: p8 c/ ^+ X: g9 z) R0 n, ?  A:啊!这是怎么回事呢?( g1 Z, J" t" H; R. f9 K+ P: z! Y2 A
  w+ Z% ~# }0 f. h  A:金卡能得到什么优惠和特殊服务呢?" i/ A6 z: _( ~; E7 m: c
3 c; [. D1 w! ]! z! P6 c7 j  A:办金卡有什么规定吗?
2 l% P' f, h9 d* T" M2 z. z  B:在其他方面和别人条件一样的情况下,如果您月收入达到2,000元以上,就可以申领金卡。' }% K" s5 n' m' ^$ C$ d

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